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Sikhala Labels CCC MPs "Sellouts" Over Mnangagwa Farm Visit

2 months agoMon, 13 Jan 2025 12:18:18 GMT
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Sikhala Labels CCC MPs "Sellouts" Over Mnangagwa Farm Visit

Opposition politician Job Sikhala has criticized Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC) Members of Parliament who visited President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Pricabe Farm in Kwekwe on Sunday, accusing them of being “planted” by ZANU PF rather than genuine opposition members.

Ziyambi Ziyambi, the Leader of Government Business in Parliament and Minister of Justice, Legal, and Parliamentary Affairs, was quoted as saying that legislators from both houses had requested the tour to learn about the agricultural activities at the farm, and Mnangagwa had agreed to their request.

Among the opposition parliamentarians who attended the event were CCC’s self-imposed interim secretary-general Sengezo Tshabangu, Thokozani Khupe, Bridget Nyandoro, Kucaca Phulu, Susan Matsunga, Nonhlanhla Mlotshwa, Juliana Makuvire, Charles Moyo, Maxwell Mdhluli, Samukeliso Maseko, and Otilia Sibanda.

In a post on X, Sikhala, a former Member of Parliament, accused Tshabangu and his colleagues of being sellouts, claiming they were supporting Mnangagwa’s efforts to extend his rule beyond the current 10-year limit.  Said Sikhala:

The Precabe Farm visitors are never opposition members. They are planted puppets whose agenda is to advance the nefarious agenda of 2030.

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They are comfortable with the sellout deal as long as they will be eating. Eating with selling out are allies.

On and at the expense of the masses, they will appear before their master pretending to be representing the people when their agenda is just eating. As long as their stomachs are full, the masses can go to hell.

It is now time when the electorate who these people pretend to represent ask them questions of whose interest they were representing at Precabe Farm.

The legitimate owners of power are the masses. They have got the right to question those who purport to represent them!

Jameson Timba, the leader of a CCC faction, criticised Mnangagwa, who is the current SADC chairman, for hosting the event instead of focusing on challenges affecting the country and the region.

In a functioning democracy with a responsible leadership the Kwekwe farm visit would not have taken place to discuss a stupid agenda such as the so called 2030 Agenda when both the country was reeling under economic and social challenges and the region’s economic and political stability is under threat because of a disputed electoral outcome in Mozambique.

Mnangagwa has in the past said he is a constitutionalist and wants to rest when his term ends in 2028 despite manoeuvres in ZANU PF to extend his stay.

The party’s people’s conference last year endorsed plans to extend his tenure and he has not called to order those calling for an extension to his reign.

More: Pindula News



MDC 99 · 2 months ago
vakadzi avo chenjerai kutsvaga zvikomba ,kutaimira varume vevanhu hapana zvimwe
Anonymous · 2 months ago
Musazvinetse zvenyu vane mapurazii ava, vanoda kudzidza kurima. Imi munezvimunda zvemu harare muma wetlands hamuna basa chenyu kuvho chete chete. Come 2030 asinakuvhota aharimi mutown isu tiri kumapurazi 400hectares. Iwe election warrior uchirima 2sqmeters. Wakaramba kutora purazi zvino isu taakutotengesa mamwe.
HiLLBiLLIES VOLkSWAGEN 0774857233 · 2 months ago
dottt · 2 months ago
pama mps ose akaenda ku farm vangani vasiri mandevele wega ona gay mandeks selling vanoigonesa
Xx · 2 months ago
Yesteryear politicians nguva yavo yaka expire vakungo vukura
Anonymous · 2 months ago
Pasi na Conman tshbangu and zanu agent thokozanu pasi navo, pasi nevanhu vasina kuvhoterwa , pasi nevhu vanoshandiswa nezanu
Boss · 2 months ago
Vatengesi avo ndozvavari
Lego · 2 months ago
sell outs
Anonymous · 2 months ago
Tschabhangu was never a opposition was planted to distroy opposition, now thokozanu is now showing up since the mission is now complete, this are agents,
mubobobo · 2 months ago
anowanikwepiko Toko timupemwana
George Chamba · 2 months ago
Tokozanu anonzwa nyereyakaipa apa imvura chete
dread welly · 2 months ago
vakomana fambai negwara rimwe
Human Heart · 2 months ago
Just for interest's sake, Madam Thokozani Khupe, how many times have you betrayed the people of Zimbabwe's revolution? Even on your deathbed.
Tambaoga · 2 months ago
Famba Nero
SCER · 2 months ago
Tshabangu is not an opposition member only ediots call him an opposition member
Antman · 2 months ago
Tshabangu was recently hospitalised and was visited by ED and Khuphe had cancer and was healed on ED ticket so I don't blame them
BobMany · 2 months ago
cde razor wire · 2 months ago
ana sikhala avo vakungoukura havana kana vision akapinda kuoppossition chiii chavari kuita kunze kokungoti tikuda kuratidzira ivo votizira Zambia ivo vourayisa vanhu. Sikhala i**** chairo ngaanyarare tshabhangu arinani nokuti tikutomunzwa ko iye arikutaura arimuchibage
Anonymous · 2 months ago
Okay mbava tshabhangu arinani akavhoterwa nani, agents pretending to be opposition, reducing Zimbabwe to a tack shop, this tshbangu clan and tokozani fraud needs to be jailed, zanu agent pretending to be opposition
Anonymous · 2 months ago
We must be very careful with mnangagwa on constitutionalist meaning if masses say he should be there until 2030 he will go for it. He never said he will leave in 2028 but instead he said he's a constitutionalits meaning he will follow what zanupf says
𝕮𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖉 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖐 · 2 months ago
The onus is upon Zimbabweans to chose a leader of their own choice not Zanu pf, 2030 anenge aripo muZanu pf yemadununu kwete ya Chiwenga. The deep state won't tolerate this nonsense as well
Anonymous · 2 months ago
He said he will leave. Don't lie
😅 · 2 months ago
Matebeleland yoooo **** ups
Patz · 2 months ago
Regai Nero asarende akatozviona kuti CCC yazara maZanu
Jack Madondo · 2 months ago
dok25 · 2 months ago
By being parasites on the president and the ruling party, those so called opposition parliamentarians are fighting for their own parliamentary terms to be extended by avoiding elections they know they will lose as they did not get into their present positions through an election
hwakwata · 2 months ago
vana Kupe ava ndozvavari. I don't know how she manages to work her way into each and every opposition formed
Black Mambazo · 2 months ago
yes true sikhala ari kutaura chokwadi
𝕮𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖉 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖐 · 2 months ago
These people are not sellouts but Zanu pf zealots masquerading as the opposition to hoodwink the masses.
Oncemore · 2 months ago
Sikhala is a sellout for visiting abroad preaching toxic messages about Zimbabwe on foreign countries
𝕮𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖉 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖐 · 2 months ago
Zanu pf is not Zimbabwe
Anonymous · 2 months ago
Ibvapo unenge wadhkwa nemutoriro siyana najojo zva tshbangu wakanganwa akavhoterwa nani mbava dzinorarama ne propaganda
Zvins Nation · 2 months ago
All the opposition Precabe Farm Visitors must be given death sentences
laugh emoji1
Vic Venom · 2 months ago
As usual the disgruntled and rogue elements of our political arena have to come up with incendiary comments to try and remain relevant in the fast paced arena that is politics... Job is not the moral compass of the nation and thus has no ground to label anyone with derogatory terms like "sellout".... Zimbabwe is moving away from partisan standpoints as these have been shown to halt the economic renaissance.... Sikhala should do us all a favor and crawl back to his foxhole along with his unwanted opinions..You are yesterday's man Sikhala hence why you were not invited...Your brand of politics has been relegated to the dustbins of history....Rant over sanity restored
puloo · 2 months ago
vamugey murikutiiko
laugh emoji1
walle · 2 months ago
gh · 2 months ago
Vic venom taura zvine sense but pane tukava turinkuhukura utwo twuva puloo nekako walle why do you act As if you did not heard what Vic said ,mukandionerawo sikhala muti hanzi neni uri mupurwa wemunhu

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