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Clive Malunga Accuses Mnangagwa Of Attempting To Establish A Dynasty In Zimbabwe

2 months agoMon, 23 Dec 2024 08:36:02 GMT
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Clive Malunga Accuses Mnangagwa Of Attempting To Establish A Dynasty In Zimbabwe

Veteran musician Clive Malunga has strongly criticized President Emmerson Mnangagwa for allegedly seeking to extend his second term to 2030 instead of 2028, as stipulated by the current Constitution.

Mnangagwa has repeatedly stated that he has no desire to go beyond two terms, but critics have scoffed at his assertions.

They point out that his close allies in ZANU PF are pushing for a term extension, and he has not ordered them to stop, which has been interpreted as him encouraging their efforts.

In a video that has gained widespread attention, Malunga, a war veteran, reminded Mnangagwa that he is human and not divine. Said Malunga:

VaMnangagwa 2030 havaisvike. Kana vakaita zvekutamba 2030 havaisvike. Sei ndirikudaro nekuti vaMnangagwa havasi Mwari. (Mnangagwa will not reach 2030. If he is not careful, he will not reach 2030. Why am I saying this? Because Mnangagwa is not God.)

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In a subsequent post on his X account, Malunga refuted the claim frequently made by Mnangagwa’s supporters, including corrupt religious leaders, that his presidency was divinely ordained. Wrote Malunga:

Yes, I clearly said it, Mnangagwa won’t see 2030 or even 2026 because he isn’t God and he wasn’t appointed by God to be President of Zimbabwe.

In fact, Mnangagwa is a useless coward, I’ve nothing to fear and here is me, Zimbabwe is boiling whilst he’s busy creating his dynasty, to hell.

In a veiled criticism of Malunga, Ministry of Information Permanent Secretary Ndavaningi Mangwana referred to the musician as “washed-up.” He said:

We have had our fair share of washed-up musicians. Some have had their prime. While others never even had a prime. Some tried to revive their careers by joining a Ruling Party faction. They joined the wrong one which lost contestation for power and now given to intermittent rants. Who is it?

According to, this is not the first time Malunga has drawn attention for his outspoken views.

In 2022, he denounced Mnangagwa’s administration as corrupt, retrogressive, and selfish. He criticized the president’s lavish trips abroad, challenging him to cultivate the same favourable conditions in Zimbabwe that he admires in other countries.

More: Pindula News



Joza · 2 months ago
Malunga's works of charity are there for everyone to see. He shares the little he has with those impoverished by ED. ED who has the mandate to improve livelihoods of the people is on national looting steroids.
Watch dog · 2 months ago
Clive Malunga is a washed away musician, he has no any lyrics in his head, why is he criticising a leader who has been chosen through electoral process.?
gweja nyumwawo · 2 months ago
ndosaka usina data **** remunhu
Sir African · 1 month ago
@ Watch dog.Indeed you are a cus.The election you refer to was just a sham.In fact it was not an election but just a useless motion which in the end reward those who had not contested in the motion.
Joe Brownn · 2 months ago
Clive is seeing what every Zimbabwe is seeing, Mnangagwa has no solution to Zimbabwe's woes.
Brother of brother · 2 months ago
They have played many matches before now its bathing time storyline of the game, where one has missed, how, these a points of correction
Anonymous · 2 months ago
Trabablas Guardian of ZANU PF FAITH · 2 months ago
mozoita zvamunodawo kana mave kutongawo itii eke kuno endai Ku opposition uko ana malunga
Anonymous · 2 months ago
Tongaiwo kana muchigona isu veMsvingo tiri Pampanga, makaranga, vegbo, vezhira, hazvisi zvehondo Hezbhola izvi , kuvhoterwa nevanogutsikana nesu. Vhoterwaio nokutuka kwenyu ikoko isu tichingotonga. Chaba chatted pfee mupaliament, 2027 tomupa Hu Deputy minister for 2 months imi muchinwa sewage. Wezhira achinwa spring from SA, Valpre.kkk
king · 2 months ago
Hauna kumbonzwa ndichituka commender in chief
Mhofu · 2 months ago
Inzwawo godzwa iri, saka iye Malunga ndiye Mwari here anoziva kuti Mnangagwa anofa riinhi
Avo · 2 months ago
Zanu cowards , self fish , think they are above everything yet they have destroy Zimbabwe mbava idzi that's why they want to be in power by force
king · 2 months ago
KO vanongotuka vamwe mune hupfumi hwakanyanyodini vakatorwira nyika varuzvona kuti pane zvisiri kufamba mushe iwe muborn free usina kana chinhu wototukao zvanzi karudhiya chimbotengera mai vako ma tenesi ne ferlizer wozo commenter uchishora hauna kana chinhu rombe simba rako riri pa muromo se pinjisi
Trabablas the Greatest · 2 months ago
rangu riri pakusapota vaMnangagwa Trabablas manje nesango newe makutamba botso dzokai kuvanhu Ku ZANU PF inotungamirirwa nava Mnangagwa ndivo vakasarudzwa mumazuva auri kurarama nekarudhiya ako Kari kutamba botso nesango Kari kungwavaira sezvi porridge zvema purasitiki zviri kugadziriswa cobra pasi pebhiriji kumatapi kuMbare
Iwe · 2 months ago
Mavaona team mutoriro vanona Zimbabwe yatisirikuona zanu is cancer to Zimbabwe kana mazogara
👀👀 · 2 months ago
chokwadi chemahara,mnangagwa akangwara ,anopusha vaanonokorera kt vamukuze kt arambe aripo
at trabablas the stup.idest · 2 months ago
stop showing your here. urikutonga iwe Nani karombe kemunhu go find a life ediot pengera pa pindula akuunze hupgu kumba
Trabablas the Greatest · 2 months ago
mwana wenyoka ndidzikamire iyewe pombi yadonha ukurwei ne**** yako iyoyi dzikamai nyika itungamirirwe nava Mnangagwa ndivo vakasarudzwa mumazuva auri kurarama nekarudhiya ako Kari kutamba botso nesango Kari kungwavaira sezvi porridge zvema purasitiki zviri kugadziriswa porridge pasi pebhiriji
Ding Dong · 2 months ago
gore raunofawo ndorinofa ED Saka hapana hapana chedu
Duma Dako · 2 months ago
Mangwana always utter poison from his mouth he think kuti iye ahapere life can change anytime iyezvino tine vamwe vakanakigwa nguva yaGushungo varikurwera rute varikunze uko vakushaya kuti vodzoka sei zvimwe chete zvo zvogona kuitika kwaari.Ipolitics idzi ndedzekutsigira wakavhura maziso ose haikona zvake zvikuda kuonererwa
Sir Weaksnail 🐌 · 2 months ago
Malunga is a man of integrity if only we had men like him in gvt not these bootlicking ediots
coni · 2 months ago
useless coward apa pandibata apa infact it's true though
Trabablas the Greatest · 2 months ago
karudhiya ngakanyarare ako kuimba nesango hakuunzi hupfu Mumba mako nyarara wakura hausisiri mfanha wave bvanha iwe. iwe bvanhaaaa
@Ton · 2 months ago
U r just a piece of **** ****, when someone is putting his word out for better things for the whole of Zim u stone him. How can we go forward when isu the citizens don't stand up for a brother or sister. Some comments he made separated him from boys to be a man. U need to think not just for urself but for others too. Don't think that now that ur things r going well if they're, they will return the favor to ur kids too. Think about the future
Trabablas the Greatest · 2 months ago
vukurai imi itiyi tshwi tshwi imi vana vemakonzo isu tichitonga tigotonga kusvika madhongi amera nyanga
Baba Jukwa · 2 months ago
you hypocrite shut your mouth.
Trabablas the Greatest · 2 months ago
kkkkk nyararisa iwe povho isina rank kumusangano manje ini handizi Ku commissariat ye ZANU PF nditori guardian of the ZANU PF faith urikunzwa iwe povho handipanduke zvamuchose ndiri ZANU PF forever
Trabablas the Greatest · 2 months ago
kapovho urisei
..... · 2 months ago
i support u .malaunga
Ediots · 2 months ago
Mangwana is one of them ediots i always talk about. zanu pf is busy telling the world that there are no factioms in zanu and here he is exposing that malunga joined a faction that is currently losing
🏳️‍🌈DopeShit🏳️‍🌈 · 2 months ago
cooked bravery
Anonymous · 2 months ago
@DopeShit **** are certified cowards, with useless population majority numbers. That is why the ZANU Gukurawundi party still survives to this day. If Mthwakazi had the Shona numbers, and were the majority in Harare, ZANU would have long been history.

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