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Mnangagwa Unveils Land Tenure Policy Granting Titles To Land Reform Beneficiaries

2 months agoSat, 21 Dec 2024 05:20:36 GMT
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Mnangagwa Unveils Land Tenure Policy Granting Titles To Land Reform Beneficiaries

President Emmerson Mnangagwa on Friday launched the Land Tenure Implementation Programme, a new policy that allows beneficiaries of the land reform programme to sell their land as well as use it as collateral to borrow from banks.

This represents a major change in Zimbabwe’s land policy, as previously resettled farmers were not allowed to transfer ownership.

However, land can only be sold or transferred to “indigenous Zimbabweans” (black Zimbabweans) and will require government approval.

The land reform, which began in 2000 under former President Robert Mugabe, saw tens of thousands of black Zimbabweans take over white-owned farms.
The reform aimed to correct colonial-era land imbalances, but the new farmers were not allowed to sell or transfer land, which was considered state property.

This made it difficult for them to access bank loans, as they couldn’t use their land as collateral.

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At a ceremony on his Pricabe Farm near Kwekwe, Mnangagwa and a few farmers received title deeds for their land.

He said that the new policy would help “unlock the value” of the land, making it both “bankable and transferable.” Said Mnangagwa:

Land tenure security is critically important to Zimbabwe’s economic growth and development.

It encourages investment, improves agricultural production and productivity, and lifts many out of poverty into prosperity.

… the importance of more secure, bankable and transferable land tenure cannot be overstated. Such a tenure document is the ultimate empowerment tool for our farmers, especially war veterans and their children.

The title deed, which my Government has developed for issuance to farmers, will preserve security and spur investment for accelerated livelihoods’ upliftment and economic development.

My administration has, therefore, made a bold decision to empower the beneficiaries of the Land Reform Programme by giving them tenure that will unlock the value of our land, allowing it to be used as collateral.

Mnangagwa also announced a Land Tenure Technical Committee chaired by controversial businessman, Kudakwashe Tagwirei, to spearhead the process for other resettled black farmers.

Posting on X, former Harare East MP, Norman “Rusty” Markham, said:

For the avoidance of doubt and the sake of clarity, KUDA in charge of the land tenure committee follows after abusing ZESA to a standstill from the Dema project, Kuvimba and MUTAPA shenanigans now controlled, now only the land left.

More: Pindula News



Pamela · 2 months ago
une rima kusina mvura here unoti hatigone kurima heremuchaguta na ED wenyu uyo
yess · 2 months ago
ED huchi dakutonotora **** ndchinyatsorima zvinemutsindo
Rody · 2 months ago
Vene vemuroriro mavaona vanona Zimbabwe yatisingaone, kana uchiti huchi zvinorevei, Zimbabwe reduced to burgers hakuna kurikuendwa propaganda will destroy Zimbabwe
Mr **** · 2 months ago
Pamberi na ED
Free King · 2 months ago
Mha::ta yemunhu
Reality · 2 months ago
It wont work. How can a back accept collateral for land that it cant dispose of in a free market. Hanzi first preference ma war vet, vana tsuro zvavo vajaira zvemahara. In truth the land is now as valueless as kumaruzevha.
Reality · 2 months ago
back = bank
Mrambwi · 2 months ago
Ko isuwo takazvarwa hondo yapera,minda rinokwanavo cy.Tipeiwo nzvimbo mu mapurazi asina vanhu kana kutora kune vane akawanda.Tingataura zvema deeds tisina minda yacho
Black-Scorpion · 2 months ago
nonsense vakamakatorera land vaitokwanisa kuishandisa, nyika yaisafa mava nayo land yachoo but nyika inorarama nemaDonations ....dai makavasiya vachena ava nhamo dzese dzatinadzo senyika idziii dzisipo nhasi.. Look at RSA everything is going well kwavo uko because 80% of the is owned by vachena and nyika yavo haitaure zvenzara kana kurarama nemaDonations...!!! Land that,Land this, Land!! Land!!!... ungachemera 200hacters dzeland iwe unemadonkey chete unotii ungaitei nayoo...!!!
KWACHU · 2 months ago
Say it again, land must remain for state only, generations to come will fight in order to get land like the Bokoharam.To muono wekumberi vana veZimba.
Black-Scorpion · 2 months ago
yeah true that, nekutiii new generation iyi haisi kuzowana land even vakarwa hondo chaivo chaivo havana land yavakawana only the elites ndivo vakawanda mapurazii acho avasingagone kushandisa on top of that..
Black-Scorpion · 2 months ago
yaaah that's the truth
progress · 2 months ago
kutyaaa kudzingwaa mindaa yevanhu ukooo
KWACHU · 2 months ago
Issue yeland will haunt Zimbabwe as time rolls on.
dok25 · 2 months ago
Are they saying that land can only be sold to indigenous black Zimbabweans, or will a bank be allowed to sell to anyone the land repossessed after a farmer defaults on a ****? Also, how far is the Epworth title deeds allocation?

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