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In A Year Of Drought, Mthuli Ncube Pampers MPs With Stands, Cars, And Increased CDF

2 months agoThu, 19 Dec 2024 11:48:52 GMT
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In A Year Of Drought, Mthuli Ncube Pampers MPs With Stands, Cars, And Increased CDF

Pressure from Members of Parliament has led Zimbabwe’s Minister of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment Promotion, Mthuli Ncube, to announce increases in funding for lawmakers, reported ZimLive.

In response to their demands, Ncube has doubled the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) allocation and pledged to purchase more vehicles for MPs.

Originally, Ncube allocated ZiG1.7 billion for Parliament in his budget statement presented on November 28. However, following parliamentary pressure, he raised this amount by an additional ZiG1 billion.

During the debate on his 2025 budget on Wednesday, Ncube explained that financing the added costs required tapping into “back pocket funds.”

Some of the specific requests from MPs included more vehicles for parliamentary committee chairpersons, allowances for staff, residential stands for lawmakers, the clearance of CDF arrears, as well as increased sitting, fuel, and foreign allowances.

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To meet these demands, Ncube allocated approximately US$120 million for staff salaries, ZiG250 million for additional cars for MPs, ZiG378 million for clearing CDF arrears, ZiG72 million for MPs’ fuel allowances, ZiG50 million for domestic and foreign allowances, and another ZiG50 million for lawmakers’ offices and tools of trade.

Additionally, Ncube doubled the CDF allocation to US$100,000 per constituency for the country’s 210 constituencies and set aside funds to purchase buses for transporting parliamentary staff. He said:

What we did not do is in a sense we can see that it is an area of pressure and we need some back pocket to approve what they were proposing but to make provision for it because within our budget to cater for additional motor vehicles.

Now let me go back and say that for the CDF and clearance of tools of trade and office equipment for staff and MPs, I am proposing an additional ZiG72 million.

To support additional motor vehicle requirements which is a tool of trade, I am proposing an additional ZiG50 million.

For MPs’ fuel requirements, I am proposing an additional budget of ZiG378 million.

I am proposing a back pocket for parliament of ZiG200 million and an additional ZiG50 million for the constituency offices and other tools of the trade ZiG250 million.

For domestic and foreign allowances, I am proposing ZiG 50 million.

Ncube said that the issue of residential stands for parliamentary staff is still under consideration and being addressed by the Ministry of Local Government.

More: Pindula News



Marc Gee · 2 months ago
An absolutely ridiculous action by Ncube
Xx · 2 months ago
Don't call others ignorant when they make a comment when you also write nonsense
Mandebvu · 2 months ago
Rangarirai povho
Patz · 2 months ago
Ko ma housing ****s aya maUsd40000 sei vasina kutenga mastands kana vachida mastands. · 2 months ago
civil servants havasati vawana mari. mabsa hakuna .bhazi rinonzi Zimbabwe rakatofa bt vakuru varimo voputika matumbu nokudya. Zvamaronga zvinofadza ende zvinotaridza kti zvinhu zvirikuendeka pamberi newe wapa mari yakawanda
Khan · 2 months ago
Sanctions.. In a way the zw gvt is acknowledging that the west is powerful. With our so called all weather friends why are we suffering.. Let's do our business with the Russia, China and their lot then. Please spare us the San tons rhetoric We are just shooting ourselves in the foot. Last month joji said the gvt should cut its expenditure yet here we are creating a supplementary budget to please the greedy lot of MPs. From which back pocket are we going to get mari isipo. Printing more zwg of course thereby fuelling inflation.I'm sure you what comes after inflation rises. Apa ma civil servants havasati apihwa pay. Why coz the country is broke. Why with all those minerals.. coz of corruption. do not believe the hype that sanctions are destroying Zimbabwe. They are not. Maladministration is...its the super patriots and morons who are killing the country dear Cde. They feel kuti kana vatsiurwa vatukwa. Zviri pa chenab zvakadai. You only need to look around you to how this country has been taken backwards. No zesa no water no jobs for the youth no food no drugs muma clinics.....NO CLEAR VISION NO FUTURE.
Ninja · 2 months ago
Inga during compaign vanhu vakapuwa chicken inn wani, ma MP vopiwawo mota idzo nezvese chakaipa chii muchasvinura henyu hamusati vana vembwa havasvinure musi umwechete
Anonymous · 2 months ago
Wagona mthuli
Genarari · 2 months ago
ED 2030 gaining momentum
Black forest · 2 months ago
All Mps fighting to have a seat at the feeding trough ,no representation to people but personel agrindisement
Anonymous · 2 months ago
Cube agonesa apa 100%. Wochizvibvunza kuti pawairova vanhu iwe wakawanei? Pawakapisira neighbour's wako imba wakawanei? Uri roja Mp anedzimba 10 apiwa internet stand pasingaputswi. Iwe pawakapihwa ndepechipatara wakaputsirwa kare. Kuimba nokuuraya ndozvaunogona isu ma MP tichimora huchi. ED pfee kwete tupati twenty utu, purazi sauna futi. Kwanai imi.
WIre · 2 months ago
Hoo ndosaka waida kuita MP kuCowdry Park nhai
skye · 2 months ago
at 1 tym Mugabe complained about $150 yaibhadharwa ma civil servants na Tendai biti achitiwo ndo yaari kuhora and things were running smooth. ma allowances ema officials ndo akuuraya nyika.Nyika inoita 6-7years ichivaka flyover 1 moti tikuimdepi .Saka kana Biti asina ma sanctions ngaatonge taneta nenyaya yema sanctions. Ma2k vazvarwirwa mu noise yema sanctions vachasvik paku chembera tichiudzwa nyaya dzisina basa nesu chatakuda senyika kuenda mberi pasi neven****wondo
Focus · 2 months ago
Yaa inyaya yakanaka chose but fact iripo why Mthuli Ncube achitadzawo kuvhura meso pamwe nemaPoliticians avo vaisa zvavo mari iyi kuFood Aid since there is a promising drought due to the El Nino(changing of weather patterns) other than to squander the money whilst the nation is suffering from hunger.Moreover the nations which are donating for food aid are looking muchiita zvinhu zvisina kana rubatsiro to the nation vanosvikawo pakutiza nemari dzavo imi muchitambisa mari instead of buying Food for the relief of hunger,ngavaoneswe vanhu avo vasina vanhu pamoyo
Anonymous · 2 months ago
MPs are given $40 000 as ****s, but still cant organise their lives. And you expect to develop?
Jah🇿🇼Tsvarie-07 · 2 months ago
The Nation also need to build more dams in cities coz of the growing population to farm water...
Noob · 2 months ago
If we're failures why put us under sanctions??? They know we can hit the ground running without sanctions.The sad reality is that our brothers are happy to see sanctions extended.Why was Biti an effecient minister at managing money - where did that money come from (they make you look good) & where did that money go after GNU? Its on record that Biti returned all the money when GNU was ending.Don't be another Libya Zimbabwe & don't be another Iraq. They make us hate our leaders. Do you think the British would call sanctions on their country??? Think please think
Eff Off Noob · 2 months ago
pliz go and play in comments section of the Herald, maybe guys there will agree with you .. kkk. who is "us" under sanctions? oh you mean targeted sanctions against a few corrupt zanoid ediot individuals, those sanctions ? those are good sanctions, and there are no sanctions on Zimbabwe .. maybe you are confusing zanu pf with Zimbabwe ? our "leaders" make us hate them all by themselves, we dont need anybody's help in making us hate these zanoid ediot rulers.. take your nonsense elsewhere you bootlicking ediot...
laugh emoji1
Corruptmore Looto · 2 months ago
You clearly don't know what you talking about, only ignorant people think that sanctions are the main cause of our economic suffering. A very good example is the Rhodesian regime which faired pretty well despite being under a UN embargo not these targeted sanctions. Biti was effecient because he didn't spend more than what the state could afford, why because there was no ZiG, Bond or RTGS to print and cover the budget deficit thereby fuelling inflation. As with the western aid, Zanu PF also got a lot of it when Mugabe was the West's blue eyed boy but I don't see you complaining about that but it's wrong if the opposition gets it. We are not fools who are easily influenced by the West, I myself have a number of things I don't see eye to eye with the West such but when it comes to Zimbabwe they are absolutely spot on. If Zimbabwe becomes another Libya or Iraq the blame will be squarely on Zanu PF not anyone else.
Meda Online · 2 months ago
Whom do you blame bro? He who blames everybody will go nowhere. He who blames himself is half the journey. He who blames nobody is about to arrive.
Bvoricho Bvoricho · 2 months ago
@Noob, please visit the nearest mental asylum, urgently.
laugh emoji1
Anonymous · 2 months ago
From a "Jewel of Africa" to a basket case of the world caused by corruption/looting, mismanagement, incompetence and lacking progressive development directions..
The naked truth · 2 months ago
No matter how much certain individuals want to sanitize our glaring failures the truth is that we are a failed nation.We have nothing to show for our 44 years of the so called independence.Public hospitals have no medication.We continue to rely on unreliable and obsolete medical equipment.Health staff moral is at lowest ebb.We no longer have a viable public transport system.Industries are failing to meet demand due to perennial power shortages.The education sector has been badly affected with teachers ruing the day they joined the profession.
Noob · 2 months ago
If we're failures why put us under sanctions??? They know we can hit the ground running without sanctions.The sad reality is that our brothers are happy to see sanctions extended.Why was Biti an effecient minister at managing money - where did that money come from (they make you look good) & where did that money go after GNU? Its on record that Biti returned all the money when GNU was ending.Don't be another Libya Zimbabwe & don't be another Iraq. They make us hate our leaders. Do you think the British would call sanctions on their country??? Think please think
Black-Scorpion · 2 months ago
in addition, we failed even to feed ourselves, we depends on donations for survival...
Noob · 2 months ago
You don't see what Mthuli is doing.In that position you won't be able to sustain this country for a whole day - you wouldn't. Heeee look at Zambia - fool they can BORROW to World Bank - we cant.You dont just say useless things without research - why are you not able to buy data & are still using Pindula - I'm not also able to buy data I only have WhatsApp bundles.We are in this position because of our fellow kith & kin - do proper research (kith & Kin = Citizens). One question why was Mthuli Ncube at World Bank as Vice President if he is a failure? Think usashandise tsapfu kufunga do your research
world bank? when? lies... · 2 months ago
He was at World Bank? Ncube was the Chief Economist and Vice President of the African Development Bank (AfDB)
Sir Weaksnail 🐌 · 2 months ago
shut up you noob ediot coming here trying to justify buying cars whilst people are hungry
Sam · 2 months ago
Ibvapo mbavha dzevanhu self fish cowards since 1980 taking people for grantege
Pombi yadonha · 2 months ago
That the final result which show wr we are coming from n wr we are going as well, hapana zvinoziikanwa apa naMutuvi uyu, haaa Iwo mutuvi wakazomboona uchidyiwa here, unowanzopiwa imbwa dzodya. How come in a situation like this u can find someone like this using money in useless things like this, in this country with struggling people. A 20kg of maize is costing 10 to 15 USD in the whole country, vanhu vari kurara nenzara mudzimba umu. MaLuxurious vehicles achingotengwa kasingaperi., majority ichitambura. nxaaaaa nonsense zvimbasungata
Black-Scorpion · 2 months ago
go paruzevha people are eating sadza rewheat 🌾
Mthuli Ncube · 2 months ago
we are just people
lolo · 2 months ago
kkkkk pasi kutanga newewe iwewe pasi newe cos ndiwe mumwe wema comments acho iwewe so nyarara kt zii zvavo
Duma Dako · 2 months ago
Wangu Torerayi Ngidhi wagara bho
Mp · 2 months ago
heee hee isu manje ma MP imi mapindula dololo us 5000 yeku ketsha ku ma avenues heeee pamberi na mtuli pasi NEMA pindula comments
Noob · 2 months ago
$5000 woita pema$5 - MP zvavanokutii honorable wani pema$5 hapachaite ko mukanofira kwema $5.PaNews vanoti chii nhai indava muchida kushoresa gvt 😂😂😂

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