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Biti Says Mutapa Fund Used For Secretive Privatisation Of Parastatals

2 months agoTue, 17 Dec 2024 08:04:45 GMT
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Biti Says Mutapa Fund Used For Secretive Privatisation Of Parastatals

Former Finance Minister Tendai Biti says the Mutapa Investment Fund (MIF), previously known as the Sovereign Wealth Fund of Zimbabwe, has been used to covertly privatize the country’s most important parastatals.

The MIF is a state-owned investment fund established to manage and invest surplus funds generated from Zimbabwe’s natural resources.

Created through the Sovereign Wealth Fund Act in 2014, it was renamed in 2023 via Statutory Instrument 156.

The fund manages assets from various state-owned enterprises, including NetOne, National Railways of Zimbabwe, Air Zimbabwe, TelOne, and others.

Biti criticized the “privatization” of these parastatals, saying it was carried out without proper valuations or parliamentary oversight. Below are Biti’s comments on the MIF:

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The Mutapa Fund has essentially been a back door privatization of 40 or so of the country’s biggest and most important parastatals that include Hwange, NRZ, IDC and NetOne.

The process was done without individual valuations of the different parastatals and parliamentary scrutiny.

The Mutapa Fund now controls a huge chunk of the country’s balance sheet and yet it is not accountable to Parliament or a line ministry.

It is a huge Asset Management Fund, privately controlled, yet it houses State Assets. This kind of arbitrage and theft is a national threat.

The repeal of section 22 of the Sovereign Wealth Fund Act which prevents the Mutapa Fund from securitising the shares of parastatals it now controls is proof of arbitrage on steroids.

This regime has no limits, nor elasticity, no shame. The Mutapa Fund and those who control it are a national threat to the country’s sovereignty.

A country can’t be run on the philosophy and polity of looting for the sake of looting. The class of 2017 is a cabal, a ruthless brood whose only interest is to loot Zimbabwe dry. Self-respecting decent wananchi should say NO.

More: Pindula News



do4 · 2 months ago
....but the guy is correct 💯.
Xx · 2 months ago
Mr Know it all zorora uri Kuma terrace,kana kuti mutsiridza PDP zvimwe kana wakutonga tozoonawo kuti unodii
Silungisani Ndlovu · 2 months ago
Tendai Biti you have never, never had a good comment on the Zimbabwean Government's progress...Why can't you rekindle your PDP Party to become the Ruling Party in Zimbabwe...You are now biting the dust
Ndaitwa!! · 2 months ago
ufuna agide aqakezele amasela? Pho ke SILUNGISANI nxa sidefender amasela
Jah🇿🇼Tsvarie-07 · 2 months ago
Biting biti bites the dust, happiness comes to you if it comes from you...
𝗕𝗮𝗹𝘁𝗮𝘇𝗮𝗿 𝗘𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝗷𝗻𝗿 399 · 2 months ago
biti is part of the looting club he gave. them. his blessings with. his tshabangu guy
Ediots · 2 months ago
Assad only understands a bullet in the brain
I · 2 months ago
These imperialists masquerading as Zimbabwe's leaders have only one mission that is to loot this country dry and deposit their ill-gotten wealth in china, Russia, Sweden, America and other countries that are tax havens for these thieves...they don't care about anything else except their never ending selfish greed....they liberated the country for their own selfish motivations... it's a pitty and a great shame... Zimbabwe the tragi-comedy continues with the joke being on the poor majority.... what a shame
cde che guveira · 2 months ago
they should have been properly valued and then disposed in a proper way. I wonder why the sovereign fund invest in loss making entities. it does not add value to it. I also wonder whether the fund has enough capital to invest in these loss making entities.
American · 2 months ago
How can I join the looting Club
nanotech · 2 months ago
Biti is just mad that he didn't get his share but privatization was the only way to save these enterprises.
me · 2 months ago
I get his argument but that was done to remove those companies from financial ruin
Anonymous · 2 months ago
That is the excuse of every looter. We took it away from ourselves to give it to ourselves. How are they that run it transfer it to themselves to save it from financial ruin?
Corruptmore Looto · 2 months ago
Nothing is going to save them from financial ruin as long as the regime still has its claws on them firms. If it was about proper privatisation then they should have gone the Dairiboard route not this sovereign wealth fund nonsense. Some public entities such as NRZ should never be privatised, they worked well before and there is no reason why they can't be viable anymore, all that's needed is proper accountability, no nepotism and cronyism in appointing people to top positions and regular transparent audits of their accounts.
Anonymous · 2 months ago
Anybody want a guess as to where the Zesa pension Fund went to??? It was '****ed' but has not been returned,
Mp · 2 months ago
pamberi ne looting

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