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Israel Strikes Syria 480 Times And Seizes Territory

3 months agoWed, 11 Dec 2024 14:52:24 GMT
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Israel Strikes Syria 480 Times And Seizes Territory

Israel has launched airstrikes targeting military sites across Syria and deployed ground troops into and beyond a demilitarized buffer zone for the first time in 50 years, reported CNN.

The demilitarized buffer zone, established by the United Nations after the 1973 Middle East War, is located between the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights and Syrian-controlled territory.

This zone, patrolled by the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF), spans approximately 75 kilometres in length and varies in width from 10 kilometres to 200 metres.

The Israeli military reported around 480 airstrikes over two days, targeting strategic weapon stockpiles, airfields, anti-aircraft systems, and military assets in various Syrian cities including Damascus and Homs.

The Israeli navy reportedly destroyed the Syrian naval fleet and struck two naval facilities, taking out dozens of vessels and sea-to-sea missiles.

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Israeli officials view the collapse of Bashar al-Assad’s regime as a significant opportunity, attributing it to their military actions against Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran.

While celebrating Assad’s downfall, Israeli officials expressed concern that radical Islamist groups may gain control in Syria, threatening Israeli security.

Several Arab nations, including Egypt, have accused Israel of exploiting Syria’s instability to expand its territory.

Israeli forces have advanced beyond the established buffer zone, with reports indicating movements towards Beqaasem, approximately 25 kilometres from Damascus.

Israeli officials have stated that their military presence in Syria is limited and temporary, aimed at creating a security zone free of heavy weapons and terrorist infrastructures.

Israel’s actions are set against the backdrop of ongoing regional tensions, with implications for its relations with neighbouring countries and international law concerning occupied territories.

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chipoko · 3 months ago
kiya vanhu Israel
Anonymous · 3 months ago
justice McMillan · 3 months ago
Israel has scientists deeply engaged in super military technology, as opposed to the other cats
@Man to Man · 3 months ago
Mataura sir
Sir Weaksnail 🐌 · 3 months ago
bloodthirsty satanists killing people is a hobby to them
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Sounds familiar. Where else do they do that? Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine maybe? You don't even know satanist means. Don't use the word if you don't know how to use it.
😎 · 3 months ago
Israel is must beware of the advent of suicide bomber and you know Arabs are pros in that field
Jaison Ndlovu · 3 months ago
Zviya ndivo vaSyria ka ava. Vakagara vachinetsa kubva pasichigare, ngavarikitwe
Ediots · 3 months ago
🤣 ediots do not understand the power that Israel wields in this war. essentially Israel and the US won in Syria. Syria's allies, Iran and Russia, failed to mantain Assad's grip on power. they promised and under delivered. Russia specifically is just a toothless dog at this point. A take home for some is that Israel required Russian permission to carry out these attacks in Syria just in case people get it twisted. Why? Once rebels take over their weapon systems then Russian tech falls into the wrong hands. its a win for Israel , a win for Russia, though bitter, it safeguards their military tech. The bases and weapons that Israel was destroying, all those stockpiles, were supplied by Iran and Russia. The Syrian war is that complex. Let me enloghten you further: Israel and USA support the Kurds, however, their allie Turkey regards the Kurds as terrorist and bombards them. so the US supplies the Kurds with weapons and Turkey attacks them. Russia permits Israel to use its controlled airspace even though an Israeli win hurts Iran who perceive Israel as an enemy. Iran supports Hezbollah's operations in Syria, Russia permits Israel to bombard Hezbollah contrary the interest of Iran who supoorts hezbollah with weapons and money. So Israel and the US have the upper hand as of now in Syria. the recent coup has CIA and Mossad prints all over it. Rusiia lost and so did Iran. its a message that is being send to the world. You might be interested to note that Russian bases in Syria were the gateway to their African operations and the disruption of those bases cripples Russian advances in Africa. thats a lesson for today folks. i end it here. sorry ediots Russia is too pre occupied to entertain your Zambian request
' · 3 months ago
pawangotanga ngano Yako nekuti "ediots" ndoopabva pabhaizika. kana kuzombowerenga zvisina basa. what a waste of words & time right there!
kkkkk · 3 months ago
nhai zvako iwe
🦍 · 3 months ago
with all you just said at first and the rest you said makes you the ediotic person of them all.
Anonymous · 3 months ago
100% true hate language is rubbish
Tambaoga · 3 months ago
nhai zvenhu.
hoy · 3 months ago
dummies dond know w
47 And all that, Israel does not know it. And with the Torah and Talmud in her hand, Israel wants to integrate the European Union. O foolish Israel, on May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion said, "… Israel will be founded on the principles of freedom, justice and peace as that had been conceived by the prophets of Israel." But look at your behaviour today! Is that what Moses and the prophets of Israel taught you? 48 And you, foolish Israel, your sons have not yet finished gathering under your wings and you seek the fraternity of the nations? Israel, the whore, I know that you are a prostitute but why you didn't wait until the lovers came toward you, but you are the one who goes to associate with the kings of the earth for them to commit fornication with you? 49 Is that the Israel the Torah talks about? Is that Jerusalem, the city of David? After 2000 years of dispersion among the nations, is that what you have born in mind? I-sra-el! I-sra-el! I-sra-el! How many prophets should you receive before you can be taught? And how many times should you go in deportation before you repent? 50 O Israel, the sins of Nineveh and Babylon have been found in you. The sins of Egypt and Sodom have been found in you. O Israel, if God is just, Israel will be troubled and the nations, her lovers will lament and the priests of high places and those who hate the living prophets will mourn over Israel the prostitute. And it shall be said, "But where was the powerful Israeli secret service? Where were the security agents who taught security to the nations"? 51 And the smoke of the judgment mounted over Israel. Oh Israel, the valley of the prophets, you are the majestic lioness of God. And if you serve Jehovah your God in holiness, know that God created the nations of the earth to serve you. But if you refuse to serve Him in fear and holiness, know that God created the nations of the earth for your judgment. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. 52 Yes, God shall humiliate Israel and no arm shall be found to avenge it! And Israel shall receive the help and support of her lovers and the kings of the earth with whom she prostituted herself. And the enemies of Israel shall be joyful. There shall be hugs and messages of congratulations. 53 And those who feared Israel shall no longer fear her and the pride of Israel shall be broken forever. Yes, this nation of Israel shall be struck with a desolation from which she shall not be able to rise again. The army of Israel will be humiliated. Israel will be humiliated. The Jews will return to Europe and America in tears. 54 You Israel, you have become a flying beast but behold, your strength shall be withheld from you, your wings shall be broken, your domination shall be taken from you and your enemies shall no longer fear you. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. But after that, another people shall rise from the remnants of Israel. Another people who shall know that those Catholic, Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist leaders on the earth, these missions and ministries are demons. 55 There shall be two Israels and the Jew shall protest against the Jew because of Jehovah! Yes! All those Jews who gathered in Israel since 1897 and the sons and daughters who were born to them are only sons of the devil. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. Yes, let them come fast! Let them come from all the corners of the world before the judgment so that they may be struck as well! 56 God is gathering them in order to destroy them. And from their ruin, among those who shall survive, God shall arise another race, different from this one. And at the time of this new race, the homo****uals and lesbians of the earth shall no longer parade in Jerusalem. This Israel of sin shall pass away and another race of Jews shall rise in her place! An Israel who shall know Adonai. An Israel who shall not burn incense to Catholic, Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist gods. An Israel who could have made the difference today between God and the devil, Prophet Kacou Philippe and the pope of Rome! Yes, another race of Jews shall come! A new Israel who shall return to Adonai and the faith of Abraham, Moses and the holy prophets. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
Anonymous · 3 months ago
And the congregation says "Blasphemy". Bastardising the words of a holy book. Don't manipulate the wording for your selfish ends.
@🅼🅰🅽 🆃🅾 🅼🅰🅽 · 3 months ago
Israel yanetsa zvoda zimbabwe ndiyo ingadomisa Israel dzimwe dzazvikonewa
chaka · 3 months ago
munorwisa neyi .pfuti chaidzo dzamuinadzo ndidzo dzakasiiwa na Smith. Moda kuendesa boarder Gezi ne matanda ku Syria here
Ini Zvangu · 3 months ago
The only battle that the Zimbabwe Security forces can defeat is against unarmed opposition civilians
Tambaoga · 3 months ago
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Ndosaka Zanu ichitonga no respect.
mono · 3 months ago
gdp ye zim is 22billion Israel 300billion Zimbabwe receive worn ou

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