CCC Faction Claims MPs Are Paying Tshabangu For Positions

The Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) faction led by Welshman Ncube has accused certain Members of Parliament of buying positions from Sengezo Tshabangu, the leader of a rival faction and contested interim secretary-general.
In an interview with NewsDay on Sunday, CCC spokesperson Willas Madzimure claimed that some MPs were paying Tshabangu to either secure their places in Parliament or gain appointments to key positions. Said Madzimure:
There is money at play. Money is exchanging hands in a very serious manner. I am talking about large sums of money here.
It is not by merit that they are taking those positions. Some people are paying to assume those positions.
Kuti ahh ndoda kumbonzwa kuti chigaro ichi chinoita sei, then they pay money and are appointed.
You remove Mai Kore (Lynette Karenyi) as senior as she is — does that make sense? They are buying and selling positions.
This follows Tshabangu’s dismissal of Kore as the Leader of the House in the National Assembly, replacing her with Maureen Kademaunga, the Sunningdale legislator.
Edwin Mushoriwa, the former chief whip, was also removed in the reshuffle.
In the first six months after the 2023 general elections, Tshabangu recalled dozens of CCC MPs and councillors, asserting that they were no longer party members.
More: Pindula News