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Biti Slams 2025 National Budget As Shallow And Out of Touch

3 months agoFri, 29 Nov 2024 12:25:46 GMT
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Biti Slams 2025 National Budget As Shallow And Out of Touch

Former Finance Minister Tendai Biti has criticized the 2025 National Budget presented by Mthuli Ncube on Thursday, describing it as shallow, dishonest, and out of touch with the needs of the people.

In a post on X, Biti said that the budget reflects the incompetence and corruption of President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration.

He further criticized the proposed tax measures, claiming they show a lack of empathy and disproportionately target vulnerable sectors.

Biti also argued that the budget fails to address the pressing issue of critical energy shortages. He wrote:

The 2024 Budget Statement was presented in the backdrop of a tough and challenging year for the working people of Zimbabwe.

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A year in which the citizen had been abused by extreme levels of inflation, emasculation by a rigged exchange rate, extortionate taxes, power shortages, poverty, and the aftermath of a scorching drought.

Naively, the citizen and businesses thus hoped for a BOLD, HONEST DECISIVE & TECHNICALLY SOUND budget that would address the crippling challenges of the day and offer hope & catharsis to a broken fatalistic desperate and disparate population.

Regrettably, Minister Ncube’s budget was nothing but a shallow, hollow, narcissistic, dishonest anti-people ritual. 

The Budget correctly bluetooths everything cataleptic about the Mnangwagwa regime: incompetence, ideologically vacuous, corrupt, insensitive, vicious and toxic.

Seven issues amplify the fatality of Mthuli’s project. First is the clear failure to calibrate the Budget in US$. In a volatile high inflation environment expressing the Budget in a local currency ravaged by serious inflation pressures is clearly a faux pas.

Zim has gone through six bouts of currency failures and any budget expressed in a local currency is a facade. A volatile ZIG also creates accounting chaos for businesses. Ultimately, a ZIG-based budget is simply a means to hide and mislead the true depth of economic mismanagement

Second Mr Ncube’s microeconomic framework and projections are simply unsound and blatantly dishonest. A 2 % GDP growth for 2024 is simply overstated.

It underestimates the ZIG-induced depression that has captured markets since 5 April 2024. A period that has seen many companies close or downsize.

There has been a massive curtailment of revenue inflows in companies and in the government itself. Aggregate demand simply collapsed resulting in Government revenues also collapsing to the point that at the present moment regime has no capacity to pay wages.

The budget projection of a 6 % growth in 2025 is dross. It is based on 3 assumptions viz decent rainfall, low inflation and a stable currency, and a tight fiscal and monetary policy. Expecting this government to live within its means and to keep a tight fiscal ship is madness.

The regime must monetize its rent-seeking projects particularly the feeding trough that road construction has become.

Particularly command agriculture and multiple Presidential schemes. Once the boys are paid broad money shoots through the roof. Inflation spikes and the ZIG falls.

Third, the 2025 budget framework is unsound and must be rejected by Parliament. In 2024 ZIG110,722 billion in revenue will be collected against projected expenditure of ZIG 119.972 resulting in a deficit of ZIG 9.3 billion. (they don’t sing about surpluses anymore).

In 2025 projected revenue jumps to ZIG 276.4 billion or US$ 7.5 billion. Whilst expenditure is ZIG 276.3 billion or US$7,668 billion.

On a growth of 6%, it eludes one’s wisdom how revenue will grow by 150% from ZIG110 billion in 2024 to ZIG 276 billion.

Put in another way, Mr Ncube expects 2024 revenues of ZIG 110 billion or US 3.05 billion to jump to US$7,5 billion.

This mendacity reflects disrespect for Zimbabwean intellect. More than that reflects total and utter contempt of Parliament. But the real issue is where will.

Mr Ncube extracted US$7,5 billion when companies have been squeezed dry and closing down retrenching or relocating.

Fourth the regime proposed revenue measures are narcissistic and lack empathy. Imposing taxes on betting income, on Pizza and chicken inn is ridiculous.

Targeting informal traders in spare parts dealers, groceries, hardware, lodgers, fabric merchandisers and boutiques for taxation is cruel and ridiculous.

The regime suffers from the warped view that it can extract money from stone. The pathological obsession with taxation is sickening

There is a crisis of under-accumulation in Zimbabwe. Companies are shutting down and unemployment is on the rise.

The 2025 Budget had a duty to create a stimulus and to provide incentives for consumption & production to jump-start the economy.

Taxes had to be reduced various stimuli provided. Instead, a vacuous bankrupt government went the opposite of what logic dictated.

Sixth there had to be a push for currency reform. ZIG has failed and failed in absolute terms. The epicentre of the Zim crises is exchange rate mismanagement.

Finally, given the current structural energy crises the Budget ought to have addressed the power situation. Indeed it is ridiculous to imagine the economy will grow by 6% without power. No wonder and very poignantly ZESA went off during the Budget presentation.

Truth is, this is the worst government in the history of governments and the 2025 Budget is a further exhibit of this fact.

More: Pindula News



Mutunda Shuga🫧 · 2 months ago
Xx · 3 months ago
Hapana zvirikutaurwa apa kuwanza ma voco kuti musanzwa zvaarikureva ndosaka akaisea pabench last election vaiziva kuti anokonzeresa.
Zanu pf · 3 months ago
Biti anongovukura tatomujaira isu
chii chacho · 3 months ago
purpose of a budget z for the respective organisations to plan visa vee the budget. how can one plan using a volatile currency. ndipo paunoona kut hakuna kwatiri kuenda
Peter Bvirakare · 3 months ago
Our budget is just a TALK SHOW nothing has come out since the professor started his talk shows .This budget should have been presented in US dollars to reflect what's on the groung.Pa ground pari kuti USA $ yet budget riri kuti ZIG. Professor ngaamboende down ku vanhu anzwe kuti chii chirikuitika munyika before talking a lot of nothing.He should visit the plight of pensioners who were heavily taxed during their working days and are now living in poverty
𝙎𝙞𝙮𝙤𝙮𝙤 · 3 months ago
VaBiti chibasa ichi munochigona makachiita last time and hapana chekushoora pane zvamakaita, I wish you to come back and repeat what you did last time
The Curator · 3 months ago
So ndipo pega chete pamunozongobukira ipapa ana Biti.
twundwelugu · 3 months ago
Biti adii kunyarara zvake ndiyemumwe waTshabangu .. what mthuki did is a result of the power he was given by the bitis and Tshabangu’s
123 · 3 months ago
Isu ma intellectuals tazvinzwa , ichokwadi.....
🦍 · 3 months ago
during Biti days atleast i repeat atleast we almost got there, but with chicken inn chips shwarmer tax aaah...thus something else cowdrypark saw it coming on those elections
Tintin · 3 months ago
if they were serious about the budget they would have pegged it in USD
The Curator · 3 months ago
It's only Zimbabweans who expect and want their country to peg their national budget in a foreign currency. The SA, Botswana, Zambia, even Mozambique, Malawi and many other countries peg their budgets in their own local currencies.
Sir African · 3 months ago
@Curator.If you did a little bit of economics you would understand why we want the budget in USD ,Botswana has a viable currency,Zambia never used the USD as its base currency no did Mozambique.You cannot budget with a current that is volitile like the Zig.That is why companies Choppies,Ok and PicknPay mulling of closing down like Food Market closed its branch in Westgate. The Zig like its predecessors is unstable,so you cannot plan around.We all know what happened between 2000 and 2009
Corruptmore Looto · 3 months ago
I don't understand why people want to contastly compare our currency position with those nations. Zimbabwe has major problems when it comes to confidence in a local currency, here there is absolutely zero confidence in government backed currencies owing to many periods of hyperinflation and currency crashes and phase outs, that's why people suggested using the USD so as to lock in the value, they can disburse in ZiG but Ministries will be spared from being given money which would have long lost its initial value, that's the rationale behind that thought nothing else. A good example is the Ministry of health, our budget is almost similar to that of Zambia but our northern neighbour's health system is much more efficient and well stocked than ours despite having more people than Zimbabwe, why? Because when the money is disbursed it would long have lost its value or if when they decide to use it it would be now worth half of its original value. But if you use a USD budget everyone will know what to expect, businesses can plan accordingly and lenders can use that budget in how they approach the coming trading year. I hope you know now the reason why people are advocating for that.
PR · 3 months ago
Biti anoziiva hake guys jealous down and his tenure was tried and tested during the GNU
Jah🇿🇼Tsvarie-07 · 3 months ago
Biti biting the hand that fed him, politricks...
chavhunduka · 3 months ago
yaah vry excellent
wischigonero · 3 months ago
biti akaibata ministry iyo zvakafamba tikaziva madollar 4 2
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Zvakatopfuura kare izvozvo hatichadi kumuona futi.he is a traitor
mubati we Tskoko · 3 months ago
Biti p****i
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 · 3 months ago
Which watering hole is Biti barking from
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Is logic a watering hole?
😎 · 3 months ago
Briefcase yare a mazig iyo changane bag was appropriate
pm · 3 months ago
Rugare ma zion
Mp · 3 months ago
why do you ask Biti why not me the Mp muzvibate ini ka

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