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Matemadanda Says Looting, Not Protests, Behind Mozambique Unrest

3 months agoThu, 21 Nov 2024 10:35:34 GMT
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Matemadanda Says Looting, Not Protests, Behind Mozambique Unrest

Zimbabwe’s ambassador to Mozambique, Victor Matemadanda, has denied reports of protests in Mozambique related to the disputed October 9 elections.

Speaking to journalists on the sidelines of the Extraordinary Summit of the Heads of State and Government of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) at the New Parliament in Mt Hampden on Wednesday, November 20, Matemadanda stated that what is being described as protests are actually looting syndicates targeting supermarkets. He said:

The Mozambican people are clever and they know they have won an election.

They are not worried and are not losing sleep. I did not see what you call a demonstration.

I have seen only people who are organised to commit crimes by looting. Why are you demonstrating in a supermarket?

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That is what they are doing and after picking what they want, they disappear.

Matemadanda said the general atmosphere in Mozambique was peaceful and denied claims that Zimbabweans voted in the Mozambique elections. He said:

I have never come across a person who voted in Mozambique.

I was moving around and I did not see anyone. Those videos you are seeing are fake.

The Mirror reported that hundreds of Zimbabweans, including two of its journalists, participated in the Mozambique elections at a polling station in Masvingo.

Mozambique’s FRELIMO party has successfully campaigned in Zimbabwe, while the Zimbabwean opposition faces challenges in securing clearance for election rallies.

Since 2004, Mozambicans living in Zimbabwe, as well as in countries like South Africa, Malawi, Portugal, Zambia, and Tanzania, have been able to vote in Mozambique’s general elections from their resident countries.

More: Pindula News



Bvoricho Bvoricho · 3 months ago
Saka waiita move around uchitsvagei kana usina wawakaona achi voter? Therefore s.h.ut up you're irrelevant to this issue. Zidanda
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Moz people are protesting because frelimo rigged the election and Matemadanda knows everything.
jojo · 3 months ago
uyuwo musoro danda hadzina kunyatsoti kwesere, ndasaka asina kuwana ma vote pa ma illegal elections ema O Vet. Musoro Bangu.
Patz · 3 months ago
tax driver wakurotomoka manje. Wachenjere kuma mi swa kuMoza ikoko
Botha · 3 months ago
maZimbabweans hatina hunhu.
yuthi · 3 months ago
why were you chased out of Mozambique?
👁️ · 3 months ago
This man doesn't realise that he is an Ambassador and not a Zanu Pf political activist or rogue war veteran. An ambassador is supposed to speak truthfully, with humility and respect for all members of the host country. He should not insult any social, religious, or political grouping. Zanu members think otherwise. They don't listen to how other diplomats speak about Zimbabweans. They don't even mention that Zanu Pf is a terrorist and satanist organisation.
Toby · 3 months ago
Kana uyu Matemadanda achida kuona maZimba akavhota Ku Mozambique tinomukoka kwedu ku Chipinge timuratidze ma V11 akazara ,asi kana amaona agadzirire kuzomhanya nekuti toda kumurova nekuramba chokwadi kwaari kuita ,haana nyadzi semukuru wake kuramba chokwadi chiripachena.
Matemas · 3 months ago
Asi hamupa lume ndepedu basi.
6k7 · 3 months ago
I miss samora😭😭
Tintin · 3 months ago
sometimes keeping quiet is better diplomacy 🤐🤐🤐
Son of thunder ⛈️⚡ · 3 months ago
Matemadanda are you the Mozambican spokesperson ?.
Mp · 3 months ago
Rigging electionz is not good ,,, now go and help to rig the economy you dirty minded chubs
Mafirakureva · 3 months ago
Uri danda zveshuwa dunderhead
Pablo · 3 months ago
🇲🇿 · 3 months ago
Sir African · 3 months ago
Whether looting or no looting ,why would peaceful people resort to it immediately after elections.To me it means there is something wrong the people did not like.However the advent of social media is a game changer because one may try to lie as much as they want but social media can join the dots together .
Mp · 3 months ago
ED wanted to get ride of you so he used diplomaticy by posting you to a dead country
Mp · 3 months ago
you make me sick
Chirume chirume · 3 months ago
inga vakangwara havana nhamo, mazvijaira kufamba zviri pachena nhaiwe danda
Patz · 3 months ago
If looting was behind the demos why did that not take place before elections. Protests are also taken advantage of by criminals to loot but that does not change the purpose of the protest i.e rigging of elections
sad emoji1
chirume chirume · 3 months ago
uri danda sezita rako Saka wakarashwa ikoko, unofunga kut vanhu havavoni here ****
Ediots · 3 months ago
why does Zanu PF seem to be running the Mozambique gvt at the moment?
007 · 3 months ago
even ukamusvikiraa arii mumba nemkadz wako anongot apana zvandaiita kuzorora hangu mubedroom aiine kashort nemasox... bt deep down mozivaa henyu zvamakkaitaa imiiii
Sekuru kavhere · 3 months ago
mbavha newe wacho amhasadha wacho

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