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Wicknell Chivayo Offers US$20,000 And A Truck To Simon Pashoma Ncube

3 months agoTue, 19 Nov 2024 11:43:28 GMT
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Wicknell Chivayo Offers US$20,000 And A Truck To Simon Pashoma Ncube

Wicknell Chivayo said that he was deeply moved after watching a video from Simon “Pashoma” Ncube, a former Zimbabwe Broadcasting Service (ZBC) radio DJ, in which Ncube pleads for assistance.

On November 1, Ncube shared a heartfelt video and accompanying message on Facebook, directed specifically at Chivayo, asking for help as he struggles with his difficult circumstances.

In response this Tuesday, Chivayo said that he was profoundly pained to see Ncube on crutches, visibly struggling with his health and challenging conditions. He wrote:

…my attention has been drawn to a heartfelt plea after watching this heartbreaking video from Simon “Pashoma” Ncube, a former ZBC RADIO DJ who served our NATIONAL BROADCASTER with passion and dedication for many years.

I remember when I was young PASHOMA NCUBE was a HOUSEHOLD NAME on Radio 2 (now Radio Zimbabwe), and many of us grew up listening to him.

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To now see him living in DESPAIR, without the PENSION he rightfully earned, is both painful and DEPLORABLE.

The video, showing him on CRUTCHES and in visibly difficult conditions, left me deeply moved. It is devastating to witness someone who was once an ICON of Zimbabwean radio now struggling in such destitute circumstances.

Chivayo added that he would be offering Ncube a cash donation of US$20,000, along with a single-cab truck valued at up to US$15,000, to help alleviate his current struggles. He wrote:

… your situation demanded my attention for other EXCEPTIONAL reasons. You served ZBC for many years but could not benefit from your PENSION due to the ILLEGAL SANCTIONS imposed on Zimbabwe, which have CRIPPLED our economy.

You are also in CHIKOMBA WEST, CHIVHU, so uri HOMEBOY wangu as I also come from GANDAMI, Chivhu.

Your living conditions and the fact that you are on crutches, uncertain if from a permanent disability or an accident, make it clear that you need URGENT HELP.

Seeing someone of your stature in such a state left me no choice but to extend this ONCE-OFF and EXCEPTIONAL gesture.

To assist you, on Monday next week please go and see my lawyer, MR. SIKHUMBUZO MPOFU of MUNANGATE AND ASSOCIATES in Harare, who will give you USD20,000 in CASH.

He will also take you to ENTERPRISE CAR SALE, where MADZIBABA CHIPAGA will let you choose a SINGLE CAB truck valued at no more than USD15,000 to support your farming activities and improve your mobility.

Please ensure whoever is going to be your driver has a valid LICENSE and can assist you in driving back to Chikomba safely.

I wish I would have seen you and handed over my SMALL donation but I am currently in PARIS on a business trip and unable to personally meet you.

However, please use the resources WISELY, as I will not be able to assist you any further. Tengai Mombe dzeku rimisa ne ma farm implements ne FERTILIZER ne mbeu and everything necessary for you to use the LAND given to you by the GOVERNMENT productively.

I hope to see a video in the NEAR future, showing how you have transformed your farm.

More: Pindula News



Radio 2 · 3 months ago
Chivhayo waita hako wapindwa nemwaya wangu ,wakanyanya rambawakadaro blessed 🙏
skye · 3 months ago
baba vedu varikumusoro ku harare pasina imi nyika inotambura rambai muchipa vanoshaya nevanorwara mugopiwawo ma tender akawandisa murambe muchichengeta ruzhinji rwe zimbabwe
P · 3 months ago
Good work dhafu
Bright · 3 months ago
Magonesa sir Wicknell, thats a great job, may God bless yu
Anonymous · 3 months ago
thank mr chivhayo ne rudo rwamakapa ,zvisaperere ipapo murambe muchibatsira vamwe
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Weaky Naill is talking of 'illegal sanctions', while writing his message from Paris....seriously?
Doctor 24 · 3 months ago
Tym shall tell,jus give it tym buddy.....
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Ana Pashoma ava ndo vairamba vachiti Zanu iri bhoo nhasi vakunyimwa pension
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Mambo Wicknell job well done Madzibaba, may God bless in what you will be doing . The way are helping people is a great job .
Nowell Chibaya · 3 months ago
Thank you Home Boy, you are always at point. I appreciate your philanthropic work to our citizens. I pray for more blessings upon you and long life. You are an exemplary figure. I wish one day God will give me business and walk in the same path like you. Never let the wind bent you,, keep on focused.
anonymous · 3 months ago
Nothing really to think from a thief like Wicknell, I wonder how people are fooled by this crook to think that he is donating, to hell with thieves
Anonymous · 3 months ago
You can say that again 🤛
Corruptmore Looto · 3 months ago
Well that's Zimbabweans for you, just like how they celebrated when ED came into power 😂
Pzm · 3 months ago
Beg to differ.Chivhayo munhu bho haana hondo nemunhu.zvinhu zvinoendeka kana sir varipo
Violet · 3 months ago
Thank. You so much @Mr Chivhayo, may God bless you over and over again
Vybz Kartel · 3 months ago
Mazvita vaChivhayo
Edward · 3 months ago
Those currently working for ZBC, here is a word advice : Invest in your future while you're still working at the afore-mentioned broadcaster, otherwise you might find yourself in a situation far worse than Simon "Pashoma" Ncube's.
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Dai watoita president hako not zvanaMunangagwa vasina pfungwa havatozive kuti chembere dzorarama sei
Anonymous · 3 months ago
imari yamunangangwa iyo dont be cheated busines ranoita ku paris is it benefiting the country or personal gain
Patz · 3 months ago
Lets hope Chivhayo wakawaka kwekugara kunze kwenyika coz 2028 ndaona wanyandurana naGudo Guru
Patz · 3 months ago
Ma sanctions ndimi vanaChivhayo mari murikudzivanepi kuine masanctions. But thanks hako vambodzorerawo ya pensioner uyo yamakaba
Xx · 3 months ago
Thank you very much Sir Wicknel Chivayo nerubatsiro rwenyu rambayi makadero, musanzwe zvevanhu vanoda kungoshora pane zvakanaka
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Here’s a possible response you could craft to Wicknell Chivayo, expressing gratitude and hope for the future: --- Dear Mr. Wicknell Chivayo, I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for your kind-hearted and generous response to Mr. Simon "Pashoma" Ncube’s plea for assistance. Your compassion and swift action exemplify the spirit of Ubuntu and serve as an inspiration to all Zimbabweans. As someone who grew up listening to Mr. Ncube’s iconic voice on Radio 2, I know how much he contributed to shaping the cultural identity of our nation. It is heartbreaking to see someone who brought joy to so many now facing such dire circumstances. Your gesture not only provides immediate relief but also offers him the tools to rebuild his life and regain his dignity. The USD$20,000 cash donation and the provision of a single-cab truck will undoubtedly make a significant impact on Mr. Ncube’s life. Your encouragement for him to invest wisely in farming and self-sustainability demonstrates your foresight and commitment to empowering others. It is heartwarming to witness individuals like yourself taking an active role in supporting our fellow citizens, especially during these challenging times. Your actions remind us that despite our economic hardships, we can always find ways to uplift one another. On behalf of those inspired by your generosity, I would like to thank you once again. We look forward to seeing Mr. Ncube thrive and hope this act of kindness motivates others to step forward and assist those in need. Wishing you continued success in your endeavors. May God bless you for that Sir Sincerely True Zimbabwean --- Feel free to personalize it further if needed!
Son of thunder ⛈️⚡ · 3 months ago
you used to play rambai makashinga jingle now chiramba wakashinga
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Motenda $20000 kumunhu akaba mari yemagetsi 5million. Dai muri vamwe matobvunza kuti $ 4 980 000 urikuidzosa rini nekuti horyt $20000 taiwona yabatsira
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Ayiwa kaaa Pepe kale wagona
Dennis matingo · 3 months ago
Thank you for a job well done ,moyo wakadaro unifies munyika muno ,and let's not judge mutonngi mukuru ndiMwari hapana chivi chisingaregererwi ,Inga. Wanii muno muzim tinoda mwari kwazvo ko totongerei futi maita bass Mr chivhayo ,hatigoni kukupai mhosva ,rambai muchipa varombo venyu
Vengesai Bernard Chifamba · 3 months ago
Thank you so much Sir Chivayo komborerwai nashe...
chimukela · 3 months ago
a good deed indeed
Zvidzai · 3 months ago
You have done well Sir Wicknell. God bless you with more and continue to enable to you to help more people in need and in dire circumstances
citizen · 3 months ago
vagoni zvavo.Unombobatwa cy ko Chivhayo wacho titombopemhawo anhuwe.Tasvuuka nenhamo veduwe
Anonymous · 3 months ago
I am humbled by what you have done.
Collen Keche · 3 months ago
I was deeply touched by Iwhat I saw to have become of this our legend. He was a presenter par excellence whose works glorified and exalted our statehood. He did his work with passion and intense patriotism to those values that defined us as Zimbabweans. He exercised linguistic dexterity with fun and ease. One would never know whether he was Ndebele Shona. He was truly gifted .Yet I'm also equally touched and confused by the love and care and the spirit of sharing with less privileged in society shown by Sir Wicknell. Sir your love towards your countrymen is beyond human understanding . Without having to bite my tongue Sir thank you very much. May the living God grant you more blessings, good health and more generosity to assist your countrymen . God bless you.
Walos · 3 months ago
Thanks so much for such a huge capital donation to our public figure who was genuinely in need for a help. He was so entertaining during his time at ZBC. Our fortunes differ. May God bless u more Madzibaba for remembering our retired legend. Maratidza Rudo neTsitsi zvinova izvo the key pakunamata. Masuwo epfuma zhinji ngaarambe achikudururirai kasingagumi kuti murambe muchiwana zvekupa kune vanoshaya. Thanks so much muranda waMwari.
..... · 3 months ago
heya akambo raper hezvo l know nothing at all oh oh oh shame maningi.
Alfontso · 3 months ago
Aidya mari ne zip uyo aka raper mwana imbudzi iyo
Bhinya · 3 months ago
Chingopawo maZimbabweans ese coz hapana asiri kutambura muZimbabwe
Tindo · 3 months ago
Taura zvako, unoti dai anga asiri dj ku zbc aimboonekwa here, uye yagara Iya imagine yenyika
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Fix Pension scheme system and nobody will be a beggar. Why create beggars then pretend to be helping them?
laugh emoji1
Tindo · 3 months ago
Surely nhamo yeku Zimbabwe ndekugadzirwa nevanhu vakadai kuti tigovanamata seizvi
Anonymous · 3 months ago
They should justvgive the guy his deserved pension so he can look after himself, full stop. This laundering of stolen public funds must stop
Anonymous · 3 months ago
They first impoverish you and when you are down and out they donate mafufu and start thinking kuti they are philanthropists but mari iyi ndeyekuba, ma tender that were awarded corruptly and executed shoddily at exorbitant prices
Major · 3 months ago
Keep on sir Wicknel one day ndllniwo
Sir African · 3 months ago
Rhodesia was super because one would always get what they were worth
Wiseman · 3 months ago
imagine gvt failing to pay pensioners zim zim others who wer also in gvt must come out ----yu see what happened in Mozambique next it's zim can't wait to see this happening in zim
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Thank you VaChivhayo for the kind gesture.Mwari vanoona moyo.
peturu ⛽ · 3 months ago
okay .so kusabhadharwa kurikuitwa kuvanhu uku naana kanzuru ma illegal sanctions zve
Mudhibhisi · 3 months ago
These ZANU pf thieves masquerading as good Samaritans amazes me .They first loot the country's resources,when their pockets are full, they then donate some change to the needy.They are sort of cleansing their loot so that it looks better b4 the Almighty. U can plunder the country's resources and get all the protection from the Looter In Chief himself but the Almighty is a just God, he will judge u in his own time and in his own way.
laugh emoji2
The Curator · 3 months ago
Musangovenga vane mari.... Imi musiri maZanu acho chiitai ma donations acho mubatsire vari in need vacho kaa
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Don't worry is going to end soon look in Mozambique and Botswana do you think zimbabwe will survive this no war is coming yes war is horrible but slavery is worse soon freedom is coming
Corruptmore Looto · 3 months ago
It's amazing how everyone has forgotten about all his botched deals, the Gwanda project and the ZEC debacle yet people are praising him, Zimbabweans we are very much confused
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Kana ukaba uchipa kupa serubatsiro kuvanhu onoramba uri MBAVHA chete..
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Thank you vaChivayo. Dai imi nema business partner enyu and your other friends vanemari semi maitawo inherit kana one ward zvayo yekuParirenyatwa hospital. Ceilings are falling no medicine Mungabatsira vakawansa But maita basa apa.May God bless you
2 · 3 months ago
ndotenda nekubatsira kwawaita
zig · 3 months ago
it's not him only suffering lots of people are suffering in his prime time some where already suffering and still suffering atleast u got assistance some are zero not knowing where the supper will come from
Tintin · 3 months ago
thanks but the most important thing is fixing the broken system that reduced him to be a beggar... let's fix our pension system scheme 🤔
Buwada Buwada · 3 months ago
simpuu!! 🤝🤝
ZimSketch · 3 months ago
now we need cancer machines at all provincial and referral hospitals, so the we all benefit from the looted funds
👀👀 · 3 months ago
you are ryt
ZANU PF(huchi) · 3 months ago
tenga ne mari yako fokofu
EVIL SERVANT · 3 months ago
well said
Inini · 3 months ago
If they had given him his dues in time, he would not have been reduced to a beggar. That donation has less value than what he should have received as his pension. Moreover mari yaChivhayo ndeye kuba.
👀👀 · 3 months ago
haurevi nhema
Anonymous · 3 months ago
And ine ngozi mukati
Tk · 3 months ago
Haiwa izvi zvinokudzwa I salute you sir
· 3 months ago
Siyai humbavha kuti tikwanise kuzviraramira toga pasina kukumbira . Munhu 1 anobira nyika mamilion dollars apedza onyepera kuita tsitsi Ariye arikukonzeresa kutambura kwevanhu.
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Don't worry about this dogs of zanhu pf vamotijairira vanhu ava vsnofunga kuti ndivo varidzi venyika maje war is coming soon this time yedu inenge iri worse kudarika kana ye Mozambique ,belikafaso vachademba zvavo uye this time hatidi imbwa ne zanhu pf or ccc nyagwe ani zvake akamboita zve politics ,toda young leader like Abrahim Traore from Bekinafaso uye tovasunga vese nekutora zvese zvavakaba uye todzinga wese anonzi muchena ,mu China, any one asiri munhu mutema out zimbabwe 🇿🇼 makaradhi obviously vanisara vazukuru vana venasisi vedu pfambi ,plus ma church we much chese them away ,education system must be change bcz it's not education its slavery system ,uye mutemo yedu tofanira kugadzira mitemo inobva patsika dzedu zvichitwa nana mambo kwete ve zanhu ava vatengesi anamambo variko ,zvese zvekuti ma equal rights its nosense how come unoti vanhu havacharpore ,ukagara nemunhu wako 3 days ava mukadzi wako ,mukadzi akaroorwa akubvumidzwa kuita mumwe murume ikodzero yake it's that equal rights that's nosense ,uye nyika yedu hatichada president takuda king kuitira kuti tidzose culture yedu nesimba redu Sema Zimbabweans or ma Africans , zimbabwe tinorarama pasina imbwa idzi vanozviti ma investor, zvese tinazvo minerals and technology ,and soon zimbabwe will be free and ne great zimbabwe again and Africa as whole, thx kune vachanzwisisa dnt Fogel freedom is coming ,and don't forget be prepared for a war ,yes war is horrible but slavery is worse ,let come together sons and daughters of Zimbabweans to fight for our freedom, our land, our resources and our culture , divided we are weak, United we are stronger than a rock it's unbreakable dankie
Anonymous · 3 months ago
Haa sit down if you know nothing about running a country without outside investors, how will our children grow up and make the country better if they start living with on technology with our moden day living all over the world for example you are saying all this nonsense using a smart phone pfungwa dzacho dziripi when you say chase away white, chinies and each and every pigment what will the citizens of Zimbabwe in the next generation move forward vakuyita zveku gara in caves and walking more than 100 km a day no phones, no internet, no cars no adequate system and education. You want to resort back to the girl child being married with a man that is 10 to 20 years older than her and girls knowing only to give birth to children and doing house hold stuff, never falling in love with the person that they would love, with people doing things to make their elderly and superiors happy untill there old as well and nothing changing to make a better, peaceful and reproductive boys and girls for tomorrow that can change our country to be in unity and peace fighting for a better Zimbabwe tomorrow with women with men putting their heads together to bulid and long lasting zimbabwe that will never be colonized ever again. The whole world should just unite help each other were help is needed whether you are black white indian chinies or whatever pigment because trying to blame someone for your poverty will never change the poverty you are in today. What happed yesterday can only be rectified and corected by the poeple who are living today with one voice and reason for a better tomorrow with the same intension for the best in each and every human being on this eath. Just be positive towards the future without distubing the person next to you i think we all of us in this world live better
Corruptmore Looto · 3 months ago
You lost me when you started writing all that nonsense about chasing away other Zimbabweans, bringing back Kings.
Babazvangu · 3 months ago
Babazvangu · 3 months ago
Handed paparenyatwa vachivhayo
Jamburutu · 3 months ago
Kungoti vanhu vanoda kumhanyira munhu pazvinhu zvake. Apa chipangidzo chekuti munhuwo anotonzwawo tsitsi. Kutanga mwana uya anoda kuenda India ku operation nhasi uyu Simon Pashoma (Pawanzwa zvino) Ncube Zvinofadza, zvinokudzwa, zvinotendwa ndokuita musiyano mukuru muhupenyu hwevanhu.
Tate g · 3 months ago
gud thing just do more for the country not pipo who beg u
sad emoji1
The Erudite · 3 months ago
who's responsibility is that,isn't that supposed to be your vene?
Tate g · 3 months ago
yes it's mine and yours too.i wud rather help more serious pipo if I had the mo6than a former employee who had everything in his prime time unlock others
Tate g · 3 months ago
Mp · 3 months ago
Chivayo ini sa Mp pulizu ndapota ndipeo ka us 1000 chete yokutenga whisky kana ndakuenda ku rally
cde che guveira · 3 months ago
thanks for supporting the poor
Anonymous · 3 months ago
He is not poor but he made himself poor this guy
🧐 🤔 🤨 🤪 · 3 months ago
Ngaango pinda ne mbudzi hake I business rine quick and returns, Ana Chimobe can help though..... 🤷‍♂️
Fireman T · 3 months ago
Thank Sir wicknell God bless
EVIL SERVANT · 3 months ago
ko nyaya yake ye rape yakazopera sei mudhara uyu
Chiurai · 3 months ago
Sir Wicknell maakuita zvamaifanirwa kuita chaizvo. Sando dzenyu. Chengeanai Vana vanyamunhu
African Observer · 3 months ago
Makorokoto makuita basa chairo manje madzibaba kwete vamaimbopa paya paya apa makurwa kurwa kwakanaka manje.

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