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White Employers Treat Black Workers Better Than Chinese, Says Killer Zivhu

4 months agoThu, 07 Nov 2024 07:16:03 GMT
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White Employers Treat Black Workers Better Than Chinese, Says Killer Zivhu

Outspoken former Chivi South legislator Killer Zivhu (ZANU PF) has claimed that white employers in Zimbabwe treat their Black employees better than their Chinese counterparts.

In a post on X, Zivhu said he was “appalled” at the treatment of his cousin, who works as a driver for a Chinese employer.

He alleged that his cousin is forced to sleep in his car and cook meals in Bulawayo, which he then eats over three days in Harare, while his Chinese bosses enjoy comfortable hotel accommodations and fine dining. Said Zivhu:

Appalled by Chinese nationals’ treatment of Blacks in Zimbabwe! My cousin, a driver, sleeps in cars while they enjoy hotels. Cooks his meals in Bulawayo kuti agozodya ku Harare for 3 days, while they dine lavishly. White people show more dignity towards Blacks than Chinese.

Since 2000, when the Zimbabwean government seized farms from white farmers and adopted the “Look East” policy, there has been a significant influx of Chinese nationals, particularly in the mining sector.

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However, numerous reports indicate that Chinese employers often mistreat their Black workers, paying them meagre wages and subjecting them to inhumane working conditions.

In September of this year, Daniel Molokele, the Member of Parliament for Hwange Central, criticized Chinese coal miners in the district for failing to adhere to Zimbabwe’s laws.

This came after residents of Ingagula township in Hwange raised concerns about excessive dust pollution caused by the haulage trucks and coal mining activities of the Chinese operators.

Molokele further alleged that Chinese investors are protected from scrutiny due to their connections with influential politicians in Harare.

In August, Farai Maguwu, the founding director of the Centre for Natural Resource Governance, described the growth of Chinese mining operations in Zimbabwe as a form of “organised crime” due to their exploitative practices.

He argued that mines established in Zimbabwe since 2000 have not contributed meaningfully to the improvement of the communities in which they operate. Said Maguwu:

Mining that is conducted in Zimbabwe is organised crime, it is not really formal. In terms of mines that started operating after the year 2000, the one that I think is a demonstration of unit of environmental social or governance risk is Zimplats.

If you go to Zimplats you will realise that they have invested in the road infrastructure, and they have built a town such that even if Zimplats is said to have ceased operations in Zimbabwe, that settlement will continue to exist.

They have built houses for their staff, it is actually a town that they have built. But those coming from China, they have no intention to stay here, they have no intention to transform the place from the way they found it and turn it into a better place.

More: Pindula News



' · 3 months ago
$$1 · 4 months ago
San he mining yauraya tared road from tengenenge ichiitoisa ma tombo kwete gravel pamusoro pe tara kuti ma tipper avo angodarika chte muroad makaisa mamwe mazi hamp chero asi ministry of roads yakangotarisa varikuparadza pese pese hanzi ministry of mines yakatipa power all over zimbabwe
Dambudzo · 4 months ago
Chinese Havana mhosva problem chihurumende chinotungamirirwa namurambwi Chisina care nevanhu
Sol Regem · 4 months ago
The problem is that we want a country which is still developing to help us. China still has some way to go and its per capita consumer spending is still dwarfed by western countries, it's only advantage is its large market otherwise it is still way behind the US economy. You never ask someone who is still developing to help you, he will help himself first. We need to go directly to the source of modern development not this nonsense of getting help from the copycats instead of engaging the real deal which is the west
citizen · 4 months ago
All mining operations are done to enrich those who contracted them and the Chinese as well.They are not concerned about the and the environment.Its their time to loot for their benefit.Don't worry much , everything on this planet earth won't last forever.We used to have powerful kings the world over.Where are they now?No man shall rule for ever.The day shall come when the Chinese leave Zimbabwe for good.Zimbabwe for Zimbabweans.
gumlaz · 4 months ago
hatisati tati one tichataura kusvka tanyarara sekuti vanodya nevakuru saka hapana hapana kutongotamba irikurira guys
shurushuru · 4 months ago
bitter fruits of the look east policy. zanu must go
1974 · 4 months ago
Nyika yedu irikubirwa zvakanyanya netumaChaina dai vanotungamira nyika yedu vanechido nenyika vaiita kuti MaChinese companies ese arejistwe patsva zviri pamutemo. Vobhadhara tax nekuRegister vashandi vavo vese Nyika ingadai yatobudirira. MANJE manje vanoenda kunoRegister kuChinese Business Association in Zimbabwe. Vamwe vanotongo Operator vasina kana kuRegister.Marobberies awanda munyika coz varikuTargeta maChinese coz havaise mari kubank vanofamba nayo. With the help of GVT zvinogadzirika very fast. Iyezvino MaChinese companies ari kuitirana maFavours vakupanana mabasa pachayo even Security vakuisa yavo yemaChaina.Gaurd wavo vanomupa 150 ashanda 24days 6to6 pasina off. Unlike matraditional security companies anoshanda 16days a month.I wonder what the parliamentarians do for their five years in parliament and not see all these things happening we need your help or ask the people whats going on in the country.
👀👀 · 4 months ago
do ever watched them varimi August house,most of the vanenge varere zvavo,Saka vanorongei
Sol Regem · 4 months ago
They even bring their own toilet paper from China, they are so selfish. The ****s that they give us never reach the RBZ, they choose the company for you without you having a single say in it, all you need to know is that the **** needs to be paid back. The British and Americans when they gave us ****s in the 80s and 90s RBZ received the money and we choosed if we wanted a Zimbabwean company to do the job or not but the Chinese don't operate that way, it's all about benefiting themselves first.
Sol Regem · 4 months ago
jah d · 4 months ago
if we bring the British or American we say we are colonised but if it is the Chinese we say our friends kkk.i do agree strongly with sir Africa that our children we fight the Chinese for freedom kkkkk
lonwolf · 4 months ago
Zvituta zve Zanu zvino nazwa pasi petsoka drama chef adzo kana dza rwadziwa dzohukura kkkada
tired cadre · 4 months ago
ukaona isu weZanu takutaura muPaliament ziva kuti vakuru vari kutitonga nedemo, ukapikisa
Bazooka · 4 months ago
The Commander In Chief of our defense forces has clandestinely deployed our soldiers to fight the citizens of Mozambique without parliamentary approval. What is Tshabangu saying about that as opposition? My advice to our soldiers is "Don't go back to the barracks when you return until Zimbabwe is free."
Native · 4 months ago
Ichokwadi here kana zvirizvo vakuurayisa maZimba ariko.
👁️ · 4 months ago
Kagame of Rwanda has done the same. SADC is now Mnangagwa
The Erudite · 4 months ago
This constant highlighting and glazing of Killer Zivhu by the press is now out of hand...This fictitious cousin of his should not warrant precious column inches ...What if the guy prefers eating food over three days or worse yet is part of the stingy people's association.???...The Chinese have and will never implement a purely racial hierarchy at their workplace unlike the "white people" Killer Zivhu is waxing lyrically about.. Britain literally built and is still building her economy off the profits of looted resources they unlawfully gained from Africa yet this cretin Zivhu acts like it is something to fawn over....To hell with those that exhibit Sinophobia as it is a surefire sign that they are nothing uncivilized relics of a bygone era.... Erudite out
Duma Boko Haram · 4 months ago
uyishlama yazi
Sir African · 4 months ago
How do you make comprision between a whiteman and a Chinky.The Chinkies pay money directly to Vene and company. Vene stopped listening to everybody the day he moved into state house. Of cause white Rhodies were much better than the Chinkies as they had a sense of belonging.The next war our children must fight will be against the Chinese who have colonized this country is takangotarisa.
nherera · 4 months ago
No ways no one has the right to mstreat me in my country these animals called Chinese need to be given a lesson let's shoot the one by one pamberi ne Zeno phobia
Anonymous · 4 months ago
Treated like this in your mother land while saying we are independent can we Zim go rip China the way they are ripping apart Zimbabwe we are slaves in our own country. Bob Marley was hated by whites because of his liberation songs. Rise up, fight for your right.
Sir African · 4 months ago
Mnangagwa has no interest in what goes around in Zimbabwe in terms of social welfare of the majority of Zimbabweans.That is why professor Mutambara in his book referred him as very dull. Mugabe in his dismissal letter to him referred his as lacking probity meaning he does not have the capacity to reason.
Anonymous · 4 months ago
I am very happy it's happening to your cousin. Results of look East. Dai ma tyre akatopiwa futi.
kiki · 4 months ago
munangagwa is the puppet of china.nyika yakato colonizwa kare nemachina
Justice · 4 months ago
Dambudzo is using these people as a front to loot
👀👀 · 4 months ago
haurevi nhema
Rurue · 4 months ago
better kutovhotera chamisa
Anonymous · 4 months ago
Chekuvaita ndopasina
👀👀 · 4 months ago
yah ndoopasina,but ku SA havaite tricks idzodzo,even if you visit China Shopping Mall in Joburg,most workers there are Zimbos,it's a different story,
ZimSketch · 4 months ago
arise Zimbos, lets go for it again chimurenga hatinga jairirwi kudai in our motherland
Gaffer · 4 months ago
Chimurenga hachiitwi zvejoke izvo. Zvazvehondaka izvo kkkkkk
👀👀 · 4 months ago
ndakapinda mine imwe shop ku downtown ndichida zvinhi zvemagetsi,the Chinese woman was there present at the counter and her 3black employees,ndakati maswera SEI hama dzangu dzaive pa counter dzikadaira,yakaitwa Hondo kunzi madairirei handidi kunzwa futi that launguage muno,yakazoita Hondo home nema blacks alive akazara imomo aitengawo achiudzwa kuti go back to China ,what do you want in a country you hate it's Pipo and their language,vanhu vaivava munongonzwa Imi,l sneaked nemuvanhu ndikabuda ,l do not know how it ended,those Chinese Pipo vakavenga ma blacks ,zvekutodaro,all they want is looting our minerals and Us dollars ,Dambu anotoziva kt ndoozvavari and ndoozvirikuitika by he doesn't care nekuti anoziva kt hakuna wekwske anoda akanoshandira muChina, suffer continues, survival of the fittest
Sol Regem · 4 months ago
Just look at how brazen they are, it's because they know that our corrupt leaders only want money in their pockets, that's why they behave like that, they wouldn't dare do that in South Africa
Ctrl Alt Del · 4 months ago
some say the white gvt treated blacks better than what the black gvt is doing
Sol Regem · 4 months ago
Now this is the truth and nothing but the truth but some quarters won't accept the bitter truth just because the ones ruling have the same skin as the one suffering, so to them they aren't being suppressed since their pathetic small minds only see suffering if it's done by the other skin.
Native · 4 months ago
ichokwadi ichocho, varungu vari right . Nyangwe zvedu vakatidzvanya pane zvimwe zvinhu asi vayivakira vanhu dzimba , basa ayiveko, zvekudya zvakachipa. But Zanu pf hayikona mhani. KuChina varikuvakira vanhu vavo dzimba variku creater employment kuvanhu vavo kuno vonongo looter neku abuser vagari vemuno. Ma Chinese ngaabude zvawo hapana development yavarikuyita. Zanu pf OUT ,Chinese OUT.
370H-55V O773H🙃 · 4 months ago
Ukuu vanoti hava recognise weekend, mukova we bank hawu zivikanwe, apa zve holiday hakuna, ma opposition, ma overtime acho haasi aristipulated ne Government, zvino a zvinoratidza pachena kuti kutove ku lootee ma resources and uku coz they know they are not here to stay
mc · 4 months ago
Chinese are cruel guyz
man · 4 months ago
kushandira ma China inhamo inokunda kugara paden twune hutainye twanhu itwotwu
Wanzwa here · 4 months ago
Maku svinura manje 🙆 shame, nyika matengesa
Big Dude · 4 months ago
The question to ask is where is the people's president when all this is happening. Some crazy fanatics are saying "2030 anenge achipo", for this? He is the power behind corruption by the Chivhayos and the abuse of our people by the Chinese. How does he benefit from all this and more?
Dambudzo · 4 months ago
Muno tagara hatina president baba
Professor L · 4 months ago
that's the big question that needs an answer from HE.He is completely ignoring what his Chinese friends are doing in our rural areas
Ndambakuudzwa · 4 months ago
sorry to ask zviya Zimbabwe Ina president here I'm not sure ndinenge ndarasika coz last time I checked there was a cartel that was running the nation

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