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ZANU PF Passes Resolution For Mnangagwa's Term Extension To 2030

4 months agoMon, 28 Oct 2024 06:56:45 GMT
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ZANU PF Passes Resolution For Mnangagwa's Term Extension To 2030

ZANU PF has passed a resolution allowing President Emmerson Mnangagwa to extend his term until 2030, but the president has rejected this proposal.

The announcement was made on Saturday by Patrick Chinamasa, the party’s secretary for legal affairs, during the ZANU PF Annual People’s Conference in Bulawayo.

According to the National Constitution, Mnangagwa is limited to a maximum of two terms and cannot run for office again when his current term ends in 2028.

Chinamasa said the party had resolved that Mnangagwa’s term as President and first secretary of ZANU PF should be extended beyond 2028 to 2030.

The resolution also calls for the party and government to initiate necessary amendments to the national Constitution to implement these changes.

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However, Chinamasa clarified that Mnangagwa has no intention of serving beyond the constitutional limits, adding that the resolution “will not go anywhere.” He said:

I understand clearly the motivation behind the resolution. We have scored great achievements in a very short time under the leadership of the president.

I understand the motivation is that these achievements should continue. Our department was being asked the question: ‘Is it legally possible (to extend Mnangagwa’s term)?’

The short answer is that yes it’s legally possible but to achieve it we would need two separate constitutional amendments.

The first amendment would be to remove the presidential term limits, the second amendment would be to remove the disability that the constitution places on the president to serve beyond 2028.

The constitutional bills must be separate, not in one constitutional bill. Each constitutional bill must be followed by a referendum.

Chinamasa added that he had consulted Mnangagwa three times, and each time, Mnangagwa firmly rejected the idea of extending his presidency.

However, one of Mnangagwa’s staunch supporters, Taurai Kandishaya, ridiculed Chinamasa for claiming at the conference that the president had expressed a desire not to serve beyond 2028. He wrote on Facebook:

So it happened that I asked my teacher if we were supposed to come for lessons during the holiday, and he looked at me and said NO.

I asked him again the next day, and he said NO. I asked him a third time, and he still said NO. Meanwhile, other students were happy, saying they had extra lessons during the holiday.

Someone then told me, “Young man, your teacher is saying NO because he sees that you don’t really want the lessons. Your question isn’t genuine; it’s just an inquiry. The fact that you’ve asked more than once means you have other motives.”

Moral of the story: Give people the answer they want.

More: Pindula News



👍 · 4 months ago
the answer says it can't happen
s. s · 4 months ago
Anonymous · 4 months ago
ZIG tenure as a useless national tender has been extended.....
Nobody · 4 months ago
Zve mahumbwe izvi nguva chete inotaura · 4 months ago
Kusiya huchi zvakaoma nechemumoyo unenge uchiti wachandidzosa chete kuti zviite zvawagara wada. Hameno ikoko simply watch
· 4 months ago
Chiwenga ngaachenjere ipapa akapusa haasvike 2028
💣 · 4 months ago
True. Asi iye Munangarwa haasvikivo.
madhu · 4 months ago
Pushing this 2030 resolution by the Provincial Chairman was the height of political irresponsibility and attempt to destroy ED. If they did this without his approval then, they should be dismissed because of the consequences it has brought to the party. ED rejected the idea on more than 3 times, according to Chinamasa! So who was behind this decision and what was the intended outcome? They made their bed and they must lie in it. ED rejected this idea in Russia and China publicly including in Mutare. He deserves the credit and he has been consistent. So the question is, who was funding the project, embarrassing the VP in the process and the fact that a whole movement was engineered to create commotion in the country. If those at the top want to restore any credibility, they should sack the Chairmen and nip in the bud the pretenders and garrulous individuals behind it. They wasted money, time and focus, yet did not bring to conference serious business affecting the people. The nation is grappling with a huge drought, yet nothing of that was carried in their resolutions? These are a group of excited court jesters who are dangerous to ED, the party and country. Restore discipline or things will fall apart.
Anonymous · 4 months ago
If zanupf like him that much they must make him zanupf life president. Mugabe once said there is no one in zanupf who is capable of leading. 2028 is too far he was suppose to now
Rurue · 4 months ago
ED arikuda asi arikutya kuita yakamboitwa coupe asi manje kuda kurivarisa vanhu anongozodonhedzwaa chiwengaa takutosvika vanhu vochingoti ngaarambe hake aripo saka zvandinoona zvinotoita kuti urimurevi mu office and ngamumbopinda masoja isu tibate nyika paitwe sarudzoo
mculi nthube · 4 months ago
That resolution will require people to vote in two referendums, keeping the nation in election mode which is disruptive for the economy. Tongoramba tichimurmur chete
Erudite · 4 months ago
No comment.....Erudite out
Anonymous · 4 months ago
Gurundoro' · 4 months ago
Wese arikuda kuti ED arambe aripo is stealing, looting, corrupt,gold mafia coz this president has failed us so dismally why should he stay tichihora useless ZIG .....
Narcissist😒 · 4 months ago
"THE MAN" wants but he is afraid of another😑
kamukono ketsambarafuta 🤸 · 4 months ago
ED akunyepera kusada iye achida hake
Sir African · 4 months ago
We are waitng for the referendum and we will deal him a 2002 blow that saw Mugabe realising people did love. Zanu Pf and MDC came together just to make sure Mugabe understood it was time to step down but he did not listen.The result was forcing himself on the people and he lost the 2005 elections dosmal.
Jojola · 4 months ago
Ko 2005 makavhota naniko muchivhotera chii musanyepera vanhu imi
🕺🏋️‍♂️🏃‍♂️ · 4 months ago
@jojola Parliamentary elections akazoitwa harmonised muna 2008 kuti abatane nemapresidential elections
cde che guveira · 4 months ago
he wouldn't survive the referendum.
The Curator · 4 months ago
If Zanu Pf calls for a referendum, you know damn well that they will win it.
Anonymous · 4 months ago
It is a foregone conclusion. The referendum will be a show, but the result will already be decided.
🕺🏋️‍♂️🏃‍♂️ · 4 months ago
@curator then they should have won the 1999 referendum
Corruptmore Looto · 4 months ago
Why didn't they win the 2000 one, despite sweetening the deal at the last minute by including the taking of farms without compensation but Mugabe still lost.

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