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ZANU PF Conference Resolutions On The State Of The Party

4 months agoMon, 28 Oct 2024 09:37:38 GMT
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ZANU PF Conference Resolutions On The State Of The Party

ZANU PF wrapped up its 21st National People’s Conference at the Zimbabwe International Exhibition Centre (ZIEC) in Bulawayo on Saturday.

The conference resulted in the endorsement of over 100 resolutions. Here are the key resolutions regarding the State of the Party:

1 the President and First Secretary of ZANU PF Party, His Excellency, Cde. Dr E. D. Mnangagwa’s term of office as President of the Republic of Zimbabwe and First Secretary of ZANU PF be extended beyond 2028 to 2030. The Party and Government should, therefore, set in motion the necessary amendments to the National Constitution so as to give effect to this resolution;

2 the Party and Government should establish a comprehensive framework that ensures the operationalisation of the principle of Party Supremacy over Government;

3 the Chitepo School of Ideology should decentralise its training programmes to Administrative Districts for the benefit of Party Members, Government employees, private sector and the general populace;

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4 the Party’s Conflict Resolution Committee should be proactive and come up with programmes that detect, resolve and mitigate conflict within the Party;

5 the Party should expedite the digitalisation of its Cell /Village Registers to ensure credible Party Voters Rolls during Party elections so as to minimise election related disputes;

6 the Government prioritises the employment of National Youth Service graduates who have the requisite qualifications;

7 the Party District Executive Committee Chairmen be allocated motor cycles to effectively enhance their mobility in executing Party programmes;

8 the Party amends the Party Constitution to recognise Non-Combatant Cadres and War Collaborators as categories forming part of the Veterans of the Liberation Struggle;

9 1st July of each year be declared a Public Holiday in honour of the late Hon. Vice President, Cde. Dr. Joshua Nyongolo Mqabuko Nkomo;

10 political returnees from the opposition be integrated into the Party after following proper procedures thereby ensuring their progressive ascendency in the Party Structures;

11 Party internal election processes should strive to achieve the implementation of the 50-50 Gender Equality Policy;

12 the Party should create a level political field to allow women access to positions of authority, within the Party, in Government and in other institutions;

13 the Party establishes Information Desks at each District Coordinating Committee Offices;

14 attendance at the Chitepo School of Ideology sessions be encouraged for all members of ZANU PF; and

15 Nhanga/ Gota/ Ixhiba programmes be supported by the Party.

More: Pindula News



ClD Admire kuyeri · 4 months ago
ED must GO
👍 · 4 months ago
yaa sizaphela ke inkosi kayidunyiswe
Antman · 4 months ago
We're waiting for a coup if some of the resolutions are implemented
Patz · 4 months ago
Vanoenda ngavabve vaenda neZiG rawo. ZiG is an imposter of money manufactured to defraud citizens
Gora · 4 months ago
chinjai mutemo weparty YENYU to extend his term. Leave our national constitution imi vanhu
Corruptmore Looto · 4 months ago
The Nkomo resolution and a few others such as gender equality are the only things that makes sense, the rest is madness. Not everyone likes the foolish communist doctrine of Zanu and they shouldn't promo that school of theirs.
twabam · 4 months ago
zanu haisi nyika it's an organization so learn to differentiate the two because not every Zimbabwean belongs or likes zanu. the resolutions are yours bt when it comes to constitution of the country let every citizen contribute to its amendment
LTM · 4 months ago
twabam ndizvo zvatoonawo asi now itori nyika yeparty chipi nechipi chinotwa neparty hapana choitika
LTM · 4 months ago
there is a whirlwind within the party..this time the dust wont settle very soon lets grab our popcorn and sit while we wait for the movie game of thrones to begin...🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 zvatosvorana chasara kuudzwa kuti chamisa ndiye akahwina maelectioms
keep it away pliz · 4 months ago
the party is in a hell of a state !! LOL .. keep your chitepo zanu ideology school to yourselves please , the majority of normal Zimbabweans dont need that sh!t , thank you...
laugh emoji1
Jah d · 4 months ago
Mugabe's day is on 21feb(youths day,)
Anonymous · 4 months ago
Point of correction. The Herbert chitepo ideology school should benefit only zanupf full stop we don't need. The ministers children must also join boarder gezi. Nkomo holiday well it fine what about Mugabe. Our constitution says 2 five years terms. You can extend as zanupf president not Zimbabwe president. Angry citizen
laugh emoji1
bhangu · 4 months ago
you ****s are too **** taurai zveku zanu kwete ku Zimbabwe because you overstayed your welcome long ago

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