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I Will Not Extend My Term Beyond 2028 - Mnangagwa

4 months agoMon, 28 Oct 2024 05:58:56 GMT
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I Will Not Extend My Term Beyond 2028 - Mnangagwa

President Emmerson Mnangagwa remains firm in his position that he will not extend his term beyond 2028, despite proposals from the ruling party’s 10 provinces to extend it to 2030.

This announcement was made at the 21st ZANU PF Annual National People’s Conference in Bulawayo, on Saturday.

ZANU PF Secretary for Legal Affairs, Patrick Chinamasa, confirmed that Mnangagwa had no desire to extend his mandate beyond the constitutional limits. Said Chinamasa:

His Excellency’s hand was involved in the drafting of the current Constitution. He is a constitutionalist and has made it clear that he will abide by the Constitution, which limits Presidential terms. He has no intention of serving beyond 2028.

Chinamasa said the topic of extending Mnangagwa’s term has been discussed multiple times since August 2024, with the President remaining consistent in his stance.

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All provinces voted in favour of extending Mnangagwa’s term as President of Zimbabwe and First Secretary of ZANU PF until 2030.

Chinamasa explained that extending the term would require two separate amendments: one to remove the fixed presidential term from the Constitution and another to eliminate the restrictions preventing Mnangagwa from serving beyond 2028.

Chinamasa said throughout his consultations with the President, sought clarity on this matter. He said:

I was not satisfied with the initial responses, but after repeated discussions, the President remained resolute in his position. He is committed to adhering to the Constitution and will not seek an extension beyond 2028.

I was granted a meeting in August where I raised the issue to find out what his position was. I was given an answer. I was not satisfied.

I asked again for a meeting in mid-September to seek an answer. I was given the same answer that I was given in August.

But just to be sure whether I was in the right direction, I called and asked for another meeting which His Excellency granted me which was on Tuesday and this time I had a witness, I was not alone fortunately.

I was given the same answer that I was given in August, September and Tuesday. Just before I took to the podium, I whispered in the ear of the President “Is what you told me at the three meetings still standing” and he was emphatic, it still stands.

Chinamasa told the Conference that the President has consistently demonstrated a firm and unwavering stance on the issue of extending his term. He said:

I must say each time I went to ask him, I got the impression that he was angry with me for raising issues where he made pronouncements locally, and while he was in the People’s Republic of China.

Given my position, I should always heed what the leadership says but I wanted to get it from the horse’s mouth.

I want to repeat what he said on Tuesday. He said he is a constitutionalist and for certain, he is one.

Furthermore, His Excellency’s hand was involved in the drafting of the current Constitution.

However, some political observers believe Chinamasa’s statements about Mnangagwa being a constitutionalist were a calculated move after Mnangagwa noticed growing resistance to his 2030 campaign.

They argue that if Mnangagwa truly opposed the 2030 campaign, the resolution would not have been included at the conference’s conclusion, as he must approve all resolutions before they are passed and announced.

Thus, the inclusion of the resolution suggests that Mnangagwa may actually desire the extension of his term.

More: Pindula News



Onismo mafuta · 4 months ago
Iih mnangagwa watirwadzisa manje, ahafanire kubva kusvika murufu
spenser · 4 months ago
Gara waenda ukutononoka hapana anombokuda kunze kwe mbavha chete,itorova pasi izvozvi msoro bhangu
Makatukura · 4 months ago
Chinamasa was not satisfied even after 3meetings,,kuzoti ini hangu ndini ndadii
Big Dude · 4 months ago
Mr Paritricky of trash and bins thinks we're fools. If Dambudzo didn't want, you would not be talking. He would silence you all who are campaigning for him by just a word. He would not risk splitting the party like what's happening. You rushing to amend the constitution in order to then say he has agreed to carry on because the constitution will be allowing it. How unprincipled.
Rurue · 4 months ago
Ehe ndikuziva kuti term haisati yapera ngachingobva isati yapera kudaro,Yu got my point here
The Curator · 4 months ago
Kana abva poenda ani? What exactly do you expect to happen if a president of a country just suddenly steps down?
twabam · 4 months ago
thanx cde chinamasa for confirming katatu, zvikazochinja hapazomihwe mihwe plus constitutionalist haarase constitutionalism
dream · 4 months ago
well said 👆thats the truth
sekuru Gudo · 4 months ago
Ko imi munomanikidzirei munhu kana achiti haachadi zvake.Ndo inonzi Job abuse ka iyi!!
Eddie · 4 months ago
Dummy 🤾‍♂️🤾‍♂️
The Curator · 4 months ago
The President has been saying the same thing over and over again, that he will not seek to extend his presidency beyond 2028,, but many dunderheads don't listen. Zimbabweans have become so fixated on conspiracies and conspiracy theories.
Red Cloud · 4 months ago
nhai comrade chinamasa kuzoutika meeting katatukatatu naConstitutionalist ndokurevei? inhema chete
The Curator · 4 months ago
What makes you think that inhema?
Sir African · 4 months ago
@ Curator.Hethinks inhema because he knows the track history of your party.
Red Cloud · 4 months ago
havataura shuwa vakuru ivavo mazombie avo ndiwo anobvuma nhema dzavo
Big Yut · 4 months ago
Ana Chinamasa vanoziva kuti Mnangagwa akabva vatove pama 1, pachamhanywa apa. Mirai muwone
🕺🏋️‍♂️🏃‍♂️ · 4 months ago
@curator asking the same question 4 times. and as recently as just before the speech
Owen mhise · 4 months ago
there is tym for everything thus God's case
VaChikomo · 4 months ago
tinotenda 🙏🏿 ED basa ramakabata kubva muchitanga kusvika zvino. panguva yamatonga hazvina kuita zvega asi mwari ndivo vakaita kana vakatendera zvee munongoenda mberi henyu
Rurue · 4 months ago
ngaatobvaa soon
The Curator · 4 months ago
Anogobva soon term yake isati yapera sei? Dzirimo here dzinotonyatsoshanda.?
Corruptmore Looto · 4 months ago
It isn't just about finishing terms, if you are failing you must go but here the entire system is so rotten that it only knows how to bootlick failing people, how can a sane person believe that within the next few years the economy will become an Upper middle income, will our problems miraculously disappear. Based on where we are right now, it would take a good 10 to 15 years in order for us to have that chance and that is with a competent government, how can destroyers fix that which they shattered.
The Curator · 4 months ago
And what makes you think that the economy will miraculously improve by his departure? What makes you think that all our problems will disappear if he inadvertently steps down?
The Curator · 4 months ago
What makes you think that the economy will miraculously improve by his departure? Why do you think that all our problems will disappear if he inadvertently steps down?

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