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Senate Passes Controversial PVO Amendment Bill

4 months agoThu, 24 Oct 2024 07:54:55 GMT
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Senate Passes Controversial PVO Amendment Bill

The Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) has condemned the passage of the controversial Private Voluntary Organisations (PVO) Amendment Bill (H.B.2A, 2024) by the Senate on October 17, 2024.

The government initially gazetted the PVO Amendment Bill on March 1, 2024. This Bill aims to amend the Private Voluntary Organisations Act.

The current amendment follows the lapse of the 2021 PVO Amendment Bill, which the President did not assent to, citing reservations. Said the ZLHR:

In an alarming move, the Senate fast-tracked and passed the PVO Amendment Bill at supersonic speed on 17 October 2024.

The contents of the PVO Bill passed by the Senate remain elusive as there was no clause-by-clause reading captured in the Hansard.

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This Bill has now passed parliament houses despite the flawed consultation and public hearing processes marred with violence.

The passing of the PVO Amendment Bill by the Senate will allow President Emmerson Mnangagwa to sign it.

ZLHR is seriously concerned at the whirlwind speed of deliberations in the Senate House, which took place without much debate and scrutiny.

The ZLHR expressed shock that, despite the concerns of some local civil society organisations (CSOs), citizens, and regional and international bodies, both Houses of Parliament have passed the Bill. Said ZLHR:

ZLHR is shocked that even in light of unequivocal and genuine misgivings by a significant segment of local civil society organisations (CSOs), citizens and regional and international organisations and bodies, such as the United Nations Special Procedures, about the PVO Amendment Bill’s contravention of national, regional, and global standards of freedom of association, the harmful law, which tramples upon human rights, was expedited through Parliament.

The March 2024 version is a replica of the November 2021, albeit with more stringent repressive provisions.

The passage of the PVO Amendment Bill by the Senate, compounded by its enactment into law and its destructive effect on civil society, presents a significant setback in the country’s commitment to human rights and will place Zimbabwe in contravention of its human rights obligations, notably on freedom of association.

According to the ZLHR, the PVO Amendment Bill negatively impacts CSOs, potentially leading to the closure of civic space, which has been diminishing since August 2018.

The Bill legitimizes excessive executive interference in CSO operations and criminalizes their activities, undermining freedom of association and centralizing executive power over the registration of PVOs through the Registrar’s Office.

The human rights lawyers argued that the Bill contravenes Zimbabwe’s international commitments to uphold the right to freedom of association and ignores the guidelines of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights.

The Bill threatens the ability of civil society to operate freely, which is crucial for protecting human rights and providing essential services, thereby contributing positively to the economy.

The ZLHR said the Minister of Justice claims the Bill responds to FATF Recommendations aimed at combating illicit financial flows, but this justification is seen as a pretext for restricting civic space.

The ZLHR further argued that the FATF’s revised Recommendation 8, intended to protect NPOs from terrorist financing abuse, is being misapplied by the Zimbabwean government to justify restrictive measures against CSOs.

The human rights lawyers have urged President Emmerson Mnangagwa and the government to reject the Bill, aligning with the wishes of the majority of Zimbabwean citizens and respecting their aspirations for civic freedom.

More: Pindula News



Gora · 4 months ago
zvakangovhota zvisina kutomboverenga. I grp reharahwa nechembere iro. kutaurirwa zvokuita by this present regime. tichazovabvunza
Z · 4 months ago
Farmer's Roundtable 🥙🇿🇼 · 4 months ago
........ingava nyika here isina mitemo. Everything needs regulation. Shame o you cashvist
Imhenyu · 4 months ago
MaNGOs mazhinji ndiwo arikuuraya culture dzedu, environment via maGMOs,yaa tirikutambura bt Ubuntu neenvironment zvikachengetedzwa zvinotibatsira,,one more thing chandinofarira kuti tese tizive uye tizvizeye tizvione inyaya yechinozi Politics and good governance and or democracy,,,ndodawo nyika yamungaziva pasi pezuva isinawo chinozi opposition munyika mayo,nyika yamunoti hakuitwi maelections,kwakangozvinakira and akazi arikuitwa hakuna munhu or opposition inenge irikowo ichicampaina,,zvingoriko ndezvekt across the world hakuna leadership iri nani or inogonera vanhu vayo vese even kubva mumba matigere matakakurira tiri pamwe maonere nemaitire anosiyana nemafungire anosiyana and vanyori venhau vanhu vane pfungwa dzawo pane chose chaitwa or chabuda,saka isusu ngatirege kumwirira either side bt let's just take our own share of zvataurwa nezvaitika zvimwe torasa and focus on our lives than those pipo vari kuzviraramira zvawo evil or good,thank you
Antman · 4 months ago
Culture changes every day. Riira back then was oaid by the father nowadays you oay everything on your own. Back then ladies were farm workers, kids herd boys, daughters water girls but nowadays you say boss to those kids abd duties have changed
BB · 4 months ago
Antman, changes in culture should not undermine a people's ethical values especially those that have roots in God's defined principles. We can not evil prescription for the sake of being seeing to embrace change otherwise we are going to see people walking in our streets vasina kupfeka.
Clowns 4Sure · 4 months ago
dont worry about it, all of this nonsense will backfire on these clueless clown zanoid goons in good time ...
Anonymous · 4 months ago
Dambudziko guru riri muzimbabwe nderekuti nyika ino irikutongwa haisi kutungamirirwa. Tikangopabata ipapo dambudziko redu rinopera
Bray Wyatt · 4 months ago
Sometimes we have to do what is in the best interest of the nation... North Korea doesn't give a f**k about human rights and sanctions yet it is thriving technologically, military & industrially. It is high time we stop being puppets of the west and chant our own destiny according to our own rules ....not some guidelines handed to us from someone who hasn't even visited this country....
🕺🏋️‍♂️🏃‍♂️ · 4 months ago
good luck
AGP2333 · 4 months ago
nekupusa kwamakaita do you think this teapot shaped kawntri of ours can survive even a decade tikadaro? the looters can't invest in anything:- industry, technology, health, education, infrastructure! shame!
Madzimidza5 · 4 months ago
@Bray so it's good be puppets of the East
laugh emoji1
strayt Outta Chi town · 4 months ago
technology is bringing world closer & you zim to slide back into medieval period 🙄🤔 North Korea yacho imbori, listen to accounts of those who managed to run away from it
Anonymous · 4 months ago
LOL. You are funny. If it wasn't for Chinas support, North Korea would be starving, broke and easily run over by its neighbour. It produces nothing of value to the world at large. The only thing it delivers is setting off ICBMs when they run out of food. I can see where you want to have similarities.
laugh emoji1
Anonymous · 4 months ago
Ignore him. He is like Erudite after he has binged some mbanje. Toned down but same nonsense.
laugh emoji1
Corruptmore Looto · 4 months ago
🤣🤣🤣 Good luck to you then
Anonymous · 4 months ago
You are brain dead...

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