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South Africa Spends US$3 Million On Deporting Border Jumpers

4 months agoWed, 23 Oct 2024 13:07:24 GMT
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South Africa Spends US$3 Million On Deporting Border Jumpers

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), a South African opposition party, has raised concerns about the R52.8 million (US$2.9 million) spent on deporting illegal immigrants between April and August.

Home Affairs Minister Leon Schreiber, in a recent Q&A session in parliament, revealed that 19,750 undocumented immigrants were deported, costing the government R52,817,656 (US$2,995,289.27).

This number represents an increase from the 10,808 deportations in 2022/23.

Speaking to TimesLive, EFF MP Thapelo Mogale said the funds could have been better used to strengthen border management and prevent unauthorised entries of foreigners. Said Mogale:

The department is spending excessive amounts of money on the deporting of illegal immigrants in just a few months. If we were to look at it over a period of five years, I’m convinced we would’ve spent a billion or more.

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That is money that could be used for other things. We have a border management agency which is grossly underfunded.

If the border management agency is underfunded, then you’ll experience an influx of undocumented people coming into the country.

Mogale suggested a more practical approach of documenting immigrants rather than spending heavily on deportations. He said:

These people are here already, and now we have to spend millions to get rid of them. The EFF’s solution is to document these people because they are already here.

In that way we’ll be able to identify those who are undesirable, those who may have criminal records, fugitives of justice, and those who ran away from their countries of origin because of criminal activities.

We’ll be able to keep those kinds of things through that process.

The leading countries of origin for deported immigrants in 2022/23 were Zimbabwe, Malawi, Tanzania, Nigeria, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

More: Pindula News



zig · 4 months ago
regai vaite zvanoda inyika yavo ne mitemo yavo kupedza mari hanty ndeyavo pane akimbo ita contribution here
hevoyi fm · 4 months ago
kuwandigwa nemari uko.Vamboti vadini,vachagwadama chete yapera mari.Oti ndiyo inovatuvhaidzazve.Kuvenga muvakidzani wako zvakadaro.Kuti Zimbabwe ndiko kuti South Africa zvee nhai imwi.Miganhu hayo yakahoipwa asi Kubva Zambia kusvika kuSouth Afrika kugungwa yaingova nyika imwe chete.
Chavhunduka · 4 months ago
inhamo kwese kwese
hofeti · 4 months ago
but ivo kuno tino vabata bho wani but vasatidaro vaRamaphosa
Gora · 4 months ago
sadhaki cheya isina ground rebhora. asi wati kubira ma erekisheni sadc kandirisi dzose. washata mnangarwa
Gora · 4 months ago
ma zhimbabwenji makawandisa kuSA muchitiza kuurawa nokurohwa nenhamo ya munangarwa
Rude awakening · 4 months ago
SA ngayiite zvayinowona kuti ndizvo zviri right. Ma illegal immigrants awandisa muSA. Vanhu veko vakutonetsekana nekuwana mabasa munyika mavi becoz arikutorwa nevawuyi vazhinji ma illegal immigrants. Citizens must come first panyaya dzebasa. Nyangwe mukati vari lazy, ehe asi varimunyika yavo. Let's try to fix our problems here tigare muno nemhuri dzedu.
Zim00 aka Mr Strong ZiG · 4 months ago
immigrants are topical issues around the globe. Sa, mexico, America,gaza etc
Goi koi · 4 months ago
Pane munhu asingade kugara munyika make here
Corruptmore Looto · 4 months ago
People should come back and help us get freedom instead of fleeing where there aren't wanted. We all know that xenophobic incidents in SA are all too common but people still flock there, just imagine how terrible of a push factor Zanu PF is 😂😂 that people would rather choose SA with all its drawbacks just to escape the Zanu PF mess.
👀👀 · 4 months ago
chero tikati havatide hedu ndizvozvo,but kutaura chokwadi maZimbo have invaded the whole jorburg mainly,& ma imigrants akawanda kupfuura vamwe maZimbos,l mean vanogara illegally and zvinongoreva chinhu chimwe,munyika hamuna kumira mushe,hezvo vamwe vakazoitwa chikafu chenguruve vachinonga mubini
370H-55V O773H🙃 · 4 months ago
Idzo nyaya I dzema immigrants vanodziwanza ndidzo dzega news here varungu ava are not good at all It's bn like247365, we know very well you do not like us, you do not like people at all
****ish Drivers Association of Zimbabwe (FDAZ) · 4 months ago
He is the Minister of Home Affairs, it's his mandate to present his findings to Parliament unlike in Zimbabwe where few to none show up to be grilled by Parliament. For your own information, the whites are the ones who are actually employing those undocumented migrants, so I don't know what you base your accusation on.
Comic Elder · 4 months ago
hello ****
osy · 4 months ago
very tyt ..
Tsepete tsepete🇿🇼 · 4 months ago
Now l know the value of the $4 million heist, if almost 3million can deport almost 20000 migrants

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