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South Africa Should Document, Not Deport, Illegal Immigrants - Hopewell Chin'ono

4 months agoWed, 23 Oct 2024 13:58:31 GMT
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South Africa Should Document, Not Deport, Illegal Immigrants - Hopewell Chin'ono

Zimbabwean journalist Hopewell Chin’ono suggests that South Africa should document illegal immigrants as a long-term solution to immigration problems, rather than deporting them.

This recommendation follows a statement by South Africa’s Home Affairs Minister Leon Schreiber, who revealed that 19,750 undocumented immigrants were deported, costing the government R52,817,656 (US$2,995,289.27).

Since January 2022, South Africa has spent almost R200 million on deporting 83,731 illegal immigrants.

Speaking to TimesLive, Chin’ono described this expenditure as a “waste of money,” arguing that deported immigrants are likely to return to South Africa.

He suggested that documenting illegal immigrants could address various issues, including unemployment.

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This is despite complaints from South Africans about foreigners “taking their jobs,” often due to companies exploiting undocumented workers for cheap labour. Said Chin’ono:

The only way out, to help South African workers who refuse to work for a pittance in restaurants, and rightly so, is to legalise those already in South Africa so the authorities know who they are.

Implement regulations ensuring these workers can be employed and pay taxes, but also make sure jobs must be offered to South Africans first. They do that in Zimbabwe with the few jobs available, and that is standard practice the world over.

Where no South African is willing to take up the job, it can be offered to a documented migrant who will be paying taxes.

When illegal immigrants are documented and have bank accounts they will begin to pay taxes and can also become entrepreneurial, creating businesses that will employ more South Africans and contribute to economic growth.

Chin’ono added that documenting illegal immigrants and gathering their biometric data would also reduce crime, as undocumented immigrants could commit crimes without being identified.

He criticized South African politicians for using the issue to win votes without offering practical solutions.
Chin’ono reiterated that documenting immigrants would facilitate better border control and provide a comprehensive approach to managing immigration. Said Chin’ono:

These illegal immigrants are deported on a Monday and by Friday they are back. This is known as the revolving door.

The border officials are so corrupt they facilitate this revolving door because they profit from it, so you cannot use immigration control to deal with this on land borders where people come by road.

Some illegal immigrants do not even leave South Africa because the police who arrest them will also accept bribes.

Refusing to document illegals, hoping deportations will solve the problem demonstrates incompetence and ignorance about how illegal immigration works.

It is easy to control the border when you have cleaned up the existing problem. It requires men and women in leadership with a spine.

Zimbabwe tops the list of countries with illegal immigrants in South Africa, with more than 7,000 Zimbabweans deported in 2022/2023.

More: Pindula News 



citizen for sure · 4 months ago
The situation in SA may not remain the same forever.Zimbabwe was once a flourishing country respectively.We are not tied to these scenarios characterised by hyperinflation, political instability,high levels of corruption and so on for good.We may one day wake up ,having a brand new economy while the opposite may also happen to SA.Ev
Anonymous · 4 months ago
Hopewell just saying the obvious now, he has too much time on his hands, we all know these issues from long back whilst he is busy sipping expensive whiskey and looking at his Boer goats
Bray Wyatt · 4 months ago
Hopewell is just echoing what some statesman in SA discussed during a parliamentary briefing!!! Deportation in the next 10 yrs would have depreciated the government coffers significantly,money that can be put to good use by documenting illegal immigrants and upgrading the border posts! I can't see where you are failing to get the logic, its cheap labour heavily taxed..more money in government coffers means more disposable revenue to even bankroll SA citizens who are known to be lazy ... SA can't thrive without immigrants!
Native · 4 months ago
En**** unozviwonera wega wozo commenter. Kana muno hamungadi kuti ma illegal immigrants awande zvakadaro. SA iri panguva yakawoma hazvineyi neracism izvi.
370H-55V O773H🙃 · 4 months ago
As I see it, When Mzilikazi fled SA to what's now known as Zimbabwe, up North the Portuguese and from Mozambique and had already established trade with people from up north, before the arrival of British influence. Siona people would be work in Prazero, farms and trading was smooth in various assortment, Remember the these were Portuguese missionaries making stop over in now then Mozambique and enroute to Asia, The Dutch is did the same enroute to Asia, The British and the came in late enroute and to Australia 🇦🇺 were they dump prisoners in the so SA or was a stop over too so when the Portuguese were establishing fort the Dutch already had SA to call it their own home and the British government had then to go further up North skirting territories to of Portuguese but when the actual colonisation is was passed they wouldn't have do anything for to the Shona but had to fool Mzilikazi and Lobengula in later years, you might want to know how, British missionaries is had a brief stint with the Zulu Kingdom so their missionary could khuluma or had cultured some native Africans to khuluma, and interpret,. Up north The Sion people in were cultured to trade become clergy of missionaries and nurses all catered by Portuguese and missionaries, So when this colonisation was put before the queen the Portuguese was became mummed and could be not fight the Queen of so did the Dutch and rest of Europe that left the British one to trick Lobengula and since they were familiar with the with the language that Lobengula spoke that how we lost it, Now Schroeber wants to reclaim the remnants of Dutch colonisation, Hameno and kana zvanzvikwa but ndizvo Kuti Shona uku came from Siona ku hi putungezi They were still are holier, sion, kana kuti Zion, Sinoia was actually the capital, just like Bulawayo and the former being a religious and the latter well, place for killings, Gogoltha, Lobengula and was a warrior in remember so that art of war was still in the is eternal and to even his descendents in SA
370H-55V O773H🙃 · 4 months ago
A lot of typo errors please ignore
$$$ · 4 months ago
sure, too much errors
Anonymous · 4 months ago
You are ****.your comment is longer than the article itself
??? · 4 months ago
yaa paida proof reading kuti zvibude
$$$ · 4 months ago
isu tiri kuti dai vauya nehuwandu hwavo tigadzire nyika tiri pamwe chete, iwe woti ngava gadzikane ikoko, chimusoro chako, asi watumwa kani.
Juba · 4 months ago
Hazvibude kupa vanhu vese mapaper. Ma illegal immigrants akawandisa.SA cannot to accommodate number yevanhu ivavo muma industries avo Ukayenda kuma locations emuSouth Africa you will understand the kind of problems they have with illegal immigrants. Nyika iyi ine problem wo ye unemployment saka apa Havana any other option kutongodzosera ma illegals kunyika dzavo. Kune Ma Nigerians, Chinese, Congolese, Zimbabweans , Indians, Bangladheshis, Tanzanians, Malawians, Ethiopians,Somalis, nevarungu vakawanda varikubva kuEastern Europe nedzimwewo nyika dzimwewo nyika, ,saka zvakatowomawo kwavari.
Corruptmore Looto · 4 months ago
One person who actually understands what is on the ground. Others are busy saying whites hate us hehh what what, but if you go there you will understand the scale of the problem, they are everywhere in SA especially major cities, SA can't absorb all of them while also providing for its locals. People need to remember one thing, SA isn't a first world country it can't fund all those illegal migrants.
370H-55V O773H🙃 · 4 months ago
Ko akaenda ko potera here or koita mabasa anova anogenerater income which is good for economy and yeko havazvione wo sei Mark Zuckerberg is foreigner in the but he's not boosted Us economy The same and Jan something is Ukrainian but to go pengesva ne WhatsApp izvozvi
nherera · 4 months ago
chinono too much bonyaponya
Inini · 4 months ago
Inenge ndo speciality yako Nherera. Kura
Corruptmore Looto · 4 months ago
Of course Zim tops the list. We are found on the upper echelons of all the negative things.

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