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Zimbabwe’s State Security Agencies Target Political Dissenters In Covert Operation

4 months agoMon, 21 Oct 2024 14:25:32 GMT
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Zimbabwe’s State Security Agencies Target Political Dissenters In Covert Operation

A covert operation to silence dissenting voices in Zimbabwe is reportedly underway amid claims that President Emmerson Mnangagwa intends to remain in power beyond 2028 when his second and final term ends.

Despite Mnangagwa’s repeated assertions that he will respect the Constitution and step down at the end of his term, has cited high-ranking Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO), army intelligence, and police officials who claim a secretive and widespread operation is targeting outspoken individuals labelled as “political dissidents” across Zimbabwe.

The plan reportedly involves arresting and detaining key opposition figures, activists, and journalists on trumped-up charges ahead of ZANU PF’s congress in 2027. Said a source:

This is part of an effort to stifle growing dissent ahead of crucial leadership renewal within ZANU PF at the 2027 congress, and subsequent elections in 2028.

The source claims there is a list of prominent people who may face charges ranging from rape and murder to treason. Said the source:

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Among them are several key members of the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), a party that has been gaining significant ground in the urban and rural strongholds alike.

Former Mkoba constituency Member of Parliament Amos Chibaya who is languishing in remand prison for allegedly inciting violence is one of their targets.

Other high-profile figures targeted include Tendai Biti, the outspoken lawyer who has long been a thorn in the side of the government.

Another notable figure on the wanted list is Joana Mamombe, a young opposition MP who has faced previous arrests.

She has been vocal on issues of human rights violations and the need for political reform, is reportedly being pursued for alleged subversive activities and links to foreign funders, a claim often used by the government to crack down on activists.

Job Sikhala, a prominent defender of civil liberties who has been arrested over sixty times, is reportedly under surveillance. Added the source:

Several human rights lawyers and activists are also being pursued. Some are Zimbabwe’s most renowned human rights defenders.

They have reportedly been marked for arrest while defending opposition figures in court.

Authorities allege they are part of a broader network attempting to undermine State institutions, though these claims have been met with widespread scepticism.

The report also alleges that the undercover crackdown has extended beyond Zimbabwe’s borders, particularly targeting activists in the United Kingdom (UK) who have consistently organised protests against Mnangagwa.

More: Pindula News



Dzikolatu · 4 months ago
lsaih 5 verse 20: Woe unto them that call good evil,and evil good. woe to those who call light darkness. @z and @cio should be aware of it as they support an evil system. The prison are full of people who have been arredted for no crime.
bhoo · 4 months ago
worried citizen · 4 months ago
aikaka zanu yakutourayira vanhu congress ya2027 sure,koakafa ed wachone moreover mdraah mukuru uya sure ungaurayira vanhu hupresident chii chasina pasi pano,ndipo paunoona satan akawira muzanu kwete pasi pano kkkk
African Observer · 4 months ago
Pano panyika Mwari vakaisa rufu for a very good reason kuitira shiri izongofa eventually.Mungaite chikiribidi chipi mugobira nyika mugo tambudza the majority but kumagumo all is vanity chine value panyika pano kunamata chete unozozviona munhu azorora. Dai tabvisa ruchiva godo nhafu ruvengo humbavha nehubhinya zvizere mukati memoyo yedu Mwari vatino namata vanoti komborera tikararama hupenyu husiri hweku vavarira sehwatinahwo pane ino nguva. Izvo zvekuita more than 2 terms izvo hunenge hutori hubharanzi sezvakaitwa na Robert Mugabe akashanda for 93yrs akafa @95 haana kana kumboita enjoy the fruits of his labor pachake aingove after wealth accumulation. panyika pano unofanira kuzorora wopa vechidiki pazera rako mukana iwe woto tanga kuswera uchiona bhora hako kuverenga history kutaura nyaya nemhuri nevazukuru uchimukira mu gym yako zvako for fitness uchidya good food uchiita travelling around Zimbabwe uchiziva kut nguva yaendedzana wamirira musi wekudanwa namusiki. izvi zvekufira pabasa kunge wachi izvi unenge wakango shandira mkadzi nevana ndivo vanosara vachiita enjoy iwe waingove dhongi remhuri uchida third term iwe wachembera instead yekuti uzorore uite enjoy life pamazuva mashoma iwayo anenge asara.
Officer#12 · 4 months ago
Yessaya 🔥🔥🔥
nhamoinesu · 4 months ago
Baba Derby · 4 months ago
Ndinoti mamukasei PANO pamese vana corrupt lotto mbavha hombe dze opposition nana ziso tinokuchingamidza PANO pamunonzwa zvokwadi izere imi yamunofunga kuti mukaitevera hamuponi Chamisa munomuda asi regai ndikuudzei ndewe zanu pf kwete kwamunomuisa iye haatodi kunzi weopposition vamwe tinokuona tichito marker chirungu toona nakadzidza Wani munobhaizwa papi nachamisa off course munoda change but haiuyi nachamisa maybe umwe ichi ndicho chokwadi chemahara nhai corrupt lotto
Bambo · 4 months ago
baba derby morasika papi Chamisa akwana papi
Tina · 4 months ago
It's darkest b4 dawn.
Gafa · 4 months ago
CCC ma getsi
Private Investigator · 4 months ago
Nonsense article. There is no link between arresting Zanu PF Lite members (aka CCC and it's surrogates) and EDs purpoted desire to extend his Presidential term. It's a constitutional matter: the current constitution doesn't have provisions for a Presidential Third term: simpuru. NONSENSE MHANI😂😂😂
WiFi · 4 months ago
Cde SH · 4 months ago
Hehehe.... You've ran out of stories lol
shadows · 4 months ago
zvimwe zvacho mnanyora kuti tirikutamba . manyepo ese maawana kupi. opposition figures dzineiko ne2027 Congress. mashayawo nyaya. kuchine opposition svinu here muzim. ccc is dead and buried. chamisa avakuita zvechikorokoza.
MamboNdini · 4 months ago
ko munozviwana kupi izvi 😂
Z · 4 months ago
Matanga Nagano dzekunyeba futi makamboita seiko imi. rimwe zuva muchasvasvangwa too bad. apapo ndipo pamuchadzikamira.tabayiwa nenhema haa. asi vamuri kunyepera asi vanokutyayi kahi.
Ds · 4 months ago
Bvunzai tshabangu na emmerson Peter ndlovu nagunnet muchongwe Mr muzore
ClD Admire kuyeri · 4 months ago
kkkkkk kkkkkk CCC manake
Bambo · 4 months ago
unoti true lies unconfiirmed nani ungati mbavha unonzi wakava igoti Ehee. · 4 months ago
ska pakatoip
Boss Rory · 4 months ago
Ndozvinoyta vadzvinyiriri kusanyara
CHINHEMETEME · 4 months ago
this is true because of power greedy
CIO · 4 months ago
true lies unconfirmed reports

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