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Mutapa Investment Fund Assets Valued At US$16 Billion - Mangudya

5 months agoTue, 08 Oct 2024 12:40:29 GMT
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Mutapa Investment Fund Assets Valued At US$16 Billion - Mangudya

Zimbabwe’s sovereign wealth fund, the Mutapa Investment Fund (MIF), manages assets valued at US$16 billion, according to CEO John Mangudya.

According to the International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds, which monitors such funds globally, Ethiopian Investment Holdings is Africa’s largest sovereign wealth fund, with assets under management of US$150 billion.

The Ethiopian fund holds over 30 state companies, including flagship enterprises such as Ethiopian Airlines and Ethio Telecom.

In an interview with The Sunday Mail, Mangudya said that MIF completed a “comprehensive diagnostic assessment” of its portfolio which established that as of the end of June 2024, the market value of the assets managed by the fund stood at US$16 billion. He said:

The Mutapa Investment Fund has been able to undertake a comprehensive diagnostic assessment of all the portfolio companies under its ambit over the past five months.

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On the basis of the assessment, the fund came up with six clusters of these entities for ease of management and for tracking performance.

The Mutapa Investment Fund holds state-owned interests across various sectors, including mining, agriculture, ICT, transport, banking, real estate, energy, and trading.

Companies under the Mutapa umbrella include the National Railways of Zimbabwe, Air Zimbabwe, TelOne, Cottco, and Defold Mine, which now oversees mining assets previously managed by the Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation.

MIF controls key entities such as the National Oil Company of Zimbabwe, Petrotrade, POSB, ZESA, Fidelity (the country’s sole gold refinery), the Zimbabwe Power Company, PowerTel, Allied Timbers, Telecel, and Hwange Colliery.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 5 months ago
Who is benefiting from the fund, civil servants are getting peanuts as pension or nothing
AGP2333 · 5 months ago
Bhazi risina mavhiri may be worth $5000 rakamira kudaro, but harina charinounza as long as risiri mubusiness same as Mutapa Embezzlement Fund! Most of the so called key entities are nearly defunct ! 60 bhidza zvimdhuri nezvimishini zvisingashande
Hi · 5 months ago
Ko telecel kana iri part of MIF Saka why yakadhakwa 😭😭😭😭
Mba · 5 months ago
Thieves justice
Do4 · 5 months ago
so what?
16 what? in proper money ?? · 5 months ago
16 beelleeon proper money?? i dont think so .. at the moment zetdc/zesa/zpc is worth nothing .. a big zero, its worthless !! same as air Zim, powetel and nrz ..
JCB · 5 months ago
Patz · 5 months ago
Zvinei nesu izvozvo. What benefit does it have to the struggling population
CHAURUKA · 5 months ago
All struggling companies
bk 85 · 5 months ago
true most of the companies vashandi havatambiri mari like Alied Timbers
𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐲𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐞 · 5 months ago
yet the govt ino**** macitizens thru taxes nxaaa…

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