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Retailers Warn Government On Potential Risks Of De-Dollarisation

5 months agoWed, 02 Oct 2024 05:14:58 GMT
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Retailers Warn Government On Potential Risks Of De-Dollarisation

The Confederation of Zimbabwe Retailers (CZR) has warned the government against banning the existing multi-currency system and designating the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) as the exclusive legal tender to stabilise the rapidly depreciating local currency, reported NewsDay.

On September 27, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) devalued the ZiG from 14.1 to 24.3 per United States dollar. 

In the wake of this devaluation, some economic analysts have urged the government to ban the use of the United States dollar and adopt the ZiG as the exclusive currency for trade.

However, in a report addressed to RBZ governor John Mushayavanhu on September 30, CZR president Denford Mutashu warned that enforced de-dollarisation could have “catastrophic consequences” for the economy. Said Mutashu:

As the CZR, we strongly believe that any attempts to fully de-dollarise at this stage could have catastrophic consequences for both businesses and the broader economy.

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A hasty transition will amplify current economic challenges rather than alleviate them.

Mutashu warned that banning the US dollar for domestic transactions could lead to fuel shortages and severely impact the retail sector, along with other industries. He said:

Any move to switch the currency of transaction, without adequate reserves and systems in place, will inevitably lead to scarcity, causing significant disruptions across all sectors.

The transportation industry, a critical player in the retail supply chain, would also be affected, driving up logistical costs and causing inflationary pressures.

With the current foreign currency exchange allocation system, there are already challenges in meeting the demands of industries for US dollars.

Full de-dollarisation would exacerbate these shortages as businesses will struggle to secure foreign currency to import essential goods and raw materials.

Mutashu suggested that, for now, the government should permit the coexistence of both the US dollar and the ZiG to provide businesses and consumers with the flexibility necessary to adapt. He added:

Gradually, as confidence in the local currency builds, the reliance on the US dollar can be reduced.

In an interview with NewsDay, Economist Prosper Chitambara said de-dollarisation should be market-driven. He said:

Well, my thinking is that the issue of de-dollarisation is a very sensitive matter and it is a matter that must be dealt with very circumspectly and also very cautiously.

It must not necessarily be a rushed exercise or a government-decreed exercise, but it must be an inclusive process that is based on a market-determined process that is tied to the attainment of certain key benchmarks around issues of production, issues of reserves, inflation and issues of informality.

Economist Vince Musewe warned that forcing a local currency will collapse the economy. He said:

Zimbabweans prefer the US dollar and that is not about to change. Unless there is a drastic change in policymaking, the same problems will continue to be faced by us beyond 2030. Forcing a local currency will collapse the economy.

The ZiG, or Zimbabwe Gold, was launched in April 2024 and represents the country’s sixth attempt to establish a stable currency in the past 15 years.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 5 months ago
ZiG must be coins only 50c to 5zig for change purposes only
@Vhedza · 5 months ago
Ngavaramwe kuita mabhizimisi acho tione kuti munobhadhara neyi rent. Usd will be completely outlawed and will cease to be legal tender in Zimbabwe.
Pombi yadonha · 5 months ago
Gold radonha
Corruptmore Looto · 5 months ago
The economy is too informal for de-dollarisation to work, Gov will just be putting formal businesses under pressure as people will take their USD elsewhere. The truth remains that no one wants a Zanu currency and that isn't going to change
ma1 · 5 months ago
erudite rate riripachii nhas
theLastAntKing · 5 months ago
for sure everything will slow down & cease to exist if USD is stopped. -fuel & long queues will come back in a weeks time -retail shops will be empty except for Maputi & chunks but 90% of other imported items will vanish from shelves Reason is because our economy is not exporting much. Government does not have enough forex to cover every Paul &Peter who are importing, in that case when they fail to access forex they close shops & masses will die. Right now diaspora remittance is covering a bigger portion where Government is failing & those in diaspora stop sending home because of currency change then again that oiling of zim economy will revert to 08 when everything halted. let's wait & see if they'll dedollarise & even passports & fuel will be paid in zig
Anonymous · 5 months ago
They may de-dollarise but you must still pay for fuel and passports. They don't want ZiG in their pockets.
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Zvinhu ngazvingoramba zviri zvazviri,simple,mari dzichingoshanda sezvazviri nekuti hapana chakaipa chiripo.
Anonymous · 5 months ago
True,100% correct,Zimbabwe is complex. Zimbabwe is a mixture of all the World. The East and the West converge here in Zimbabwe and that is a fact we can not run away from.
Erudite · 5 months ago
As usual the vulture capitalists that have for so long fleeced the nation cry foul when necessary shock therapy measures are taken to resuscitate a stagnant economy....It doesn't surprise me that the same charlatans that brought us into the current predicament are the same ones that are willing to die on the USD usage hill...Erudites and sages like myself never backed the multi-currency system from day one as it always meant we would be at the mercy of an impeial overlord...However Tindo and his acolytes who had attended the school of voodoo economics thought otherwise and now we are stuck in this perpetual quandary...The Erudite backs de-dollarisation even by force as it is the only way to emancipate ourselves from the malevolent USD....The ZiG is the way to go and under the guidance of the esteemed John Mushayavanhu and Mthuli Ncube the economic downturn will be a thing of the past....Only vulture capitalists and economic saboteurs back the continued use of the USD... Erudite out
Cde Zvabhenda · 5 months ago
@Erudite, you're forgiven ! You're hallucinating, that I am pretty sure !!
Sir African · 5 months ago
@Cde Zvabhnda.Forgive erudite because it could be that he did not go through the suffering most Zimbo went though 2002 to 2009 or that he was too young to appreciate what was going on.
Sandra · 5 months ago
@Erudite, which school of economic did you attend ? It looks like you have super-imposed yourself as "Mr I Know Everything" on Pindula. Why don't you try the X will undergo real macro-economic lessons on that platform. You seem to ignoring the key objectives if macro-economic in your comment !! Refresh your memory by visiting the nearest library or simply approach a current "A" Level student who is doing economics in his/her combination. Good luck Mr Erudite
Erudite · 5 months ago
I cant go on X becoz I cant afford data, thats why i am always here on the pindula data-free app only... my mama said she will buy me data on my 18th birthday so i will try X when my mama buys me data in a few years .. Erudite out
laugh emoji1
Erudite · 5 months ago
@Cde Zvabhenda I have not taken any hallucinogens..Unlike you who seems hell-bent on being drunk on negativity...I am not addicted to the endogenic dopamine hits that arise from negativity which I am pretty sure your brain is addicted to.. Erudite out
Erudite · 5 months ago
i am very good at economics becoz i studied it for 2 weeks at zanu chitepo school of **** economics , so i know everything so listen to me but leave me alone and dont kweshen my powerful economic theories ok
laugh emoji1
Sandra · 5 months ago
Ok Mr Erudite
Erudite · 5 months ago
@ Sandra....I have not superimposed myself on anyone with my nuggets of premium quality knowledge...🤣🤣 does anyone take X seriously anymore??...Just a cursory glance at X reveals so many "Hitler is based" posts and white supremacists posts and you expect me to take such a site seriously??...Only 2% of the world's population is on X and most of those people have what I can best describe as a myriad of mental issues....🤣🤣🤣 X??? the bird app was much better during the stewardship of Jack, Elon has turned it into a white frat boy wonderland where p0rn and racism run riot ...I suppose you the online economics expert has intimate knowledge of the situation and know better than John Mushayavanhu 🤣🤣🤣...Why should I take you seriously when you seek advice from high school students whose only academic qualification is an ordinary level certificate...For too long Zimbabwe has been crushed by the evil greenback now it is time to wean off...De-dollarisation is the only way out of the mess orchestrated by Tendai Biti and his Western nations loving lackeys.... Erudite out
sore tongue? · 5 months ago
you have been a quiet little erudite and now you are back.. what happened? did you get a tongue infection from your rampant bootlicking and buttlicking ? next time put **** on tongue when engaging in excessive boot and buttlicking pliz !!!!
laugh emoji1
...,. · 5 months ago
the zig is moving wealth to those who designed it, to them it is performing well. very soon they will have the big supermarkets out of business
Anonymous · 5 months ago
They want all businesses to close. They must rule over all and all must be reliant on them.
Belinda · 5 months ago
@Cde Zvabhenda, asi hamuna DSTV pamba penyu here ? Kana kuti hamuna data mufoni menyu !? Hazvidi munhu mukuru chokwadi 🤦‍♂️
👀👀 · 5 months ago
vamwe hava dear,or vanenge vasina Sokar system yacho coz magetsi aa evaridzi
Anonymous · 5 months ago
No trust in banking system .... where can I draw usd or zig from my bank a/c ??????
Cde Zvabhenda · 5 months ago
Could someone please help me with UEFA Champions League results in respect of matches played last night. ZiG/USD stories fast becoming a nuisance !
Belinda · 5 months ago
Asi muno tambira ZiG ?
Boyze · 5 months ago
Arsenal 2 PSG 0, Mancity 4 Slovia Bratislava 0, Barcelona 5 Young boys 0
👀👀 · 5 months ago
regai titotaure hedu zve Iran yapotsera 200 missles ku Iran,Netanyahu na Biden varikuita kuvira nehasha ,Iranians and are celebrating and pipo from Hamas are rejoicing too,Netanyahu ati Iran will pay dearly
👀👀 · 5 months ago
l mean ku Israel
hoy · 5 months ago
iran ino svika kupi
👀👀 · 5 months ago
and do not even compare Zim with Mozambique,remember Mozambique has a port,what do u have as a country?
Anonymous · 5 months ago
A local currency that our neighbours don't accept?
Z · 5 months ago
laugh emoji1
Anonymous · 5 months ago
You got your theory the wrong way round. Their currency is properly backed and accepted as real currency by it's neighbours and the world. They no longer need the USD. We have no backing from any nation who will accept ZiG. outside of our borders. You obviously are not transacting in your own currency, but everyone must do as you say, not what you do? Don't demand a practice from others that you do not practice yourself.
Patz · 5 months ago
ZiG or USD. Its natural that people prefer the better. It is madness to prefer ZiG against USD. When we de-dollarise it doesnt mean the USD will no longer in use and it does not mean people will stop possessing USD. The USD will still thrive informally
Sir African · 5 months ago
This country is in a messy.I remember K .Moyo telling the nation that the vice prez was fired for being dishonest and lack of probity.Surprisingly the shallow minde Zimbos who are said to be highly educated retained him as their coup prez.How can a whole nation fail to understand the word probity? The prez lacks probity because when it comes to economic matters he is dololo. He is a liar because he told you the Zig is backed by gold yet it is backed by deception. That is why it plunge USD 1 to Zig24.88.Hakuna mari yakadaro.😃😃🤣 Kutoseka nhamo serugare.
laina francishco · 5 months ago
saka vochiii manje apooo uuum pakaipa
Antman · 5 months ago
Why would we have confidence on something backed by propaganda and stinking lies. A, currency thst just changes rste cause someone woke uo and thought damn today let make it 25 without any formulation or explanation.
laugh emoji1

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