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ZiG Continues To Decline After Major Devaluation

5 months agoMon, 30 Sep 2024 10:56:32 GMT
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ZiG Continues To Decline After Major Devaluation

Zimbabwe’s gold-backed currency, the ZiG, which was devalued by 43% by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) on Friday, September 27, continued to decline against the United States dollar on Monday.

According to data on the central bank’s website, the ZiG was quoted at 24.88 per dollar, up from 24.39 on Friday.

On Friday, September 27, the RBZ set the official exchange rate at ZiG24.3 per US$1, a significant increase from ZiG14.1 per US$1.

Lyle Begbie, an economist at Oxford Economics, said that while recent adjustments are positive, they are unlikely to be sufficient.

He added that ongoing current account and fiscal deficits, coupled with limited access to external capital markets, will continue to exert significant pressure on the ZiG currency.

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RBZ Governor, John Mushayavanhu, in an interview with the state-controlled Sunday Mail newspaper, said that the devaluation was necessitated by an artificial spike in demand for foreign currency, combined with inflationary pressures. He said:

The underlying value of the structured currency (ZiG) is designed to mimic the movement in the prices of reserve assets backing it and the inflation differentials.

In this regard, as communicated in the April 2024 Monetary Policy Statement, the intervening exchange rate shall be determined by the inflation differential between ZiG and USD inflation rates and the movement in the price of the basket of precious minerals held as reserves.

In this regard, while the gold price has been firming, suggesting appreciation of the gold price-implied exchange rate, the country has witnessed increased inflationary pressures as evidenced by month-on-month inflation of 1,4 per cent in August 2024 and 5,8 per cent in September 2024, thus offsetting the firming gold price.

This has, therefore, underscored the need for a price discovery mechanism to align the exchange rate with the macroeconomic dynamics underpinning the structured currency.

The movement in the exchange rate is expected to play a critical shock-absorbing impact on the prevailing excess liquidity in the economy, which helps anchor inflation expectations and minimise the inflation differentials going forward.

The ZiG, which is supported by Zimbabwe’s gold and hard-currency reserves, was introduced in early April to replace the Zimbabwean dollar, which had plummeted by approximately 80% in value since the beginning of the year.

According to Mushayavanhu, the current reserves for the ZiG amount to US$380 million.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 5 months ago
If ZIg is backed up by gold why can't we use it Kuma passports and fuel hapna zviripo. They are using the same strategy
Anonymous · 5 months ago
What can they say? Their pockets and accounts are filled with USD, their children study abroad where they pay fees using USD. Isu ana tumbura tigoche tisu tinongosvuuka ne nhamo ivo vachiguta.
Boss Gee😎 · 5 months ago
comrade John 'Strong' ZiG · 5 months ago
verengai mupanzwisise apa,"The underlying value of the structured currency (ZiG) is designed to mimic the movement in the prices of reserve assets backing it and the inflation differentials.In this regard, as communicated in the April 2024 Monetary Policy Statement, the intervening exchange rate shall be determined by the inflation differential between ZiG and USD inflation rates and the movement in the price of the basket of precious minerals held as reserves.In this regard, while the gold price has been firming, suggesting appreciation of the gold price-implied exchange rate, the country has witnessed increased inflationary pressures as evidenced by month-on-month inflation of 1,4 per cent in August 2024 and 5,8 per cent in September 2024, thus offsetting the firming gold price.This has, therefore, underscored the need for a price discovery mechanism to align the exchange rate with the macroeconomic dynamics underpinning the structured currency.The movement in the exchange rate is expected to play a critical shock-absorbing impact on the prevailing excess liquidity in the economy, which helps anchor inflation expectations and minimise the inflation differentials going forward."
Anonymous · 5 months ago
saka va hafurirwa ZiG ravo mu account mavo vachaitasei zvazvadaiso?
gwavha · 5 months ago
zvoda mwari izvi
👀Pindula watch · 5 months ago
My view is if the currency is backed by gold, as the price of that mineral affirm, the content value of our gold appreciates meaning the whatever ammount of Gold ZiG bears surges, thereby we would see price reduction of certain things sold on ZiG price, even when they want to add up influx could be in coins for change, that can be done, only on net profits observed just like running books of Accounts in businesses there is a provision allocation for adjustments without tampering the circulatory value of currency, infact you inject fiscus to appreciate amidst folds appreciation, Ngava tiitireyi mushe ipapo, we know it's festive season code of ethics kuitira those going shopping ku Dubai China but please Kana President shunned the UN convention citing pressure what's stopping you directors and all to be home based wo, moita zve ZiG
Mudhibhisi · 5 months ago
The ZiG is NOT money but worthless toilet paper that is being forced only on us the povo.Vene vayo are not using it.They only use the US$.
gumedhe · 5 months ago
Zig **** emheni.Mushaya Zig chabuda hapana.
Garwe · 5 months ago
Zig adonha munu6i vakomana akuwara zvakaipisisa hameno akapona
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Zvakona n'anga murapwa achida ZWG dzichava n****ondo...
unknown · 5 months ago
It sure didn't shock absorb those who got paid their salary hours after you devalued the Zig. Without notice their salary couldn't buy what they had budgeted for their household.
Andrew mabvungo · 5 months ago
The big problem is transfer money if they want advice from me I'm here
shurushuru · 5 months ago
zanu pf must go
chamisa · 5 months ago
John Mushayavalue achatiuraya ne BP chete
Sir African · 5 months ago
As longer as ED is the president and Mushayavanhu is the Rbz gonernor the situation will get worse. Zambia had the very same situation as Zimbabwe in the 90s .In 2010 they had tame inflation and removed zeros from their currency. since then the zeros have not returned to their currency depite that Lunga tried to destroy the economy.
Anonymous · 5 months ago
It's now clear Zimbabwe cannot handle fiat currency (centrally controlled). Best to go for crptocurrency (de-centralised ). Zimbocash is already in place. We simply need to activate it.
madabula · 5 months ago
where is the gold kkkkk
Anonymous · 5 months ago
In Photoshop.
👀👀 · 5 months ago
with their Chinese friends
Anonymous · 5 months ago
👀👀 · 5 months ago
l can now see that the zig is backed by thieves ,vanoprinta 1 000 zig manji manji ,watch the space
ZimSketch · 5 months ago
whatever the explanation you give, no one will trust this regime. we said it from day one that there was neither gold nor any special metal backing the cotton psper
👀👀 · 5 months ago
@ZimSketch zvoorwadza ,bussines is not as usual, tuma small business twandaingoita kubva kare nditwo twandiri kungoita but mari haisi kubatika,l used to get some xtra cash nehuku dzema broilers but ndakasiyana nazvo ,chingwa l reduced matrays andaihodha,hwahwa l reduced the crates ,taa taakusheya boutique with friends ndakasiyana nazvo coz ma rentals airova pasi petsoka,so whatever chawurikuita zvinhu hazvisikubatana Chero ukabuda ziya cy,
👀👀 · 5 months ago
isu tatoo ne 4 months tisingatore mari yesekuru kubank,his days are numbered voenda havo pamudyandigere wenzungu dzavo idzodzo,& ma civil servant akawedzerwa pay futi zvinhu zvinobva zvakwira,mheno kuti xmas vanhu tinoidya here gore rino ,
jeksen · 5 months ago
pakaipa hapana kudya xmas nzara chete
Anonymous · 5 months ago
remove that ZANU PF
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Firstly, was the devaluation market driven or command driven? Ko ma swiping machines atowedzera mu street ari kubvepi uye ndiani muridzi wavo?
mtongi gava · 5 months ago
ma1 atanga ,chengetedzayi ma dhora munochowachowa mukabhaiza
chimuti · 5 months ago
chaora chinhu ichi
Antman · 5 months ago
So we can conclude that ZiG is no longer determined by Gold and a basket of commodities
drink more beer · 5 months ago
"The underlying value of the structured currency (ZiG) is designed to mimic the movement in the prices of reserve assets backing it and the inflation differentials." did you sit around a table with nick mangwana and george charamba drinking beer and then you all came up with this sentence?
hoy · 5 months ago
we in the struggle bus
ED · 5 months ago
Economic eDiots
mtt · 5 months ago
some lunatics are suggesting zimbabwe to drop usd! it will be a disaster
Anonymous · 5 months ago
They are paid to say that, so they will be protected from the disaster that follows. Same like when RTGS became the mono currency. They will swap it at 24 and it will devalue to 2400 before year end. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. It is not politicians who are insane because this is part of the plan. Zimbabweans are the insane ones because we know what is coming and accept it anyway.
Anonymous · 5 months ago
That's why we can't bank our money .... will be looted

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