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Police Block UZA Meeting In Harare

5 months agoSat, 28 Sep 2024 05:48:54 GMT
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Police Block UZA Meeting In Harare

Police have barred the opposition United Zimbabwe Alliance (UZA) party from holding a meeting at a private venue in Harare on Sunday, citing concerns over potential demonstrations in the central business district (CBD).

UZA, led by Elisabeth Valerio—the only female presidential candidate in the 2023 election—had notified the police of its plans to convene a meeting on 29 September 2024 at the Bronte Hotel on Baines Avenue.

In response to UZA’s notification, Chief Superintendent M. Mumanyi, the Officer Commanding Harare Central District, issued a letter dated September 27, 2024, advising the party that the meeting could not proceed. Wrote Mumanyi:

Receipt of your notification letter to hold a political meeting on the 29th of September 2024 at Bronte Hotel, Baines Avenue, Harare is hereby acknowledged.

This office however regrets to notify that due to threats of demonstrations in the CBD. your intended meeting is not recommended in the meantime.

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Valerio accused the police of acting in a partisan manner, saying a ZANU PF affiliate is hosting a political launch event at the City Sports Centre without any restrictions whilst UZA has been blocked from holding a meeting at a private venue. She said:

What threat does UZA pose at a private venue with our peaceful patriots? Ironically a ZANU PF affiliate is hosting a political launch event at the City Sports Centre with no restrictions relating to threats of protests.

This latest blow comes less than 48 hours after the National Multi-Stakeholder Post-Election Review Conference hosted by ZEC, during which concerns about fairness were raised.

Opposition parties are repeatedly denied the right to assemble under the guise of “security concerns,” while privileged parties face no such restrictions. It is troubling that this inequality continues!

Under the Maintenance of Peace and Order Act (MOPO), political parties must notify the police before holding public meetings or processions.

A notice of five days is required before any public meeting. The convenor must provide the police with specific details about the event, including the contact number of the designated convenor, the venue, the time, the purpose of the event, the number of marshals, and the anticipated number of participants.

Failure to provide this notice can result in charges, fines, or imprisonment for up to one year.

More: Pindula News



Gora · 5 months ago
#Z kana vana Mugabe , smith vaiti hazviperi. only tym will tell
Xx · 5 months ago
There is no history of violence at a Zanu pf meeting ,that's why they are allowed to hold their meetings
anonymous · 5 months ago
zvikanzi ndewe zanu unotoona mazupco akutakura vanhu 🤣🤣🤣 zim ndeye **** asi zvichapera
Dodnel · 5 months ago
ED is just ivho
Anonymous · 5 months ago
I am waiting for tshabangu rally
Z · 5 months ago
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Ndozvaifunga smith ne UDI yake mafungiro ako
squirell · 5 months ago
ndaifunga kuti takasinunguka
shurushuru · 5 months ago
zim yakasungunuka haina kusununguka
kwachu · 5 months ago
chisingapere chinoshura .kwaimbovepo mumwe Mambo zita rake Gabriel shamwari yake chihuri nazvinavashe naaaa....aahh sori ndanga ndichirota
Tommaso · 5 months ago
Dictatorship and Tyranny reign supreme in the land but all debts have to be repaid, one way or another.
UFO · 5 months ago
number number weight division!
WiFi · 5 months ago
Mene Mene tekere ufasini. When God's time comes muchashamisika kuti masoja aivepi mapurisa aivepi.
Vale · 5 months ago
This is Rhodesian Government it believes in killing people so don't throw yourself into hell seeing its flame. Don't compare people and reptiles. Close your heart and keep watching the acts o eveil
· 5 months ago
Mom,you need to be very careful these people are paranoid, Just follow the rules don't try to fight them,they can be ruthless.Madam ,You can alternatively hold a zoom meeting or Facebook live.Its also possible to move the meeting to another town or perhaps postpone the meeting to a later date.Everytime I just feel sorry for you,You look like a genuinely good person who is trying to build this country,But unfortunately they don't see it.These people are greedy they don't want to share the cake, they want to govern the country alone.Anyone who doesn't agree with them, they see as a threat,even a harmless fly like your self.Your party is very tiny and small it doesn't pose anythreat,they are just beingpolitically paranoid.
Hellen G · 5 months ago
They fear an uprising, they are poorly equipped and don't trust their junior cops. We're being intimidated by just a few old chefs. Wake up Zimbabwe wake up
🏃 Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 5 months ago
if it was zanu pf requesting that same thing they would have been permitted police should not be partisan treat everyone fairly and equally we're fade up of this clueless party of tyrants
CHINHEMETEME · 5 months ago
theyare panicking because of zig
laugh emoji1
gororo · 5 months ago
does Zanu pf apply for a police clearance whenever its politburo hold meetings
Antman · 5 months ago
Zimbabwe one party state

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