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Floating The ZiG A Dangerous Move, Warns Mugano

5 months agoSat, 28 Sep 2024 05:48:37 GMT
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Floating The ZiG A Dangerous Move, Warns Mugano

Economic commentator Gift Mugano has warned the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) against floating the exchange rate without adequate foreign currency reserves.

Mugano said the move by Zimbabwe’s central bank on Friday, 27 September, to liberalise the ZiG currency is “suicidal” adding that the RBZ “just put nail on the ZiG coffin.” He said:

In our instance, I think we are now at a deeper end. We are in the middle of the storm, that we have adopted a local currency, we do not have enough reserves and we are supposed to liberalise.

So, it’s like committing suicide and again if you don’t liberalise you are still committing suicide again. We need to go back to the drawing board and say how do we address this.

Instead of liberalising the exchange rate, Mugano suggested that the RBZ should scrap the ZiG, return to USD mono-currency, and introduce the ZiG when the time is ripe – when the right fundamentals are in place.

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A Harare-based economist, who declined to be named for professional reasons, told Business Weekly that liberalisation and maintaining controls present significant risks, and “there is no easy solution.” Said the economist:

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe is facing a daunting task. Liberalising the foreign exchange market could lead to hyperinflation while maintaining controls could exacerbate shortages and inefficiencies.

The Government must carefully consider the potential consequences of both options.

A poorly executed liberalisation could have disastrous consequences for the economy.

The best solution for Zimbabwe may lie in a gradual and carefully managed approach to liberalisation, combined with targeted measures to address the underlying causes of economic instability.

On Friday, September 27, the central bank devalued the ZiG by over 40% against the US dollar, changing the exchange rate from 14.1 ZiG per dollar to 24.3 ZiG per dollar.

However, the RBZ has not clarified whether the currency will float freely or if it will continue to control the exchange rate after the devaluation.

More: Pindula News



Rhodesian at heart · 5 months ago
Ian Douglas Smith talked about the Great Betrayal under these poor excuse of leaders and it is now palpably clear to all
Political Analylistđź“Ś · 5 months ago
Va Madiro · 5 months ago
Vaya vakabheja vachit ZiG rino Winner first half,, ticket rafa. Impeachment loading
fugu pfeee · 5 months ago
uyuwo migano haana kwake kungopikisa zvese zvese
PVC · 5 months ago
Economics dzakuramba akati kudii petunga haana kumbopikisa plus uyo musafunge economics dzake ndedzebhuku chete. He is in it.
Patz · 5 months ago
But his arguments come to fruition. Zvese zvaanotaura ndozvinoitika. Pane chaakapikisa here chikazobudirira
justice McMillan · 5 months ago
Remember majecha ndizvaanoita. panoda political inclusion sezvakaitwa kumuzans pashaiwe anodhonzera S****
Ziig · 5 months ago
Zig izero zero zvakagara zvaonkwa zvataurwa zvaramba kushanda from the word zvig
Kura · 5 months ago
Zig ifungiro yekusakwana kwemushandi muhofisi inoita zvemari yenyika kushaya hanya ne upenyu hwe wamwe. ZIG huroi huori humbavha sagedion ZIG Kuba Humhondi RUFU RWEDU
coni · 5 months ago
zanu haizvigone zvairikuda kuita ngavangosiyana nazvo chete incompetent mushayazano
Zelensky · 5 months ago
Ndopauchona rimwe duche richipururudza raudzwa kuti masanctions ndiwo adonhedza ZiG. Dzimwe pfungwa soooo!
. · 5 months ago
back to square one we need new leaders pronto
Phoenix · 5 months ago
vachangoti mhosva ndeye ma sanctions
Antman · 5 months ago
Dawn of doom. Death og ZiG and diarrhea to ZANU PF bootlickers, how will they defend such in competences and destruction of Zimbabweans lives through sick policies and ginyaticks
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Defend? They have never defended any poor decisions since independence. It is always someone elses fault. They don't need to defend it, they will create another drama so that it will draw peoples attention and the people will forget and the cycle will continue. They will create a man made disaster, like a new SI, to "control" the decline of the currency which will only make peoples lives harder, then they will make it slightly better, not to the original, and claim that it has been the best time ever to be in Zimbabwe. It is like taking 2 from 3, ending up with 1, giving 1 back and claiming we are now at 4. Zimbabwe command economics.

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