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They Arrested My Body, Not My Spirit - Kwekweza

5 months agoSat, 07 Sep 2024 11:43:09 GMT
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They Arrested My Body, Not My Spirit - Kwekweza

WELEAD founder, Namatai Kwekweza, says her abduction and torture by State agents ahead of the SADC Summit will not deter her from the pursuit of truth, Justice, and freedom for Zimbabweans. Below is Kwekweza’s statement:

With a stubborn hope, strengthened resolve, and clarity of purpose I write to you with the deepest utmost gratitude for the love, solidarity, and support that Robson Chere, Samuel Gwenzi, and I have received which has warmed my heart.

The love and solidarity have come from many Zimbabweans and people from around the world and it deeply inspires me to have a sense of humility, hope, and courage to continue the struggle for a better Zimbabwe even after our horrific ordeal.

The messages, the prayers, the legal support, the medical support, practical assistance, and keyboard warriors have all worked together to ensure our release and it is this solidarity that kept my brothers in the struggle and me strong until day 35 when we were released on bail.

I have also received a lot of love and solidarity from the 29 courageous women who were arrested on the 16th of June along with James Timba.

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The world must know that they are still at Chikurubi Maximum Female Prison and they have suffered a great deal from the brutal beatings they were subjected to on the 16th of June.

These are the people who took care of me when I arrived at Chikurubi Prison, traumatized and in pain, and the people who gave me the hope and resolve to remain strong until my release on bail. I am aware that a few of them were released, however, we all are not free until all of them are free.

We must take this moment as a nation to continue demanding the unconditional release of all political prisoners as there are many whose stories might never reach the media, but they still suffer greatly and their stories deserve to be told and heard.

On 31 July 2024, we (Chere, Gwenzi, and I) boarded a domestic flight to Victoria Falls at 12:50 and this was the start of our horrific ordeal.

We were abducted, taken to the domestic terminal at the airport which at the time was closed to the public due to renovations, tortured, held incommunicado, intimidated, interrogated by unidentified persons, and finally handed over to the police after 8 hours upon which the disorderly conduct charges were brought against us.

The persons who interrogated us kept accusing us of planning demonstrations to humiliate the country and the President during the SADC summit and they stated that we were on our way to Victoria Falls to meet more people to plan with.

All of us were clueless about the stated accusation and we were told that “when the SADC visitors came to Zimbabwe, we had to be well-behaved and not humiliate the country”.

In hindsight, I think of how silly these people sounded, and yet for those reasons we were abducted, tortured, and imprisoned.

What is further concerning is the charge of disorderly conduct at an incident that occurred while I was outside Zimbabwe. Chere and Gwenzi were also not present at the stated incident!

The issue is not about the charge of disorderly conduct, it is about the abduction and torture that happened prior ahead of the SADC summit and our abductors needing a justification for why we were held incommunicado for 8 hours before releasing us into police custody.

The conditions were we subject to after our arrest were macabre. The issue was that my co-accused were moved from remand prison to the D section of Chikurubi Maximum Prison for men and they would come to court with leg irons and handcuffs.

They were treated like dangerous criminals and it shocks me still that persons charged with disorderly conduct are treated like those charged with more serious crimes.

Of concern was Mr Chere whose injuries were extremely severe and walking in leg irons with his injuries is something that took courage and resilience.

Prison life is difficult and prison conditions painful not only for political prisoners but for prisoners in general.

I am thankful to the many individuals and organizations who I saw coming to visit prisoners particularly the 7th Day Adventist Church which a lot of prisoners speak highly of.

More corporations, churches, and individuals must organize programs to visit prisoners especially those with long sentences and to support some of their material needs as some of them do not get visitors to see them.

I believe Zimbabwe as a nation can do more for those in prison. I believe ordinary people and groups can work together to make our prisons better for prisoners. I pray that more people will be inspired to consistently support prisoners.

Friends and comrades, I continue the fight for a free, democratic, and safe Zimbabwe. A country in which state machinery is used to protect citizens and not weaponized against them.

In my case, I have watched in shock as different institutions have lied to keep me and my co-accused locked up for 35 days.

My conviction is in truth particularly the concept of “Satyagraha” truth force that MK Gandi believed. There are some absolute truths that can not be denied even with a thousand lies.

It is an absolute truth that I was out of Zimbabwe when the stated offence was committed. It is an absolute truth that there is an ongoing crackdown on Civil Society, activists, and any opposition to the government in Zimbabwe.

It is also an absolute truth that many of those arrested in the James Timba case are still in prison. I believe in truth and that the truth will set me free – literally!

What they arrested on the 31st of July was just my body. My spirit throughout the whole ordeal remained free!

In my heart, I have a fervent belief in the strength of the human will in its pursuit of truth, Justice, and freedom.

I move forward in the struggle for dignity.

More: Pindula News



Dhadza · 5 months ago
Saka ukuti unemweya wegamba here msikana?wakugara zvekuti unoda kufira ini gorerino.
BIG T 🫖☕🍵 The name you can trust always · 5 months ago
kuzvida nekusungwa
WiFi · 5 months ago
Aluta continua
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Kkkkk seka hako wezhira Chitepo training centre itai basa vakomana tirambe tiripo. hapana anotibvisa.
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Tibvirepo strategy to infiltrate any strong opposition to destroy it from within . We have seen it all.
𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖛𝖆𝖟𝖆 · 5 months ago
Thanks for the undying spirit... We remain resolute, we are the champs
Xxe · 5 months ago
It's you who knows your story truth and lies all in your hands. You will get the results somwhere in future. I also like to hear more when your mission is on top
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 5 months ago
Learn or perish!!! Your efforts are wasted. Uchafira mahara
@ · 5 months ago
I think she learnt that she is not fighting hard enough.
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Musatinetse ten years from today muchange muri maprojects eZanu. Matricks eku Herbert Chiteoi taakumaziva. MwanaweZanu iZanuchete.
Hh · 5 months ago
Chuvhayo boost up data for pindul see no more news now. Act chikomana platform yadhakwa sir
Pindu · 5 months ago
Haisiina data zvafa izvi zvoda mbavha chete
june · 5 months ago
akafira nyika macomdade ndoari kitonga zvimwe zvese Marana pamberi neZanu pf
Dhadza · 5 months ago
Nyika ino dai yanga inevanhu vakaita sewe dai tiripasi pema British .
Perseverance · 5 months ago
Hie guys!!!!! are job opportunities offered on this platform reliable PLEASE HELP
Chibaa · 5 months ago
akafa akamuka ndiJesu chete vamwe vese munochohwa chohwa be careful think about your family
Ntando · 5 months ago
Yoh kunzima shame siphila isiMussolin la😪💔
ClD Admire kuyeri · 5 months ago
kkkkkk ma1
man · 5 months ago
bunza ana Mahere hama yangu those guys are dangerous unonyudzwa navo
. · 5 months ago
apa kakashata
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Zim politics is very tricky, you will be surprised ten years later to find all these tortured activists are Zanu pf secret agents. Watch and see don't rush to support them when they form or join any opposition politics , they are trapping you. It's you who will be short sleeved very soon, then they abandon the party and form another one. Ope your eyes this whole thing is tricky to divide & rule.
Anonymous · 5 months ago
the issue is captured state machinery. why abduct someone... then torture on frivolous grounds. what exactly is their aim that they are ghosts everywhere. what are they hiding from. where is the law and order. where is the humanity. and yet you change the story too suit your agenda. next time it will be your mother or daughter... what will you do shame
Nono · 5 months ago
on point
??? · 5 months ago
@ Disgusting you're so disgusting just like your name says kwenyu kunenge kwakakwana iwe nhunzvatuzva ,mharapatsetsetse,nhundiramatsime yemunhu saka siya vanhu vatsiure mwana uyo and close your septic tank
Disgusting ****s · 5 months ago
I feel very disgusted by foolish Ediots who discourage Freedom Fighters from fighting for a free, democratic Zimbabwe. Do you think that Kwekweza doesn't know that she can be killed by Zanu thugs as they did to Dzamara. She is sacrificing her life for the sack of future generations and you **** cowards you discourage instead of encouraging her and her likes. Shame on you stereki. You want the status quo to remain like this. Disgusting Ediots.
Anonymous · 5 months ago
Why don't you go to spirit mediums to seek out Dzamara. Its all a MDC rouse to get sponsorship. Who was feeding Dzamara's family when he was spending time in Africa Unity square instead of working like other man? These people choose non existent causes to make money.
Disgusting ****s · 5 months ago
I feel very disgusted by foolish Ediots who discourage Freedom Fighters from fighting for a free, democratic Zimbabwe. Do you think that Kwekweza doesn't know that she can be killed by Zanu thugs as they did to Dzamara. She is sacrificing her life for the sack of future generations and you **** cowards you discourage instead of encouraging her and her likes. Shame on you stereki. You want the status quo to remain like this. Disgusting Ediots.
7@$h!0n · 5 months ago
??? · 5 months ago
Dear kwekweza munin'ina dzidza kuita zip your mouth 🤐act silently kwete kungowawata chirungu chinoti action speaks louder than words ingawani.kana vana Peter vakamapinda matirongo aya but vaisawawata seizvi they chose to praise and worship knowing that dzimwe Hondo hadzisi dzedu Hondo ndedza Jehova chisiira mumaoko ake munin'ina wangu ndatenda hangu AMEN and AMEN
Ndoda · 5 months ago
Remember, she gets her money by speaking
Kiki · 5 months ago
Hie guys upi vacho kkkkkk
Anonymous · 5 months ago
ZANU PF is a fully fledged killer party and violence is its key ideology..
Chibaba · 5 months ago
Mnangagwa's government is very cruel
Z · 5 months ago
Sir African · 5 months ago
COMMISSION ON THE ASSASSINATION OF HERBERT CHITEPO P.O. Box RW464 RIDGEWAY Lusaka firs Excettency Dr Kenneth D. Kaunda PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF ZAMBIA Grate HOUSE LUSAKA Your Excellency, By Statutory Instrument No. 101 of 1975, Your Excellency appointed us Commissioners to inquire into the events and circumstances surrounding the death in Lusaka on the 18th March, 1975, of the late Herbert Wiltshire Chitepo, a leading Zimbabwean nationalist leader, and to investigate and establish other matters relating thereto as are contained in our terms of reference. My fellow Commissioners and I feel honoured and privileged at having been appointed to undertake such an important task. We felt that this Special International Commission was of great significance not only to Zambia but to Africa as well and to the world as a whole. We have the honour to submit our Report herewith. I have the honour to be, Your Excellency’s obedient servant, R. C. Kamanea, Chairman
Chibaba · 5 months ago
Zvichabatsirei iye akafa long ago.
Oncemore · 5 months ago
Ngasiyane ne politics atsvake murume, arikushaiwa anogona ku svasvanga, varikumusiyira panzira. Akaiswa kamazheve anodzikama
biggie · 5 months ago
Chokwadi Dzamara akangoenda nanhasi hakuna anoziva so Kwekweza mwana wamai ita uchidzidza kuti nyika ino haina rusununguko rwakarwirwa nehama dzedu, vanhu varipo ava havasi vanhu vane vanhu pamoyo chimbonyarara wakadaro nguva yaMwari yava pedyo
Truth · 5 months ago
Be ready to be on the ➕ cross and by that time forgive all those who deny truth. You have to make a truthful pledge and spread love and truth forgiveness to the whole WORD
josphat · 5 months ago
a soft heart will you nowhere
josphat · 5 months ago
will get you nowhere
Zet · 5 months ago
Humans gone rogue terrorizing itself
+263 · 5 months ago
Iwe Kwekweza la rangarira itai Dzamara mahara vanhu vanouraya iZanu
Sir African · 5 months ago
They also killed Chitepo but that did not stop an African regime which h is worse that the previous one from talking over.

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