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Dynamos Looks For Stadium In Malawi and Mozambique For CAF Confederation Cup Match

6 months agoSat, 31 Aug 2024 09:50:19 GMT
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Dynamos Looks For Stadium In Malawi and Mozambique For CAF Confederation Cup Match

Dynamos are urgently seeking a stadium in either Malawi or Mozambique to avoid playing their CAF Confederation Cup second preliminary round home tie against Orapa United in Botswana.

DeMbare previously hosted ZESCO United of Zambia at the National Stadium in Gaborone for the first preliminary round.

However, since Orapa United is based in Botswana, the Glamour Boys must find a different temporary venue to prevent giving their opponents a double home advantage.

Orapa United will first host Dynamos at the Obedi Itani Chitani Stadium in Francistown on September 13, followed by the “home” match a week later.

Dynamos has been informed through ZIFA that South African stadiums are unavailable, as they will be in use during that period.

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Consequently, Dynamos has applied for the Bingu National Stadium in Lilongwe, Malawi, and the Estádio Nacional do Zimpeto in Maputo, Mozambique, as potential alternatives.

In an interview with The Herald on Thursday, Dynamos executive chairman Moses Maunganidze stated that they would only consider hosting Orapa United in Botswana if they are unable to secure a venue in neighbouring countries. He said:

Our first preference was the Woodlands Stadium in Lusaka, Zambia but it is not available. Then we also tried the National Heroes Stadium in the same city which was used by our colleagues Ngezi Platinum Stars in the CAF Champions League first preliminary.

However, it is said to be undergoing some renovations and cannot be availed.

The only other option in Zambia is the Levi Mwanawasa in Ndola where we played ZESCO United away last week. But the logistics of getting there are very difficult.

So we have applied for stadiums in Malawi and Mozambique so far. We are waiting for responses.

We are doing all we can to host our match outside Botswana to avoid giving Orapa United an added advantage.

We will only do that when we see, beyond any doubt, that there is no other option. But we shouldn’t even find ourselves in that position.

It is a national disgrace that a small country like Botswana, along with less developed nations such as Zambia, Malawi, and Mozambique, boasts stadiums that meet CAF standards, while Zimbabwe lacks even one.

More: Pindula News



Dhadza · 6 months ago
Magaya zvaanoti anaro wani.
Egypt Dzinemunenzva. · 6 months ago
not caf certified ndere local lig chete
Punisher · 6 months ago
unomboverenga news or unongotaura
Boyz · 6 months ago
Pane angaitewo ma EPL results azuro? Thank you in advance 🙏
wischigonero · 6 months ago
vazvionepi nhaiwe zvekuti chatunga afa nhema idzo
Sad · 6 months ago
Afanei nhai Chatunga mugabe wacho, Inga zvakaoma Zimbabwe iyi hainakunaka
Chicken 🐓 · 6 months ago
Totbvunza iwe nekuti ndiwe uri kuziva kuti afa. Moet people don't know yet. So you can shed more light ?
Mr JP van · 6 months ago
Morevesa here? Kuti wada nhai imwii
dc · 6 months ago
dembare woyeee
Chixy · 6 months ago
Ngaibhanwe bhora Zimbabwe kana isina magrounds. Monoda kushandisa ground rani kana enyu arizvikanga, magaya makamunyima Rufaro stadium in mbare neChibuku stadium in Chitungwiza zvaaida kugadzirisa after that makuti Heart field hari hosti ma international games,,,, **** ngazvibhanwe zvebhora izvi Zanu haifungi
Zulu · 6 months ago
Mangwana anorohwa Mablanyo neZaire
@Erudied · 6 months ago
maziparagraph andaona kucomment section asme1 ddnt bother to read coz I knw its bullsheet kkkk
Erudite · 6 months ago
Dyslexic mongoloid deserve to be locked up in mental institutions instead of trying to breath rarefied air reserved for esteemed individuals like the Erudite...Bullsheet??😂😂😂 please go back to remedial class and learn how to construct sentences that make both grammatical and syntactical sense....I do not care whether you read my comments or not because it makes little difference to me... Pindula is an unmonenitized platform bereft of an algorithm so why in the blue hell should someone especially a mongoloid like you celebrate not reading my comment??🚮... You are not my target audience as you are nothing more than a barely sentient face adjacent vacuum of personality... Erudite out
Erudite · 6 months ago
@ Corruptmore Looto you think playing a modern day coon is so unique right???😂😂😂..So you think being anti-establishment with long disproven facts is supposed to impress me...Each and every day here I champion the cause of black excellence taking time away from my monetized social media accounts to champion the cause...What have you done to further the cause of black excellence except being a keyboard warrior hell-bent on misleading the populace...You and your leaders at opposition inc hate this country so much yet you are willing to do everything possible including sacrificing vulnerable people just to get a taste of power...Your attempts to belittle me by attacking the language I use to communicate clearly tells me how much of a deluded cretin you are...Why are you so eager to gatekeep the English language and restrict me to an indigenous language.?? Is it because you are a neocolonialist ghoul who does not even realize it and needs the bastion of black excellence to point it out to you?🤔...I am just using English to convey the message of black excellence to a wider audience so please uncle Tom stop trying to pick and choose what language I use... I do not have time for disgruntled malcontents like you who think the government should provide everything for you because you read it in some heavily edited Anglophone book....Zanu has done a tremendous job given the circumstances yet a dime a dozen Quislings like you think otherwise because you failed to make a life for yourself...Most people agree with Zanu and it's policies as evidenced by the election results however there is nothing that can be done for terminally online sycophantic neck bearded trolls like you....You are nothing but part of a vocal minority who will soon be wiped out by the tidal wave of black excellence... Erudite out
Anonymous · 6 months ago
We are the small country now cause we don't have stadium, all because of zanupf ruining party
PVC · 6 months ago
had it not that others survive upon this game Zim could've been banned for the next twenty years
Corruptmore Looto · 6 months ago
@(the guy with the blank username) You are right, arguing with people like him is sure useless but those individuals lies if left unchallenged they might cause trouble, Propaganda should not be left unchallenged. So isn't about changing the mind of that Zanu zombie but making sure his propaganda doesn't go unchallenged and stop it from influencing anyone not in the know
Makatukura · 6 months ago
Thanks pindula ma matipa a better pic ya Mablanyo
· 6 months ago
Zikudziso hausi kuriona here?
Anonymous · 6 months ago
..Chii chakaitisa kuti anzi Mablanyo?.
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Chii chakaitisa kuti anzi Mablanyo?
Ngoda YaMwari · 6 months ago
MaBlanyo to the world
Chicken 🐔 · 6 months ago
CAF has to be considerate, at least allowing our teams to play at Rufaro stadium. It has been partially renovated. Even kuYadah uko kana kuGeopomona futi. I have noted that even th tuff in the so called foeregn stadia do not stand the challenge. Anorohwa was neGeopomona neYadah. zvwkuridzaridza mupembe wecomdition of ground zvinotipedzera mukuwo nemutobve mhani.
Corruptmore Looto · 6 months ago
@Erudite. IT IS A NATIONAL DISGRACE, you excuse of a human being, black excellence my foot, it is the likes of you who encourage belittling of Africans by the outside world because of your support of incompetent regimes in Africa that are synonymous with failure. Zimbabweans used to fill those stadiums when they were still the envy of other African nations, then Zanu PF happened and the rest is history.
Erudite · 6 months ago
😳😳 are you okay???...Is this still about stadiums or do you have repressed rage you just want to release on the bastion of black excellence...Me and many smart black people do not care what a bunch of prejudiced outsiders think about the motherland... Trusting foreigners especially of a Western persuasion has caused untold suffering and hardship to people of my kind so no thank you...You can take your neocolonialist agenda and shove it up so far up where the sun doesn't shine....If Zanu PF was as malicious as you claim it is you would not be spewing such reprehensible nonsense...Who is belittling Africa except the usual characters that subjugated and pillaged this nation for centuries and never compensated us...So with all due respect I do not give a flying fück what the outside world thinks about Africa.... 😂😂😂 incompetent??.. Do you even understand the meaning of the word or you just say stuff for the sake of it....I see you are back to glorifying the colonial era where I am sure you were nothing more than a jigaboo waiting for crumbs from the master's table... Erudite out
Makatukura · 6 months ago
iwe **** chete iwe go back Ngomahuru
Makatukura · 6 months ago
Corruptmore Looto · 6 months ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Just the typical sad Eruditeish response l would expect from vermin like you staining our proud black ethnic group of Humanity, we would be better of without scum like you representing us.
· 6 months ago
Don't waste time and energy sparring with the ZANU piyefu robot named Erudite. Not only he blinkered, but were he human I would say impervious to reason. You cannot attend reason with that Mechanical Automaton. Whatever you say, it will give you a variation of the same message - ludicrous defence of ZANU piyefu.
Corruptmore Looto · 6 months ago
You know what, arguing with the likes of you is useless but facts are facts, ZANU PF IS AN UTTER FAILURE, we would be better offer without that Party and the likes of you. As someone who claims to be against any neo coloniast tendencies, you chronic use of the English language is somewhat baffling to me, English is a great language no doubt about that, but you sure use it a lot doesn't that undermine our indegenous languages. Life is sure easier for former colonial powers especially the Anglo World if you continue clinging to their language like that
Corruptmore Looto · 6 months ago
Yahh well said Pindula, a real national disgrace that we have to seek stadiums from nations like Malawi, no disrespect to Malawi but that shows just how far we have fallen down the pecking order
...,. · 6 months ago
the first match they have to win is finding a stadium! do our sports officials at national level know what home advantage is? should Dynamos be the one looking for a foreign Zimbabwe venue, or is it the government and sports ministry looking for a venue and paying the costs so that Dynamos does not spend more than it would have spent if it was playing the home match in Zimbabwe?
Si**** · 6 months ago
Mukadzi wako akatanga kufamba achikumbira upfu mumaraini unonzwa sei nhai imi vanhu vebato rakapinda nechisimba because pfee means force
eb · 6 months ago
Ndinonzwa sezvadirwa jecha imi ma GODISINIT
ciroc 🍸 · 6 months ago
museum of African liberation ne ku gadzirisa ma stadiums chii chakakosha ? Mari dziri kuiswq kuzvinhu zvinotidzorera kumas**** zvinoita kuti tinder mberi zvichi siiwa. yekupemha mastadiums ino makisa
fonsokwembo · 6 months ago
kkkkk pakaipa kani kuita zvekupemha kwako 😜🇿🇼 imaksas
Oncemore · 6 months ago
I think dynamos will record another victory, Zimbabwe has always played better than Botswana

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