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ZESA Has No Money For Power Imports, Utility Owed ZiG5.7 Billion

6 months agoThu, 29 Aug 2024 06:13:04 GMT
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ZESA Has No Money For Power Imports, Utility Owed ZiG5.7 Billion

Consumers owe ZESA Holdings more than ZiG5.7 billion when it is experiencing limited electricity generation due to low water levels at Kariba Dam, which supplies water to the 1 050 MW Kariba Hydropower plant, and ageing equipment at Hwange Thermal Power Station.

In a press release, ZESA Executive Chairman, Sydney Gata, revealed that the power utility has reduced imports from neighbouring countries due to its inability to service the arrears. He said:

Furthermore, to try and mitigate the demand and supply gap, we have to resort to imports from other regional utilities and ZETDC is actively involved in the Sapp Day Ahead Market to access any excess power from the region.

The imports have, however, been reduced as we do not have full capacity to service the arrears.

Gata also said ZESA is owed a staggering ZIG5.7 billion by various customers, including domestic households, industries, commercial entities and government departments.

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Gata said as of August 12, 2024, the mining industry owed the power company ZIG684.8 million, or 12% of the total debt, while industrial users owed ZESA 50% of the debt, or ZiG2.8 billion.

The amount owed by domestic consumers is ZiG84.6 million (1%) while the amount owed by commercial debtors is ZiG656.99 million (12%).

This substantial debt has placed considerable strain on ZESA’s financial position, restricting its capacity to invest in infrastructure and cover operational costs.

In light of ongoing supply shortages, ZESA has been compelled to export electricity during non-peak hours to generate foreign currency.

These funds are essential for meeting critical obligations, including loan repayments, water bills, coal purchases, and infrastructure maintenance.

Gata urged customers to pay their electricity bills promptly, noting that ZESA has begun disconnecting those with outstanding arrears. He said:

We have embarked on a disconnection blitz to ensure that those who pay for electricity get the service due to them.

This will also see an enhanced installation of prepaid meters across the customer segments.

Gata said that following government approval of a cost-reflective tariff in December, cash flows have significantly improved, though they remain insufficient due to exchange rate losses.

The cash flow situation reveals a negative variance between cash received and cash obligations, indicating that the foreign currency generated is primarily used to meet critical commitments.

These include monthly loan obligations for the Hwange 7 and 8 expansion, averaging US$36 million and payable exclusively in US dollars, as well as Afreximbank loan obligations.

Other essential expenses encompass payments for water, coal, fuel, and critical spare parts for generation, transmission, and distribution. Additionally, funds are required for legacy loan instalments, operational vehicle replacements, national grid rehabilitation, and the refurbishment of distribution infrastructure.

More: Pindula News



in the dark · 6 months ago
gata and entire board must be fired and new ideas employed. how do you claim to be owed money when you are expected to get a prepaid meter for allbody including Kuma farms kusingaende kusingabhadharwi magetsi
Gift Banda · 6 months ago
Biggest problem is contractors at Hwangi they're used to fitting new things only not fixing existing components try us bimbos. Some of us don't qualify when it comes to Zesa tenders but we know better zesa issue same as zisco we can get things running at very little costs
Anonymous · 6 months ago
For the record: I hear of tariffs of 12 cents, or 16 cents. I actually use around 1500 units per Month which costs me around 26 cents per unit usd, which is the highest in the region. Don't tell me about more tariffs increase!!!
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Zesa is corrupt . They receipt people in ZIG when payments are done in US$ .
Anonymous · 6 months ago
If a company or any and ALL individuals owe you money then why dont you turn the electricity OFF - PURE and SIMPLE. Do not give them any further credit. Zesa - this deficit amount is actually your fault. TURN THEM OFF.
Sensei Kizito · 6 months ago
Asi Unit 7 &8 ndedze looto here ? It looks like hazvina kuchinja
Patz · 6 months ago
Zesa yaifunga irikugona kuisira vamwe ma prepaid meters ichisiya vamwe. Gvt institutions, Industries and businesses ndovaifarwa kutoisurwa ma prepaid first iso to juicer USD 20 per month tozoisirwa kwekupedzisira. Gata haana kana focus ndosaka akambodzingwa na Fortune Chasi akazoponeswa na bamkuru wake
Patz · 6 months ago
Ingagoita mari sei Zesa yacho iyo pasina chairikutengesa. Borrow money from the gvt dzirikungodyiwa nanaChivhayo idzo and import electricity and sell to people so that you make money. Also desist from giving those so called elites electricity without paying because you will end up broke like this. Gvt will make you broke. The gvt wants businesses to operate at loses in the name of promoting ZiG but ultimately it will be furthering selfishness ends.
theLastAntKing · 6 months ago
thanks to Gata for being a board chairman for along time now. But thanks especially for coming out clean that the little power you have for sons of the soil you are exporting it. Mazimba Garai murima hamukoshi ba.
Anonymous · 6 months ago
So the special customers who still have post paid meters are not paying for electricity while those who pay for it in advance are switched off. I have no kind words for Zesa.
Concerned Citizens · 6 months ago
Mr Gata, can you please provide us with your detailed debtors' list so that we can do the debt collection work for you at no cost to ZESA.
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Zesa has no money for what reason? Where is the money that is being paid by consumers monthly?
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Most, if not all, of it, covers all the perks for the brass, and that's been substantial for years. Tack on the lack of maintenance on existing plant, failure to replace aged and obsolete equipment, and that experienced, qualified staff have mostly left, and PRESTO! it all falls apart. You also have to factor in that ZESA is government owned and operated, which also explains why things there, just like the rest of Zimbabwe, don't work!
Zeus mfana · 6 months ago
Busy looting no developments I zesa infrastructure
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Anditi kumba and industry tine ma Prepaid meters How do we owe Zesa?
Peace and Tolerance · 6 months ago
Gata wasiya maFarms owned by Zanu politicians, those guys don't pay bills that's why they refuse to get prepaid meters installed
Scud · 6 months ago
Electricity is slowly exiting Zimbabwe following in the footsteps of Standard Chartered and Unilever
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Such a shambles
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Electricity has been an import into Zimbabwe for years. Now we need to export it to pay off the Chinese who put in the power station to give Zimbabweans power. Oh the irony!
they are trying to export electricity to make money they said it themselves and not my ZANU PF
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Everything is under the oppressor zanu pf Ediot
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Why do people call themselves Guardians of the Faith, but they are the ones who have mistresses and worship the flesh?
citizens · 6 months ago
hanzii exchange rates loss.... vanenge vaakuita maths dzipiko ivo vachiishandsa rate yaa mthuli najonzoo. kt vataure kt zig ariisi stable azviikoo
hoover · 6 months ago
zesa reminds me of idy (ed) amin dishing out companies to friends, imagine idy amin walking past OK shop and say to his friend "this is now yours" and baboons and monkeys busy ululating
hoover · 6 months ago
ko kuya kusingadzimwe magetsi kurikubhadhara here
👽 · 6 months ago
How many millions has Deadwood Gata siphoned from Zesa over the last 2 decades?
laugh emoji1
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Main side line with zesa resources cutting down trees and selling firewood
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Remember who ZESA, or whatever it's called now, run that lot! That's right, the same mob citizens have done sod-all to get rid of, dating back to 1985! The problems Zimbabwe has now, are entirely self-inflicted, and will only increase in number and severity, as time goes on.
...,. · 6 months ago
Seems like ZESA is exporting all electricity it is making to get US dollars, leaving local citizens and industry without electricity during the time they need it most.
Anonymous · 6 months ago
One must remember that zesa is owned by government, and they'll do any and everything, to grab forex, so they can go on overseas jaunts, buy expensive vehicles for the brass, and do sod-all, to keep the lights on! Citizens must most of the blame though. They've NEVER bothered to get rid of the zpf rot, which has now spread like a cancer, to other sectors. This is mess, is entirely self-inflicted, by citizens, who haven't, and it appears, won't, do a damn thing to get rid of the rot. They've had just over four decades to do so and have done sod-all,on that score, since the '80's.
motomuzhinji · 6 months ago
why doesn't zesa priotise those that are on prepaid meter arrangements when it comes to load shedding?
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Let's put money on how many of these industrial and mining arrears are run by politicians? We don't have power during non-peak or peak. He obviously has power 24/7. He has no idea when we get switched on or off.
z.a.n.u is the best ruining party ever · 6 months ago
and dont forget the farms etc owned by the ruining party, 100% sure that they dont pay a cent for zesa
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Zimbabwe citizens inflicted this mess on and by themselves! They've been **** enough, not to give change a fair shake, dating back to the 1980's, hence the ruin of Zimbabwe you have today. It's also one of the many reasons I've left, and no doubt others as well. I'm only too pleased to have gotten out when I did, and no longer have to put up with destructive, murderous zpf, the economic meltdown which came about during their destructive and murderous rule, and the fact that citizens haven't, and won't, do anything to get rid of the zpf rot.
Citizens · 6 months ago
How much does Precabe farm owe Zesa? Tinoda chokwadi.
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Good kweshenn...

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