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Infrastructure Vandalism Costs ZESA US$4 Million Annually

6 months agoThu, 29 Aug 2024 09:26:14 GMT
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Infrastructure Vandalism Costs ZESA US$4 Million Annually

The Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA) has incurred losses of critical infrastructure valued at US$24 million due to vandalism since 2019.

In a recent press release, ZESA Executive Chairman Sydney Gata said equipment theft and vandalism pose significant risks, costing the power utility an estimated US$4 million annually.

Thieves primarily target copper and aluminium conductors, cables, transformer oil, pylons, and transformers.

In response, ZESA has been advocating for harsher, longer sentences for individuals convicted of infrastructure theft.

According to ZESA records, from 2019 to June 2024, there have been 7,186 recorded incidents, resulting in losses totalling US$24.4 million.

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Gata also noted that the power entity is currently experiencing a supply shortfall of up to 540 MW during the high-demand winter period.

The average total power supply is around 1,310 MW, while peak demand reaches 1,850 MW, leading to significant load shedding. Said Gata:

However, we experienced a fault at the Hwange Power Station Unit 8 last week and we had to switch it off.

These are normal technical hitches that happen during the infancy of any new plants and I’m glad to notify you that our engineers have resolved this and we expect to synchronise the unit to be back online soon.

The utility implemented measures to increase power supply with additional imports to augment local supply and interventions to restore capacity at Hwange Power Station stages 1 & 2 that have been out due to forced outages.

Hwange Power Station’s ongoing re-powering programme is a significant initiative aimed at enhancing the station’s reliability and output.

On Thursday, August 29, the 1,050 MW Kariba South Hydroelectric Power Station was generating 215 MW, while the Hwange Thermal Power Station, with an installed capacity of 1,520 MW, was producing 1,099 MW.

More: Pindula News



@@ · 6 months ago
Dai magetsi asingaende kwenguva yakareba dai zvisiko izvi zvavari kutaura manje nenyaya yekuti magetsi anoita mazuva kusina zvinokonzeresa kuti vanhu vabe .
Son of the soil · 6 months ago
pana days a Fortune chasi we saw an improvement kuzesa uku nyaya dzekunongedzerana playing the victim card dzakaita shona. the guy was kinda honest every sector yaaipinda waitoona ma changes
ZVESA ZVERO · 6 months ago
You mislead citizens mr gata its not ordinary people who steal infrastructure, it's your employees and former they the one who know how to take it and where to sell it or where it is on demand. You know the deal you yourself, now on media you pretend to know nothing why,??? If you go home industry you see your infrastructure there being sold daylight why don't you make convictions? It's you, you who is behind this don't blame Zimbabwe. Who knows when power is on or off or how to pull down cables and where how safe, oil for what it's your duty to have tight security upon the infrastructure and its networkframes. We are now more concerned of solar than to have Zimbabwe Electricity Sometimes Available. So carefully keep your assets at your own risk and use 👤 👤
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 6 months ago
Ehe izvi ndozviri kutishayisa magetsi
VaBhomba · 6 months ago
yose · 6 months ago
Zera plz come

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