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50kg Of Pills Needed To Cure Headache Caused By ZiG - Killer Zivhu

6 months agoWed, 28 Aug 2024 08:39:12 GMT
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50kg Of Pills Needed To Cure Headache Caused By ZiG - Killer Zivhu

Former Chivi South MP Killer Zivhu (ZANU PF) has derided the country’s gold-backed currency, the ZiG, claiming it has caused significant problems for Zimbabweans due to its rapid devaluation.

In recent days, social media platforms have been flooded with price stickers from supermarkets, revealing sharp increases in the cost of basic grocery items since the currency’s launch in April 2024.

For example, a 2-litre bottle of cooking oil, initially priced at around ZiG42, now exceeds ZiG70 in some stores, despite the official exchange rate changing by less than ZiG1.

These price hikes suggest that retailers are relying on the street rate, which is reportedly above US$1: ZiG20.

In a post on X, Zivhu mocked the ZiG, comparing it to petrol mixed with ethanol, which some motorists claim is of poor quality and lacks durability. Said Zivhu:

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Pakuda 50kg ye headache tablets kuti ukwanise kushandisa ZIG, ukarega unofa ne BP, ukapinda mu Shop ne ZIG rinopera fast kunge ethanol yatinotengeserwa tichinzi petrol, zvinhu zvacho masaramusi chete. (You need 50kg of headache tablets to be able to use ZIG, if you stop, you’ll die from BP. If you enter the shop with ZIG, it disappears fast like the ethanol sold to motorists as petrol, the stuff is just rubbish)

Zivhu’s sentiments were backed by an economist, Professor Gift Mugano, who tagged government apologist Mmatigari in his comment. Mmatigari responded:

So Killer Zivhu is your think tank on currencies? You are disappointing.

Mugano then said Zivhu’s comments should not be ignored as he is one of the most progressive Zimbabweans”, who lives with the people and is a consumer. Wrote Mugano:

[Killer Zivhu] is one of the most progressive Zimbabwean I admire. He is real. He lives with the people. He is a consumer. In this particular case of the ZiG, he gave his own experience as a consumer. If you don’t respect him/like him, that is your problem.

Zvenyu zvekungohumana izvo and carry venomous mouth everywhere hazvivaki nyika.

I submitted grounded solutions on what must be done to make ZiG succeed (check my previous posts which I posted in April). What did you do, you led a battalion of vasvasvangi on me. After I noticed that you rejected my well thought advice, I told you that ZiG will not survive.

Here we are. How is the ZiG performing? It’s a dismal performance. Companies are closing and consumers are suffering.

We have gone through 27 years of currency crisis, that is, from 14 November 1997 (the black Friday when the Zimbabwe dollar crashed). Over these years, you haven’t learnt anything as far as the drivers of the currency crisis are concerned?

If not please learn to engage in a constructive and meaningful conversation so that you can learn from experts in the field tichivaka nyika. Zimbabwe is for us all.

There are no designated shops/hospitals for the ruling party supporters nor opposition supporters. We go into the same shops/hospitals tichisvasvangwa ne economy tese.

Learn or perish

More: Pindula News



Zeus mfana · 6 months ago
Well ZiG losing it's value, some shops re busy playing dirty tactics no network, swipe system
John · 6 months ago
Uyu anozviti erudite, hapana zvinombotauwa zvinemsoro. He drags you all down to his level mukamuteedzera
Erudite · 6 months ago
Don't you mean I bring people up to my level you uncultured wank pheasant... Erudite out
Erudite · 6 months ago
You are now trying to act like a NPC just because I have caught your nefarious agenda...The ZiG is being introduced in a strategic manner as intended by people with a far better economics acumen than you...Why do you subject yourself to the rigorous processes of currency speculation just to save a few cents😂😂..These broke boy tendencies of yours are embarrassing and should not be admitted on a public platform...Your precious demigod Mugano is nothing but a failed influencer at this point with an economics degree printed on the back of a McDonald's menu to show just how junk it is....He is busy waffling and whipping up emotions in gullible lemmings like you...The ZiG has been a success and no amount of deranged tweets will change that.... Erudite out
Gushungo VeMbwetete · 6 months ago
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Everyone is entitled to their opinion including yourself, so methinks it is a bit rich for you to use your 'superior' command of the English language to shout others down. A forum of ideas/viewpoints, even if they differ from your own, makes for a great learning and or discussion platform. Facts have no the saying goes, so it would be useful if you could show proof of the alleged McDonalds degree, to back up your argument, that people could be following the advice of a 'snake oil' salesman in the article above. Peace.
Erudite · 6 months ago
Your passive aggressive shtick is a relic of yesteryear..Mugano is a failed professor who now gets his kicks by being a provocateur on a toxic white supremacists platform..What has Mugano done of significance besides being fired for gross incompetence... Only a dullard would go to bat for him..It seems my reference flew over your chrome dome so there is no hope dealing with someone who does not understand the nuances of my McDonald's reference 🤦... Mugano is a failure who infamously served as a ghostwriter for the briefcase party economic blueprint , a policy so far removed from reality you would think it was written by someone on space mount...While true that everyone is entitled to their opinions it does not mean opinions do not deserve to be called out... Erudite out
Gushungo VeMbwetete · 6 months ago
@erudite I don't subscribe to that guy's views, neither do I support everything he says to be true. All I'm saying is that on the Zig issue a lot could've been done to promote it's daily use against the USD. It doesn't make economic sense that policies look great on paper n yet on the ground they're not working. And if someone other than me thinks that too, hell yes I will support it!
Gushungo VeMbwetete · 6 months ago
If you go in a supermarket right now with zig and usd, you're going to realize that buying with USD is actually cheaper. Now,that's the real concern. You're merely attacking the person and not the idea thereof... it doesn't work like that
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Asi zvekuzopiwa an ignorant view yaKiller Zivhu , ndokushays pfungwa . Kana iye mutori wenhau anonotsvaka economic views from Killer ndokupererwa . Kana washaya nhau taura kuti nhasi hapana nhau .
Peace and Tolerance · 6 months ago
Regedza kuverenga kana usingade nhau yacho, majaira propaganda dzeState Media
Gushungo VeMbwetete · 6 months ago
@erudite You spend time writing meangless & irrelevant sentences to the pressing issue. This zig isn't functional & that's something realistic, have you checked USD prices on goods compared to zig prices lately?
Erudite · 6 months ago
What in the blue hell is "meangless"...are all antigovernment rebels this autistic?...The ZiG is functional only a hardened ignoramus of the highest order cannot see that.... Just because you spend most of your productive hours of the day knee deep in Mugano's jock strap and speculating on the demise of the ZiG...These fluctuations are normal in economic cycles yet your prophet of doom Mugano neglects to mention it... Surely we cannot have an individual who has been fired for gross incompetence in each and every job he has ever had spearheading the argument against ZiG..To complicate things even further Mugano uses a platform synonymous with white supremacists and preteen p0rn to get his unintelligible arguments across🚮.. Erudite out
Anonymous · 6 months ago
ZiG ashaya pawa hake samukoma wake aiva nemazita maviri RTGS naBond
Erudite · 6 months ago
@ Tindo any good point you might have tried to raise has been completely wiped out by your atrocious grammatical abominations...What 40+ years of failure are you talking about I can clearly see you are one dramatic individual who lacks critical thinking...Are you trying to tell me that Killer Zivhu is now some economic sage we should all listen to?...Your problem stems from deep sitted and unwarranted hate of Zanu PF which clouds your ability to think and most importantly make a decent living... Continue listening to these sociopaths and charlatans like Mugano and see where you end up...These guys are just paid talking heads of the West hell-bent on convincing you that the only way to attaining economic independence is by being a slave. Erudite out
Si**** wenjanja paGweru · 6 months ago
Isu vana Chahwiza vanhu venhamo tisu tinongokaura nenhamo.Governor waitiii paya.Zvino ndozvipi,iye Mushayavanhu ndokuzvigona zveZimbabwe!!! Imwi musada kutitaurisa mazhinji.Vashandi kunyanya maCivil servants vanonzwisa tsitsi.MaZig avanopiwa nezviri kuita maprize mumashop,zvokwadi kugadzira kuti vamwe vanhu vafe neBP. Dai mikana yaiwanikwa ,taingo kambenavo tiwane zvigaro munyika.Vose vari munezve matongerwo enyika ndivo vagere tatata.Heee gold backed currency what what,ukatarisa zviri paground nezvaitaurwa zvakasiyana.Tiri kungopedzerwa nguva yeupenyu hwedu isu varombo.Hameno kuti humwe upenyu hwatichazorarama vachatipa ivo here.Chiregai vadye ndivo vane miromo,isu hatisi vanhu.MaElections akauya ngativavhotere vadye,vagotikangamwa sezvo ndizvo zvavakasikirwa.Regai vaite zvavanoda nesu,kugadzira makumari avo asina chaanoshanda kuti isu tikaure.lko tambochiona,nguva takashanda kwakaiyei.Munhu kutozvinamatira zvako,zvingatokuponesa panguva dzekuguma kwehupenyu.Taramba kuzova vana Mufakose.Rugare handirweduba.
Erudite · 6 months ago
My favorite voodoo economist back at it again with his latest dosage of unproven mumbo jumbo.. Mugano is synonymous for not being able to hold down a steady job and yet here is uttering what I can best describe as temper tantrum... Surely quoting the dumpster fire called Killer Zivhu is surely a cry for help from the alleged professor of economics..Mugano is chronically online especially on X as evidenced by using a catchphrase made famous by a cringe-worthy wannabe Andrew Tate impersonator...I digress , everything is fine the ZiG is just experiencing the normal fluctuations associated with a newly introduced currency...The prophets of doom and pseudo-intellectuals will be made to eat their hats pretty soon...The likes of Killer Zivhu and Mugano will be the first to jump on the bandwagon which is typical for snake oil salesmen like them... Erudite out
Tindo · 6 months ago
Zanu Pf is a failure. They can't do this country any good . 40+ years of failure. Whatever you say is just poop well packaged in fine lingo. You are just on denial. Your little bubble will burst one of these days and you may find your senses in a very hard way. You obstinate prig .
Fuza · 6 months ago
Only bread can be bought by Zig... The rest you can't. How are bakeries surviving
Economist · 6 months ago
Punchlines from Mugano, truth inoita brain damage, thus the truth 100%. the problem iswee fail take advice and learn from others, the syndrome of so and so can't tell me nothing who is he/she to give dvice. The problem again we want to do more experiments on the field than bringing out good results.
Peace and Tolerance · 6 months ago
The ZiG should be only be accepted and used by individuals like Erudite who see this government as a saint despite presiding over a Third World Country which is showing no signs of improvements. My discussions with him last night showed me that he views Zanu as the World's most responsible party, so it is only fit he gets to bear the brunt of his favourite party's poor policies and decision making.
Chibaba · 6 months ago
Zig is useless even akarigadzira vacho haaride
hoy · 6 months ago
trying turnish the it will work
007 · 6 months ago
it will work bt will not works
nherera · 6 months ago
killer you are serious kkkkk
Palapala · 6 months ago
Command economics won't work, kumanikidzirira zvisingaiti, isu kuno kumusha hatitombodi Zig, ended hauriwane. Chaora Chinhu ichi
🤪 · 6 months ago
Zvino mukatsoropodza effort irikuiswa ne hurumende to create confidence necurrency zvino va zvadhakwa zvechi Ngapinde hake mukomana kana zvechi foiled Sadc protests, kana mamwewo ma failures yaitwa ne opposition Zig even riite poor haro riri ani as a mode of transact Chatisina kupiwa to create confidence ne currency yacho ma promotions ariku blacker heavy, Bankers Shops Factories should stimulate ZiG strength through various promotions ku hwinisa dzimba ma stands motokari kana a shop why not
...,. · 6 months ago
the zig is working very well for those who are using it to mop up real money from the diaspora remittances. the general population only use it as tokens for change due to the very small denominations released up to now. has anyone seen someone paying with zig coins and paper money when buying anything above 7zig with coins, or 10 zig with paper money?
Si**** · 6 months ago
Chokwadi zig zag haisi mari sei uchiphwa 10 zig pa50cents iyo iri equivalent to 7zig it's just like a token
Peace and Tolerance · 6 months ago
I don't why people are always arguing over the ZiG, it is written in stone that it will fail, all its predecessors failed what has changed that this one will not, the same people who presided over the failure of the others are still in power soo NGOMA NDIYO NDIYO
chipoko chaprigozhin · 6 months ago
Iko Zivhu zvaakutaura izvo haana kudzokera kuZanu here akufarisa manje kushoora musangano
CIO · 6 months ago
lying 🤥 i just bought a loaf of bread 13 zig 3 loafs have faith nemari yenyu mhani mukaita mawara zvinodhakwa igofa yaka loader kwenyu
cde che guveira · 6 months ago
a loaf pf bread now costs 23zig in supermarkets
CIO · 6 months ago
liar u ar buying bread for till operator ukupinderwa musaga
CIO · 6 months ago
**ukuponderwa musaga wangu**
fugu pfeee · 6 months ago
its only him having a headache

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