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ZANU PF Pushes For Constitutional Changes To Scrap Presidential Term Limits

6 months agoMon, 26 Aug 2024 10:45:00 GMT
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ZANU PF Pushes For Constitutional Changes To Scrap Presidential Term Limits

ZANU PF is pushing for constitutional amendments that would allow President Emmerson Mnangagwa to extend his term beyond 2028 when his second and final term is set to expire.

The party is currently preparing for its 21st Annual People’s Conference, which will be held at the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair Grounds in Bulawayo from October 22 to 27.

It is at this conference that the proposed amendments may be adopted and then presented to Parliament, where ZANU PF holds a significant majority and enjoys the compliance of the opposition CCC faction led by Sengezo Tshabangu.

In the lead-up to the conference, ZANU PF’s Harare Province held its provincial inter-district conference on Sunday.

The purpose of this meeting was to formulate draft resolutions that will be presented to the party leadership at the annual conference in Bulawayo.

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According to ZANU PF Harare provincial chairman Godwills Masimirembwa, the most critical resolution that emerged from the provincial inter-district conference was the recommendation that President Mnangagwa should continue to lead the country beyond 2028. Said Masimirembwa:

The most critical issue which comes is that the Constitution of Zimbabwe must be amended to enable him to continue to lead beyond 2028.

We are aware that there are constitutional limitations; first of all, it says the President serves for a maximum of two terms of five years each.

There is that window of extending the number of years for each term, or tentatively we can remove the term limit from two terms to three terms or scrap the term limit altogether.

According to Masimirembwa, the ZANU PF Harare inter-district conference also recommended amending another constitutional limitation – the clause that prohibits any constitutional changes from benefiting the incumbent president.

However, lawyer Thabani Mpofu argued that a constitutional amendment would not provide any legitimate benefits to Mnangagwa. He wrote on X:

The constitutional provision that restricts a president to a maximum of two terms is a term limit provision.

As such, any successful amendment to this provision cannot be applied retroactively to benefit the incumbent.

In simple terms, Mnangagwa is constitutionally ineligible to benefit from an extension of the presidential term limit.

Therefore, any attempt to do so would not only be futile but also a blatant violation of constitutionalism.

Mnangagwa first came into office in 2017 after a military-backed transition that removed long-time ruler Robert Mugabe from power.

Mnangagwa then won the presidential elections in 2018 and 2023, narrowly defeating his main rival, Nelson Chamisa. However, Chamisa has disputed the results of both elections.

More: Pindula News



@Vhedza · 6 months ago
Honestly Zimbabweans are living on speculative news.
nothing can stay forever · 6 months ago
honestly 🇿🇼 Zimbabwean youth can kill this party forever...wait and see..tizvezvi..nzara avasikuiwa ..mucha wona icha pusha pusher ma youth apinde mu Street..its matter of time....
killer · 6 months ago
zanu pf iproject yasatan
Bob · 6 months ago
Mbavha dzeZanu dzirikuda kutiDambudzo arambe aripo kti varambe vachiba manje ths tym you wont succed
Si**** · 6 months ago
Ndodya zvangu muriwo namapotato alleluja
Senhor · 6 months ago
For the why, What are the benefits???
Gora · 6 months ago
Let him go ahead. is destroying zanupf asingazivi. give him a long rope to hang himself and his rotten party. watch the space
Rebelyus · 6 months ago
These people are foolish mafioso. The constitution had term limits and they want to remove or scrap then altogether. They are eager to create a dictatorship.
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Let us relax guys. Let us watch and see where this ends. Time shall tell.
wischigonero · 6 months ago
zvinopedza power zvimwe zvacho ichivo chekuzora mafuta ekutsvukisa chakanyanyavo kudzungairavo asi kurwarisa kwachakaita hr paye
FAZ for ZANU · 6 months ago
baba ngavagare pachigaro
??? · 6 months ago
Vazukuru varikushaya vanoitira ngano kumusha
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Let him continue as zanupf president not Zimbabwe president. Our constitution is very clear. He was waiting for SADC to end so that he can amend to the constitution. Madhuku where are you?
Samaita · 6 months ago
Hazviite, a constitutional amendment to term limits will not benefit the current holder of office/incumbent president.
· 6 months ago
Masimirembwa, I know you were struck off the register by The Law Society of Zimbabwe for unethical conduct. But for someone who went through Law school you should know the safeguards enshrined in the Supreme Law of the land. Hazvigoni. FullStop.
mnangagwa · 6 months ago
ndozvatanga takamirira .zveSADC kwaive kuvaraidza nguva
mnangagwa · 6 months ago
ngafirepo hakezve zvipere
Bazooka · 6 months ago
Regai vaite hapana asingafi they think that they will live forever yet time is ticking away leading to perish.Where is Mugabe?The way they tormented him is the same way 🐊 is leaving the thrown.Chisingaperi chinoshura hanty vari kuchembera and age tells
Intelligency Supremo · 6 months ago
unotogona kufa iwewe uchimusiya aripo fut
Peace and Tolerance · 6 months ago
@Intelligency, asi anozongotevera zvake zvee, akura munhu uyo
propaganda attachee · 6 months ago
ko referendum ke is it there or not .erudite please elaborate in simple English
Legend · 6 months ago
Vatanga futi kkkk
d · 6 months ago
our president. ED hoyeeeee.....
theLastAntKing · 6 months ago
a president should retire the same as a civil servant does. But honestly are we saying a president do have a mind which ages slower than anyone else🤔🤔 Ana masimirembwa dzava harahwa dzinoziva kuti vanenge vari covered as long as an age mate is in power
flying Doc ( 3Ds) · 6 months ago
zvaendwa izvi dololo Chiwenga vakaitiswa kudzungaira ... zanu haina president anobva zvir pamutemo anobviswa zvejéñdé .
Shadows · 6 months ago
v**** makutijairira
Z · 6 months ago
Peace and Tolerance · 6 months ago
Baba amendment yekuBenefita incumbent president inoda referendum. Itai tikuputitsei, Referendum its different from elections hakuna ZvemaConstituency ndosaka umwe akaputitswa 2000. You never learn
Peace and Tolerance · 6 months ago
Plus majority yamakawana nekubirira, anyway it doesn't matter because you still need a referendum and muZanu imomo vamwe vari kutoda chigaro ichocho futi saka don't be confident that the road ahead will be smooth sailing
Intelligency Supremo. · 6 months ago
thy will just amend the constitution of referendum.
Samaita · 6 months ago
kkkk I'm sure unongonzwa kuti "amend the constitution" hoo nhai
Z · 6 months ago
Anonymous · 6 months ago
4 terms dzinoita kwete 2 anange asati appedza ma projects.
Chibaba · 6 months ago
Hazviite tokumamisai

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