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ZIFA's Interviews Were Professional And Thorough, Says Nees

6 months agoSat, 24 Aug 2024 11:53:00 GMT
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ZIFA's Interviews Were Professional And Thorough, Says Nees

Michael Nees, the newly appointed head coach of the Zimbabwe national football team, the Warriors, has praised the Zimbabwe Football Association (ZIFA) for conducting a “professional” and rigorous interview process.

Nees was one of five candidates shortlisted by ZIFA for the vacant Warriors coaching position, with the others being Winfried Schäfer, Antoine Hey, Marcio Maximo Barcellos, and Gerard Nus.

The selection process had drawn some criticism, with observers questioning how Nees was chosen over the other more experienced candidates.

Rumours had also circulated that Zimbabwean FIFA official Solomon Mudege, who is accused of secretly influencing ZIFA’s decision-making, had suggested Nees’ appointment.

However, during his unveiling in Harare on Thursday, Nees claimed that the interviews were “not easy” and that the overall process was “professional.” He said (via Nehanda Radio):

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The interviews were professional and it was not easy. I don’t know who went through all the 300 CVs but it was very professional, especially the process. I did my best to convince the selection team.

Nees’ first assignments as Warriors coach will be the 2025 Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) qualifiers against Kenya and Cameroon.

These crucial matches are scheduled for September 6 and September 10, respectively. Interestingly, both games will be played at the Mandela National Stadium in Uganda, with Kenya hosting Zimbabwe on the 6, and Zimbabwe then welcoming Cameroon four days later.

The decision to play the home matches at a neutral venue is because neither Zimbabwe nor Kenya currently have CAF-certified stadiums capable of hosting international fixtures.

More: Pindula News



apao · 6 months ago
Chelsea ikutamba nguvai
cde razor wire · 6 months ago
ndanzwa kuti yanga ine 6-2 mu88 mins nhasi yahwinawo
Gunvosta · 6 months ago
even if we get a coach from Mars Zim will never amount to anything in football. Don't argue with me argue with your ancestors, the truth hurts
@Man to Man · 6 months ago
Shumba · 6 months ago
pama Assistant vakaunza Mapeza or anyone akamboita coach zvadhakwa .This murungu will just be a stooge untill he realises how Zifa and it's Cartels work and then he will leave the country then posara wavarikuda mu local
· 6 months ago
Danny Danny Welbeck
Black Mbazo · 6 months ago
dzangova nharo ku supporter warriors of Zimbabwe 🇿🇼
charter · 6 months ago bhora ankrida but hey zifa ummmmmmm
Bazooka · 6 months ago
truly speaking zvinobhowa wangu every time Zim inongodzoka Zifa must improve its football styles as to meet that in England EPL kwatiri kupedzera nguva tichiSuppoter nyika dzekunze.why Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 why Africa.
Bazooka · 6 months ago
Do you know that everything in life needs preparations,zvinobhowa zviri kuitika izvi.Bhora ndorinototivaraidza sesu varume because maStress atiinawo nechimiro chenyika yedu zvakaoma,patinoti stress imbobuda motipa futi stress so tiri kuendepi, izvozvi muchawona Zimbabwe yacho inongorohwa seri neseri bcz hatina teamwork paidawo nguva yekuti coach awone performance yemaPlayers ake mongotanga nekumupa team yamagara makasarudza imi kudhara.Haaaa musadaro varume dai muchimboziva kuti bhora tinorida sei muchitererawo zvatinotaura sevatsigiri venyu.Zvamunoita zvinogumbura kutaura chokwadi.Ok kana Nees akundikana kuWinner apa moti haagoni but hamuna kumupa time to prepare
Bazooka · 6 months ago
Kkkk Why is it that the board nominated the coach whilist having crucial games and giving him no time to select his new team.why this guys,, now there no enough time to prepare for these games.Be sober vanhu veZIFA no preparations hamusati matomboona performance yaCoach wacho but makutomupa mutoro wakadai.Zifa musatambe nepfungwa dzevanhu muchidai why this.
ak · 6 months ago
taura hko bazooka
Zeus mfana · 6 months ago
Really really
nherera · 6 months ago
this guy is Zanupf district secretaty for sports in murewa

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