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ZANU PF Activist Urges Mnangagwa To Fire Mthuli, Mushayavanhu And Guvamatanga For Undermining ZiG

6 months agoWed, 21 Aug 2024 11:00:40 GMT
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ZANU PF Activist Urges Mnangagwa To Fire Mthuli, Mushayavanhu And Guvamatanga For Undermining ZiG

South African-based ZANU PF supporter Kudzai Mutisi has called on President Emmerson Mnangagwa to dismiss Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Investment Promotion Mthuli Ncube, along with the Ministry’s permanent secretary George Guvamatanga and Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) Governor John Mushavayanhu, for allegedly undermining the new ZiG currency.

Launched in April 2024, the ZiG was presented by the government as a “structured currency” backed by 2.5 tonnes of gold and other minerals, including diamonds. However, the value of the ZiG has steadily declined on the parallel market due to ongoing foreign currency shortages.

In a post on X, Mutisi accused the Treasury and Central Bank leaders of being “the biggest saboteurs of ZiG,” labelling them as “lazy and indecisive.” Said Mutisi:

The biggest saboteurs of ZiG are at the RBZ and Ministry of Finance, very lazy and indecisive folks… 5 months after introducing ZiG, they have done NOTHING to make it the preferred currency.

They FAILED to do the basics, it’s not enough to say it’s “gold backed”, in fact, that’s UNNECESSARY. Simple things could give ZiG a huge boost:

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1. Avail larger denominations: Folks like Persistence Gwanyanya make ridiculous arguments that larger denominations create inflation YET the ZWL collapsed without them, yet there are US$100 notes circulating in Zim… Without enough ZiG cash, the US$ fills that lacuna and that’s foolishly promoting US$ use. Avail ENOUGH CASH!

2. Mthuli Ncube, in his lack of wisdom, continues to tax electronic transactions. Since there is no enough ZiG cash in circulation, people escape these punitive taxes by using US$ cash. The IMTT tax should be removed and RBZ should slash bank charges. That will be an effective way of promoting the ZiG.

3. There are still lots of USD ONLY transactions, and there is no desire to gradually reduce them… 5 months after the introduction of ZiG, there has been a gradual increase in USD-only transactions.

4. Guvamatanga and Ncube aren’t keen on demanding taxes in ZiG…. Companies have no reason to accept ZiG or look for ZiG since Treasury is more interested in collecting USD taxes…

Mutisi urged Mnangagwa to appoint competent individuals at the RBZ and the Ministry of Finance, stating, “… you can’t have PhD holders who fail to do basic things, those are toxic people undermining the country for their own personal interests.”

He contended that Ncube, Guvamatanga, and Mushayavanhu are aware of the necessary steps to promote the use of ZiG but are unwilling to act if it threatens their interests.



@double 6đź’Ş · 6 months ago
Anonymous · 6 months ago
**** Mnangangwa and his party are bunch of corruption and uneducated ****s , they run Zim as their family, they failed, we need pple who are professionals in our government
unknown · 6 months ago
The problem is zig is seen as for change NOT a currency on it's on. To this day I have never held a zig bank not.
Nhewa · 6 months ago
Your aim is to see money changers back in the streets. Support your currency, support production and stop this nonsensical selfish complaints.
Wezhezha · 6 months ago
That's sensible.Those guys poses bookish knowledge.The cling on to power for selfish gains.Their quest is to line up their pockets at the expense of the ordinary people.The President should do something because they failed the nation.At the launch of the Zig,the governor assured the nation that the zig won't depreciate during his rein.Realistically,the situation has dwindled to an extent that is far beyond the lives of civil servants.They are really suffering, though they continue to be loyal to their masters.What a blique future
. · 6 months ago
I don't know why Netone does not re-charge in zig. it's US dollar only.
Boozer · 6 months ago
Economy does not affect CCC supporters but everyone in the country as a whole.The only thing is to be honest kana waenda paPosition yakafanana neina Mushayavanhu, Mthuli,Guvamatanga and some those who are benefiting better than the rest who are suffering out there.Economy is the life for everyone is the food for life so we need people who are well minded in economics, we cannot foward with this economic hardship,especially young generation, they have potential but they don't a clear way to raise up their lives.
Mushayazig iwee I told you · 6 months ago
Longback in April
Can see · 6 months ago
The earlier they get substituted the easier to rectify problems. Because they were on the marching path we can't keep them in. Way out you go you three scapegoats find another grazing field that suits you not in government anymore. Killers of economy together with mupfumira chuvhayo chugumba obmpofu chumombe wadyejena sean sanyatwe misihairabwi kangonye David tsambarafuta tugwurei mupfumi they can call colleagues of same doing.
gg · 6 months ago
Dai vatanga neku firer iye
Gushungo VeMbwetete · 6 months ago
A lot doesn't add up in this finance ministry, the only Zig we've seen are the coins & very few small notes which are used mostly for change. Meaning most transactions are in USD & making it the most used currency, yet they're already planning to completely stop using USD. How?
Wakez · 6 months ago
Kkkkkk hezvoka ma pferorrist mumwe wanyu akuvhurika brain only that aifanha kutanga kuti munangagwa first to be fired
Z · 6 months ago
Patz · 6 months ago
Whether CCC or Zanu pf currency does not respond to politics but to market forces and proper economics fundamentals
Mholoza · 6 months ago
TRUE that Patz
👀👀 · 6 months ago
Z mari haigadzirirwe bato ndeyenyika,kufanana neRBZ ,ndeyenyika,ndooparikufira mari yedu ipapo kt vanoigadzira for the sake of the party and their personal gain,ndakanzwa mnangagwa achiti tichange tichishandisa Zig chete ysd riri kubviswa,iz it tru kt ivo vanenge vachishandisawo zig ,ukabvunza mzujuru wa mtuli anokutauriea kt zig iroro haarizive even kuita pocket money,
Miss Jessica · 6 months ago
mutisi can't say mutuvi ncube guvamatanga and mushayavanhu only should be dismissed the entire party is rotten even ediot must go and should be dismissed as well no one is better than the other all of them are bunches of ediots proven failures
gandanga · 6 months ago
inhema kuda kuti mwana wa ED anzi ndiye anogona apinde panyanga....mthuli ncube hokoyo chigaro chaenda nemakunguvo
...,. · 6 months ago
the zig is more like a worm to fish and catch the us dollars sent by those in the diaspora to help their family, friends and relatives. government does not want to raise the living standards of the citizens by making and implementing policies that would put money into the citizens' pockets and government coffers. the citizens may be thinking that the professor has failed, but his employer is happy with his performance and keeps him on the job due to his meeting the objectives. with a failed bank which dealt with very small monies compared to the country's money, what would one expect? for how long is this experiment with people's life going to carry on?
Mushayazig what did I say in April · 6 months ago
We need professionals on the desk to be paid for efficiency, always looking ahead. Better if they can be chucked off today.I can handle this now to make it more functional as they lack knowledge of to be done. Failure to appoint me we go nowhere, I have the solution. Just inbox me if you like to know and understand it. We the less educated, we think and get answers faster easily than ncube mushayazig guvamatanga selfish teammbavhambwa. Corrupt figures in leading us the wrong way. Marara team failing to deliver monetary services. Let them go behind bars before herding donkey goats and hyena. (^o^)zig zero zvag zvig zvag
Zeus mfana · 6 months ago
Whoever they replace ZiG won't work
dzvii · 6 months ago
aah vana vembwa vaye vakutanga kusvinura nhai imi?
Patz · 6 months ago
It neither Mthuli nor Guvamatanga running the Mininsty of Finance nor is Mushayavanhu running the RBZ. Politics is running both. I thought PHD holders are ethical enough to refuse kuitiswa. Whole PHD abandoning their expertise and follow unorthodox ways of running any economy given by someone on the basis that he fought a war 43yrs ago. I wont work. They should resign and find work elsewhere where they are able to use their expertise.
Corruptmore Looto · 6 months ago
ZiG will never succeed as those who are in oversight of it do want it. I will accept ZiG when ED and cohort start getting paid their salaries in it, and the government starts collecting full taxes in ZiG not the half half or proportion nonsense
Sir African · 6 months ago
Zanu(pf) does not want a properly functioning economy as they will lose their USD to none performing currency.

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