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WFP Intensifies Support For Zimbabwe As El Niño Drought Causes Severe Food Shortages

7 months agoWed, 14 Aug 2024 13:18:25 GMT
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WFP Intensifies Support For Zimbabwe As El Niño Drought Causes Severe Food Shortages

The World Food Programme (WFP), which is part of the United Nations, says it is working harder to help the government of Zimbabwe deal with the serious food shortages in the country. This is because of a drought caused by the El Niño weather pattern.

The drought has caused crops and livestock to do very badly, leaving millions of people without enough food. This has created a humanitarian crisis.

Reports from the Zimbabwe Livelihoods Assessment Committee (ZimLAC) show that the 2024 maize harvest was much lower than the 2.2 million tonnes needed.

This puts over 5.9 million people in rural areas and 1.7 million in cities at risk of not having enough food during the lean season.

In response, the WFP is providing emergency food and nutrition help to households affected in Zimbabwe.

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Francesca Erdelmann, WFP Zimbabwe Representative and Country Director, said the WFP’s Lean Season Assistance programme, working with the Ministry of Public Service, Labour, and Social Welfare, will give important food assistance to people in rural areas.

The WFP is also giving cash to people in cities to help them afford food. Said Erdelmann:

The African Risk Capacity (ARC) Replica payout of over USD 6 million provides a significant boost to our efforts, emphasizing the importance of drought and disaster risk insurance.

This payout allows us to provide timely assistance to over 255,000 people in need across three districts, demonstrating the critical role that insurance mechanisms play in mitigating the effects of climate-related disasters.

WFP is working with the Government to provide services to support the national supply chain management for efficient delivery of cereals to targeted districts for the food deficit mitigation strategy (FDMS) while simultaneously building the capacities of involved government counterpart institutions.

Most recently, we managed the movement of some 23,000 MT of fertiliser for the Government from ports in Europe to depots in Zimbabwe.

Erdelmann said the WFP is thankful to the donors who have given money to help with the response to the El Niño drought.

She also said the WFP is working on repairing water sources and livelihoods (ways for people to earn a living), encouraging farming methods that are good for the climate and supporting community projects to improve infrastructure.

More: Pindula News



ZEC · 7 months ago
@Mish rest in peace, registration iri kuitwa ne zec kugadzirira ku rigger ma election a 2028. Kuno kuRedcliff vakanyepera vanhu two months ago vachiti nyoresai mazita mugozopihwa ma $13 pamunhu, Asi vaitoita zvema cell restructuring zve zanu.. Two lines dze dzimba yainzi ndiyo one cell posharwa ma chairman nema secretary. Chero usipo wainzi washarwa. Ini ndakanzi vice chairman but l am not a zanu pf popayi Saka zvinoshandei? Obviously it's for rigging purposes.
CG24 · 7 months ago
pindula musaonererwe, ko mukangovharawo face chete muchabuditsa ana amai vedu apa🤢🤢🤢
Mish rest in peace · 7 months ago
Ndiani achatonga nyika sadc yaenda? Kune vote futi here kuno kwaGutu kwafamba weZEC kunyora wapenyu nevakafa wose, newaripasi pe17years. Kutomanikdza kuwachakabvu ndo sadc elections here? Pamwe takasarira zvakanyanya wamwe wachitovhota tozoshaya mazig ne chikafu chamugabe pacha piwa wanhu kwasheMukaro
coni · 7 months ago
chipfeve chezanu chinonhúwa chinondibhowa zvokuti
Jah🇿🇼Tsvarie-07 · 7 months ago
African leaders prepare for elections the day after every election...
Bb · 7 months ago
Yes sir millions billions are being wasted for sadc protection useless **** idea instead to put citizens first. They say seat first why cruelty. Sadc a useless organization for thieves vandals dictators blood loving animals
Lilly Tee 💕 · 7 months ago
Haa ****
Chibaba · 7 months ago
And ZANU PF government is wasting millions of dollars preparing for a 1 day event SADC summit whilst the povo are wallowing in poverty.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 7 months ago
Development yakaitika is for generations to come. They shall all benefit saka hauna nyaya
int · 7 months ago
priorities priorities chibaba, do u know there are some rural communities right now struggling to get enough water for themselves as a result of this El nino phenomenon, failure of sadc intervention during electoral process hv proven tht it has nothing to offer for the of plight of Zimbabweans at large most of us INCLUDING YOU AND YOUR PARENTS, RELATIVES imbued in poverty so investment in SADC l perceive it as misappropriation of funds
Citizen · 7 months ago
We pray the food aid is not to be distributed through Zanu pf as everybody knows what will happen if this is handled by the greedy and power hungry people.
hwakwata · 7 months ago
Ndopaunonzwa some **** saying "there's no hunger in Zimbabwe"
. · 7 months ago
🤣🤣🤣 You mean Chifeve cheZANU hancho?
stressed · 7 months ago
😄😃 **** ye zanu
Legend · 7 months ago
Vanhu tofanenzara chokwadi today rubatsiro

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