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Elections Without Reforms A Waste Of Time - Chin'ono

7 months agoTue, 06 Aug 2024 14:01:32 GMT
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Elections Without Reforms A Waste Of Time - Chin'ono

Award-winning journalist Hopewell Chin’ono has criticised opposition leader Nelson Chamisa for calling for “proper elections” in Zimbabwe, arguing that holding elections without reforms is a waste of time.

In response to Chamisa’s comments, Chin’ono stated that elections “don’t work when dealing with a political thug like crookED Emmerson”, apparently referring to President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Chamisa lamented that since the disputed 2023 harmonized elections, Zimbabweans have not experienced normalcy or peace, as scores of activists have been detained on what some commentators have described as trumped-up charges. Wrote Chamisa on X:


Following the discredited, illegal and disputed 2023 General Elections, Zimbabweans have not known normalcy or peace.

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As of now, 78 families and a one-year-old child are without their loved ones. This is because the 78 political prisoners held different political views and dared to express themselves and exercise their freedom of association.

On the 16th of June 2024, these political prisoners were celebrating Africa Youth Day before being forcibly taken to prison where they remain 45 days later.

In addition, the families of Namatai Kwekeza (a human rights defender), Samuel Gwenzi (Civil society), Robson Chere (trade unionist), Promise Munkuli and Vusimuzi Moyo are without their loved ones for no reason other than their association with wanting a better Zimbabwe, advocating for women, young people, workers and speaking out against injustices.

Robson Chere’s family and friends are faced with the additional burden of fearing for his health given the injuries sustained during his arrest. Robson only wants better for the workers who sustain Zimbabwe.

The family of Bruce Moyo, a young Councillor from Bulawayo is without him because of exercising his political freedom of association as a young citizen and council representative.

Many other people (young and old) are spending nights in the prison cells after being taken abruptly and brazenly for no crime but being targets for simply exercising their constitutional freedom of association.

In Zimbabwe, being an active conscious citizen and being young has become a crime. The citizens, especially the young people, are persecuted for their beliefs and for wanting better lives.

In Zimbabwe, it has been turned criminal to be young.

This assault and onslaught on the citizens is a clarion call for unity across the political divide to condemn and rebuke these violations, violence and injustice.

Fellow citizens of SADC and all African countries, this can’t be civilized politics. This is bizarre, and abnormal and must be condemned by all progressives across the world.

Responding to Chamisa’s calls for “proper elections” in Zimbabwe, Hopewell Chin’ono argued that the country’s “broken politics” cannot be mended “through bogus elections” alone.

Instead, Chin’ono suggested that some other means are required to address the fundamental issues. Wrote Chin’ono:

We have been talking about elections for the past 24 years, but they don’t work when dealing with a political thug like crookED Emmerson!

Leaders should stop sanitising corrupt rule by repeating the same ineffective strategies of going into choreographed elections!

The only thing elections have provided is a few jobs for opposition members who go to Parliament, fight for cars and salaries, and collect kickbacks from crookED Emmerson as they did with the US$40,000 which I personally exposed in 2022!

Any attempt to railroad citizens into yet another rigged election without reforms will be condemned, and anyone attempting to do so should not complain when we say they are on crookED Emmerson’s payroll!

Nobody will ever be able to fix the broken politics through bogus elections, we must now use other means to deal with crookED Emmerson, elections are not one of those ways!

If there is another election without reforms, we will condemn anyone who gets involved in them and tell our people to stay home.

Let crookED Emmerson contest fake and rigged elections with his poodles!

More: Pindula News



👹 ¡ 7 months ago
Beware of Jeff Judah Hosanna, a fake coordinator of national demonstrations on Zanu Pf payroll
Anonymous ¡ 7 months ago
Zanupf will never reform itself, this is a fact that has to be accepted by all Zimbabweans...
Shadows ¡ 7 months ago
update your pindula app man you are to way backward
Chicken 🐔 ¡ 7 months ago
I think reforms should start from personal mindset of the author of the story. Followed by Pindula. How can comments start from the end going up. One can hardly follow what is happening. Comments should be written or read going downwards.
N ¡ 7 months ago
You are correct
Igweeee ¡ 7 months ago
Uhhh zvimwe itai muchiita Quit hazvidi kutaurisa paPindula platform hatizive kwatinosvika munoerekana makunzi gogogoi yatova abduction chaiyo so let us try to avoid the slip of our tongues, thank you
Z ¡ 7 months ago
Peter Bvirakare ¡ 7 months ago
Chamisa did not retire from Politics he resigned from CCC. He is still political active
Corruptmore Looto ¡ 7 months ago
Don't flatter yourselves you Zanu thugs, he is still in it
Private Investigator ¡ 7 months ago
Kkkk so says Gayson Chin'ono. As Zimbabweans hatina kupusa. Hatiudzirwe zvekuita by a a senior bachelor who is on both USAID and Zanu PF payroll. Chin'ono is a paid gun. NDAPEDZA😂😂😂
¡ 7 months ago
Nyepai muchisiya zvemangwana. Daddy Hope is happily married, hates ZANU with a passion. USAID is a philanthropic NGO, not an intelligence operation.
Private Investigator ¡ 7 months ago
Chin'ono is happily single and I guess you have absolutely no idea what USAID does worldwide. Wake up from your slumber: you honestly believe USAID is here only to sink boreholes, equip clinics etc. How many homeless people are there in the United States of Amerika🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
OG ¡ 7 months ago
what? we can see you believe anything
Private Investigator ¡ 7 months ago
Kkkk Chin'ono is happily single. Work up from your slumber.You obviously have no idea what USAID does worldwide. Do you know the number of homeless people living in the streets in Amerika 😂😂😂
@ceteris pari😋😋 ¡ 7 months ago
guys in Zim to be young is a criminal ummm yaah
ss ¡ 7 months ago
where is Tshavangu
¡ 7 months ago
Hibernating in Burnside, Bulawayo enjoying CIO/FAZ largesse
ss ¡ 7 months ago
WHERE IS Tshavangu?
fugu pfeee ¡ 7 months ago
Chamisa nganyarare akatiza ccc kadhara. akuda vanhu va tshabangu zvakare
¡ 7 months ago
Tshabangu, like ZANU haana vanhu
Corruptmore Looto ¡ 7 months ago
Tshabangu ane vanhu vapi iwe kwana
Mazuva ¡ 7 months ago
Hopewell needs to reform first from his obsession with attacking Chamisa. Zanu Pf will only then reform the electoral laws.
unru!Ăż ¡ 7 months ago
hopewero zvatori mhumhu yoga is isina pfungwa uyu ndewe kumĂ mĂ  mujaya uyu
¡ 7 months ago
Iwewe ndiwe usina plan. Daddy Hope is internationally acclaimed. iwe unozivikanwa nani? Kana sabhuku haatokuzive.
Mazuva ¡ 7 months ago
When Chamisa opens his mouth, Hopeless wakes up from his slumber. Hopeless fears that Nero will steal the thunder from him. Zanu Pf listens to Chin'ono. Last time he advised them to recall CCC MPs, they complied. Hopeless must pursue reforms and leave Nero to pursue elections. Since when has the Zanu Pf regime reformed? This clueless juno abandoned Tshabangu and Ncube when they proved powerless against Chamisa. He again forsook Job when he proved a nonentity against Chamisa. Saka uchaita sei Hopeless?
Shadows ¡ 7 months ago
@ oncemore tanga wagera choya
Oncemore ¡ 7 months ago
The people have too much freedom of speech. The cio must work
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 🤪 ¡ 7 months ago
Ma reforms arikungotaurwa awa they do suit a ruling party so if it happens that an opposition party lands itself a ruling place they will benefit from those reforms simple not and ku softener kodwa ne opposition uku leaves anyone susceptible to attacks and auto format to dislodge of powers whether opposition or not The shortsighted don't see this at all
voice of the voiceless ¡ 7 months ago
but harahwa dzose dzinotyisidzira vamwe idzo dai pasina kuti dzinotemba vafana especially variku army vadzinopa zvhwitsi, dzinoda kum.a.m.i.s.w.a. Youth vs ma warvets 1v1 tovaputitsa
Chibaba ¡ 7 months ago
ZANU PF cannot reform itself out of power
Mhofu ¡ 7 months ago
I**** iro Hopewell, we don't follow ****
...,. ¡ 7 months ago
Hopewell and Chamisa are saying the same thing but using many words. The two are on the same side
Mr JP van ¡ 7 months ago
vataura vakuru vaneshungu dzokutengesa Zimbabwe kuvachena ngavagadzire yavonyika navanhu vavo vagovhotegwa vagoita president hapana unovarambidza kana kuenda Ku America neBritain vanocompainer kuva presdent
¡ 7 months ago
Goebbels would have been proud to have you as a guinea pig for swallowing bitter propaganda without flinching. Kudos to ZANU for having you as a blind follower 👏👏👏
¡ 7 months ago
It's ED who cries to be admitted into America through waiver of his personal sanctions. With all that freedom to visit the West, I don't know when last Chamisa was in Europe or America.

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