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ZANU PF Faction Targets Young Parliamentarians

7 months agoMon, 05 Aug 2024 07:53:20 GMT
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ZANU PF Faction Targets Young Parliamentarians

A faction within the ruling ZANU-PF party pushing for President Emmerson Mnangagwa to extend his presidency beyond the constitutional two-term limit is reportedly agitating for the ouster of young party parliamentarians, whom they accuse of undermining the so-called “2030 agenda” and lacking the party’s core ideology.

Speaking to TellZim News on condition of anonymity, fearing victimisation, some of the ZANU PF MPs said they are living in constant fear as the party heavyweights are actively working to remove them from their positions.

The young ZANU-PF parliamentarians claimed the problem started when the ruling party narrowly avoided losing to the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) after they voted for the controversial Public Voluntary Organisation (PVO) bill in parliament. Said one youthful ZANU PF MP:

Tiri panguva yakaoma (we are in difficult times); the problem started when we voted for the PVO bill in parliament and Zanu almost lost to the opposition. It was later realized that most of the young MPs from the party had just logged in and went out.

We are now being accused of resisting the push for the President to have another term as well as lacking party ideology.

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Their biggest fear is, that if the opposition MPs move a motion to impeach the President, they think we will support that.

Another ZANU PF MP, who claims to be a war veteran, accused the young MPs were betraying the party. He said:

They have no ideology; they are dealers so what they do is, they come to Parliament and sign the register and after that, they get in town to run their errands.

We almost lost to CCC legislators when we voted for the PVO bill. Something needs to be done or else the party is in serious problem.

However, ZANU PF chief whip Pupurai Togarepi who is also the MP for Gutu South, refuted the factionalism allegations, saying the ruling party trusts its MPs. Said Togarepi:

All our MPs are cadres of the party who were deployed to represent ZANU PF in parliament because of their loyalty and consistency.

All our MPs have gone through several ideological orientation through the Chitepo School of Ideology which makes them very sound and grounded.

The leadership is happy with the performance of the young MPs. I urge you to ignore the nonsense coming from uninformed sources.

There has been a lot of speculation and discussion about Mnangagwa potentially seeking a third term in office.

Recently, Mnangagwa publicly stated that he does not intend to run for a third term and plans to retire after completing his current term.

However, some political analysts and commentators are sceptical about the sincerity of this pledge.

More: Pindula News



theLastAntKing · 7 months ago
I said it before, these madalas vakakanganisika brain kuhondo. Vazhinji vacho 100%normal. Kana vaiitirana hutsinye kuhondo hwekuchererana makomba pachavo, ko kuzoti opposition yavanorova kusvika g.a.r.o. rasvuuka, now havachadi vana vavo varimubato....vanonyatsoda ani madala aya? MAPENZI MHAN
Manica MicroSystems Inc · 7 months ago
swanky is that you hahahahaha
Chibaba · 7 months ago
We are tired of these chembere dze ZANU PF ipai chimuti kune vechidiki with sharp brains then Zimbabwe will move forward
Mazuva · 7 months ago
If you learnt to live peacefully amongst yourselves, you would learn to stay peacefully with every peace loving Zimbabwean. Unfortunately you have made it your duty to disrupt the peace of every Zimbabwean. There is no love and peace in the kingdom of darkness. Very sad that the season of mysterious deaths is upon us again.
blaze · 7 months ago
I thought that the party constitution stipulates that every post is open for contestation why imposing a person who did not go through the litmus test of an election
patz · 7 months ago
Saka Zanu yacho ichatovharwaka panofa madziteteguru asara aya
Anonymous · 7 months ago
Zanupf inorwadza stone in a shoe. Ngazvife zvimadhara izvi we are tired about ngano dzehondo
Garwe mupfondo · 7 months ago
Vakuda "Chembere yako " policy
patz · 7 months ago
Ngavafome kaZanu Lite kawo
· 7 months ago
Iriko kare - fronted by Tshabangu
4Real · 7 months ago
ma junior MP anomboziva here Kuti Manyame Airbase yainzi New Sarum mazuva atakwachurana Na Smith kuita contact ende Kuti Selous Scouts raipinda Moza kuzorwa nesu
...,. · 7 months ago
the party is for those who fought the war of liberation, and they stated that no-one who never fought in that war can lead the country, which means all the young leaders and youths are excluded from the top post. just like most zimbabweans, the young MPs have to join the struggle to live with the others, as it appears parliament is not giving them the life they want, and they may have been forced to stand for a political position when they had better ways of making a living.
4Real · 7 months ago
mufanha Wangu waivepi zvichiita bomb Shero Muna Lytton road Ku Workington Industrial Area dzikama mazuva Ako awedzerwe panyika
4Real · 7 months ago
mufanha Tafadzwa Musekiwa akatiza achinogeza chembere Ku London munhu was MP mahwani atanga taatangisa Saka hatinetswi netumakonzo twanana utwu tinotsika musoro nejombo twobva twati tasa
gaucho of pampas · 7 months ago
wabhemeiko this morning kumukirorotomoka nhaiwe
4Real · 7 months ago
Joshua Nkomo akapfeka dhirezi kuzviita mainini tajamuka Morgan Tsvangirai akaita mainini SA Joshua Nkomo kutizira Botswana Tati chachAya ngachitsve
🏋️🕺⛹️ · 7 months ago
Ed akarichirika border south Africa via mozq hapana chinoshamisa apa ndakazvitarisa ma young mp's are benefitting more than u becoz vane brain dzekuziva pane mari, type dzenyu ndodzekupihwa ma50k dzikatengera imbwa watch zi****
4Real · 7 months ago
vapfana vasina kuona Hondo ne flag re Rhodesia raive ne two white stripes ne green pakati vanonetsa vapfana vasingazive BSAP vanonetsa manje tinotilitsa takarwa Hondo takaenda Moza me Morogoro Tanzania

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