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Pro-Democracy Activists Describe Brutal Mistreatment By State Agents

6 months agoMon, 05 Aug 2024 06:09:05 GMT
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Pro-Democracy Activists Describe Brutal Mistreatment By State Agents

The lawyers representing four pro-democracy activists arrested at the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport last Wednesday have described the horrific mistreatment their clients endured at the hands of state security agents.

Namatai Kwekweza, the recipient of the prestigious Kofi Annan NextGen Democracy Prize in 2023, Robson Chere, Samuel Gwenzi, and Vusumuzi Moyo were dragged out from a plane bound for Victoria Falls, and reportedly tortured while being held incommunicado for hours.

The four pro-democracy activists appeared before the Harare Magistrate Court on Friday, facing charges of disorderly conduct.

They were accused of involvement in a demonstration protesting the detention of Jameson Timba, a leader of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) faction.

As reported by CITE, during the court proceedings, the activists’ lawyers – Jeremiah Bhamu, Tinashe Chinopfukutwa, Roseline Hanzi, and Charles Kwaramba from the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) – described the systematic assault their clients had endured.

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One of the activists, Kwekweza, was subjected to particularly cruel treatment. Fully aware of her recent dental procedure, one of her assailants deliberately shoved a shoe and metal bar into her mouth, inflicting excruciating pain.

She was also threatened with further violence if she refused to cooperate. Her phone, laptop, and passport were also seized.

The lawyers said Kwekweza was not even in Zimbabwe when the alleged crime was committed at the Harare Magistrate Court on June 27, 2024.

Moyo who is said to be a sound engineer for a prominent musician was also beaten up.

Chere, the secretary general of the Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ), was allegedly beaten with an iron bar, leaving him with bloodshot eyes for two days. His phone was also used to record the assault.

Chere’s ordeal continued with waterboarding, and his dreadlocks were forcibly cut off.

His lawyers detailed how the assailants threatened to kill him or rape his wife if any demonstrations took place ahead of the SADC Summit. They also made chilling threats against his family.

Harare councillor Samuel Gwenzi was allegedly struck with open palms and iron bars, and ordered to chant ZANU-PF slogans and declare his Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) party a “Western puppet party.”

Gwenzi’s captors even threatened to harm his children. His phone was also seized, and he was subjected to further beatings.

The assailants additionally threatened to kill other opposition leaders, including Gift Ostallos Siziba and Takudzwa Ngadziore, if they planned any protests.

More: Pindula News



Rh junaid · 5 months ago
Good job
Big Dude · 6 months ago
I'm a man of peace and love like most Zimbabweans. I condemn violence. There is so much violence and kidnapping of citizens by state agents right now whilst Mr Mafidi watches in silent encouragement. I just wonder if Mr Mafidi realises that the unfolding events don't favour him at all. What is happening to citizens with his authority will likely happen to him personally and to his family soon. He knows that a leader like Chamisa will forgive him, so he continues with the violence. Let me warn the butcher of Zimbabwe that Chamisa may pardon him, but his (ED's) individual victims will not. They will most likely torture him and his family members just to get even.
blaze · 6 months ago
Ma activist and all those who planning to hold demos my word of advice is chicard chakaonerwa ichi so please go back to the drawing table and restrategise the gvt is fully prepared for you Your problem is you are so predictable. Surprises can help don't broadcast your plans
Corruptmore Looto · 6 months ago
Ndiwe wataura dama iwe. The regime will long have prepared for them, the opposition is literally telegraphing what they are going to do. Surprise protests are the ones that work wonders, nowhere have protests which have been planned for months ever been successful. IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT
Hombre · 6 months ago
You're right gentlemen. Asi, without the freedom to hold meetings, this is the best they can do in the circumstances. Lack of surprise will be compensated by overwhelming and unstoppable determination. Remember that the beast is counting on using people who hate it with a passion.
Chibaba · 6 months ago
Kutumwa kuponda vanhu naED ma CIO aya akapusa zvichavapfukira mangwana.
Ediots · 6 months ago
When you know who tortured you zvimwe hazvide chiKristu. You know what to do
Freedom · 6 months ago
wataura apa pane nzira dzokukwichidza pakadai apa
Zeus mfana · 6 months ago
These re true colours of illegitimate government
gumlaz · 6 months ago
tichachema sauro kusvika riin
jah zig · 6 months ago
vanhu ngavarohwe they can't continue undermining our sovereignty with thire useless demonstrations
Anonymous · 6 months ago

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