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UN Appeals For Help As El Niño Threatens 7.6 Million In Zimbabwe

7 months agoSat, 03 Aug 2024 05:44:25 GMT
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UN Appeals For Help As El Niño Threatens 7.6 Million In Zimbabwe

United Nations officials have appealed to the international community for support to help Zimbabwe address the humanitarian impacts of El Niño which is threatening 7.6 million people with acute hunger.

The 2023-2024 summer season was blighted by shifted rainfall patterns and long dry spells during the critical planting season which left large parts of the region with insufficient rainfall and above-average temperatures.

The drought has deeply impacted Zimbabwe’s economy, forcing the government to reduce growth projections.

The country is also facing critical water shortages, and more than 22 per cent of school-aged children are out of school because of the economic and social impacts of the drought.

The urgent need for support was made by Reena Ghelani, the United Nations Assistant Secretary-General and climate Crisis Coordinator for El Niño – La Niña and Valerie Guarnieri, the Assistant Executive Director of the World Food Programme, with Edward Kallon, the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Zimbabwe, as they concluded a week-long drought-assessment mission to the country.

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Valerie Guarneri, WFP’s Assistant Executive Director said:

It’s tragic. Families have harvested nothing at all, and their food stocks are empty. Families are now making survival decisions as the situation continues to worsen.

During the peak of the lean season between January and March next year and we are in a race against time to provide assistance.

During their week-long mission, the delegation met with senior Government Officials including Constantino Chiwenga, Minister of Local Government and Public Works Daniel Garwe, Members of National Drought Response Inter-Cabinet Ministers, the Department of Civil Protection (Zimbabwe’s disaster management authority), local authorities and humanitarian workers on the ground as well as communities most affected.

They visited Matobo District in Bulawayo and Umguza District in Matabeleland Province where they witnessed first-hand the impact of the drought and efforts made to support climate-smart agriculture, provide alternative income in urban areas and prevent gender-based violence against women and girls. Said Reena Ghelani:

The people we’ve met in Zimbabwe are facing a historic drought and need urgent support now.

Moreover, Southern Africa may be facing extreme droughts like this one every decade: we need support for the medium term so that communities are not vulnerable to future shocks.

According to the latest estimates, 5.9 million people in rural areas and 1.7 million people in urban areas may face acute hunger during the coming lean period, and until the next harvest in April 2025.

The UN-coordinated Drought Flash Appeal for Zimbabwe, which brings over 60 organisations together to complement national efforts, is requiring $429 million to assist 3.1 million people this year but is only about 20 per cent funded. Said Kallon:

Thanks to early funding from the UN Central Emergency Response Fund, the African Risk Capacity and other partners, the UN and partners have been able to kickstart anticipatory action and early response activities to mitigate the worst impacts of the drought.

Now we need to scale up the response, to ensure that no one dies of hunger and children remain in school.

More: Pindula News



Shaninga · 7 months ago
Mufundisi mupengo,nzara irikuonekwa nevekunze iwe voti takaguta shame on you mari yezvipo irikukufirimisa
g · 7 months ago
vakadzinga varungu Havana nzara vavhunze unzwe
Corruptmore Looto · 7 months ago
These are the consequences of foolish actions, the white Zimbabwean farmers were prepared for all of that, with dams, irrigators neCloud seeding plus matsaga ekumusha anoSuppoter Zanu vaitoshanda ikoko, vachiendeserwa vana kuSchool futi. Now makuchema nzara, apa vamwe vari kuSA vachishanda mumapurazi eVarungu so what good did you do, instead of working in your own country with the full benefits of citizenship, you are now working in the same job in a foreign country but without any protection from exploitation.
Unknown mass · 7 months ago
Ino vaposei aid when you are not behaving as if you want that aid There's Palestine which much deserves it, imi mune simba rekuita ma protests apa vakuru vachida kukugadzirirayi ma hunger proof vests imimoda ku vukura panze sana bhogi
🏋️🕺⛹️ · 7 months ago
Zim is the perfect case study of misplaced priorities
African · 7 months ago
what amazing is that only few get the assistant 🤔
patz · 7 months ago
Nechakadzingirwa maZimbabwean whites. Mapurazi achoo haana varimi kungorine vavhimi vetsuro. Masora arikufara
lootocrats · 7 months ago
UN is also a cry baby there's no hunger and food shortages in Zimbabwe.. ask apostle wutawunashe
rx · 7 months ago
Ndopaunonzwa Mufundisi wekereke achitaura kut muZimbabwe hamuna nzara , vatorwa vawongorora vakaona kut munyika medu mune nzara . Ndopaunoona kuti kuenda kuchurch yeMufundisi uyo kupedza nguva anoda kusiiwa onamata ega chichurch chake.
Mr JP van · 7 months ago
mufundisi uyu unoda kutoregwa Mari inopledgewa nevanhu every time kana vakanda woibvuta
dzveteroo · 7 months ago
pedze vonzwaa vamwe vachiti heee heee wat wat majaira kungozhambaa zvese zvese
👽 · 7 months ago
ED has the money...ngaaite plan
Si**** · 7 months ago
Nechamakadzingira varungu ndinochishaya, dai varimo mareserves akazara. Asi Zanu ka

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