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Matabeleland Development Initiative Calls For Clarity On Centralised Cattle Auctions

7 months agoSat, 03 Aug 2024 10:18:19 GMT
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Matabeleland Development Initiative Calls For Clarity On Centralised Cattle Auctions

The Matabeleland Development Initiative (MDI) has urged the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development to increase awareness among villagers and rural farmers about its proposed cattle auction centres.

This comes after the Ministry of Agriculture announced a ban on household and village-level cattle sales last month, stating that all cattle must be sold at ward-based cattle sales

Speaking in Parliament last week, the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water and Rural Resettlement, Anxious Masuka, said that this move is intended to protect farmers from unscrupulous buyers who exploit their desperation to purchase livestock at very low prices.

Responding to questions from CITE, MDI Chairman and Founder, Freeman Ncube, said the government should provide adequate information about the move. Said Ncube:

Although we are concerned that not enough information regarding the sale of livestock was disclosed to villagers or rural folk to understand the processes of selling their livestock, including how they will be taxed and the movement of livestock.

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There is a lot of confusion regarding all this, and we believe that there was not enough time to educate people about the selling of livestock and the processes involved.

Finance, Economic Development and Investment Promotion Minister, Mthuli Ncube, recently scrapped the 15 per cent value-added tax (VAT) on live animal sales, a move that was welcomed by farmers.

Presenting the 2024 mid-term budget policy review last week, Ncube proposed the exemption of VAT on the sale of live animals to restore demand for meat while at the same time promoting formal trade in the livestock sector.

More: Pindula News



Cacc · 7 months ago
Dzinongotorwa ne teammbavhambwa wanotitichaunza mari next week zvavharana kare sezvawakaita mbudzi mapere hove hozwa huku nembwa gold chrome lithium diamond mugariro wawo. Hapana chitsva apa.. Ndo chitororo chaicho chaaakutonga,
· 7 months ago
👀👀 · 7 months ago
hanzi varikutoda VAT panotengeswa mombe,and havana pavasingade kudya,ma sales akagara ariko kare ,nema card emombe and waisatengesazvisingazikanwe,kwaisava neVAT IYO,kwaive netax chete and it was reasonable,now vaakutoda value added tax nekunetsa kuchengeta kurikuita mombe,mafuro chaiwo hakuna,
BIG T 🫖☕🍵 · 7 months ago
@mudhumeni wakadhaqa iwe how do you know kt madhibha akafusirwa unongova nekakushoora Soo chii newe mutiusinazita makafanana futi
rx · 7 months ago
Zvinhu izvakaitika Mai vako vasat vazvarwa bvunza mbuya vako vanokuudza
Mudhumeni · 7 months ago
Madhibha akafusirwa nemagandanga muhondo, zvichinzi kudhibhisa mombe hupambe pfumi hwa Smith. Zvino mombe dzapera nezvidari, saka akangwara ndiyani.
. · 7 months ago
Cattle sells where there long back, stock theft and corruption destroyed all that,

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