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Government Bans Village-based Cattle Sales

7 months agoFri, 02 Aug 2024 09:28:41 GMT
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Government Bans Village-based Cattle Sales

The Government has banned individual-based cattle sales to establish ward-based unit cattle sales.

This move is intended to protect farmers from unscrupulous buyers who exploit their desperation to purchase livestock at very low prices.

Speaking in Parliament last week, the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water and Rural Resettlement, Anxious Masuka, explained that the ban on all household-based and village-based cattle sales aims to prevent panic-selling.

This is particularly crucial given that some households may be compelled to offload their livestock due to the El Nino-induced drought.

According to an excerpt from the Hansard, the official verbatim record of parliamentary proceedings, cattle sales will now be centralised at designated ward-level drought mitigation centres on advertised calendar days.

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This new system is expected to provide farmers with more structured and regulated sales opportunities, shielding them from exploitative practices. Said Masuka:

This measure is intended to protect cattle from theft and ensure that farmers receive higher prices through a competitive bidding process.

The Deputy Minister, Hon. Marapira, is currently working to finalise the sales calendar for all 1,620 rural wards in the country, operationalising the proposed ward-based unit cattle sale.

Masuka also said the Government has procured deep-drilling rigs that can reach depths of 400 metres.

Finance, Economic Development and Investment Promotion Minister, Mthuli Ncube, recently scrapped the 15 per cent value-added tax (VAT) on live animal sales, a move that was welcomed by farmers.

Presenting the 2024 mid-term budget policy review last week, Ncube proposed the exemption of VAT on the sale of live animals to restore demand for meat while at the same time promoting formal trade in the livestock sector.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 7 months ago
Mugurameno · 7 months ago
woyenda nemombe yako woshaya anotenga the wakungotengesa nechero Mari kucover transport fare .murimi wakuwara
Pombi yadonha · 7 months ago
Chasara kusheya roora to be devided by 3
Pombi yadonha · 7 months ago
The looters at work
Mukoma Oncemore · 7 months ago
Rural farmers don't have money to transport cattle to the point of sale
ALOOTius MaSTEALli.. · 7 months ago
......... so they want to corral all cattle being sold in order have an advantage over us who buy feya feya zvisina chiBato bato mukati . bcoz we pay better on fair ground and we negotiate with owners in erners. if they put up a market and control it with their maYuthi.... votora mombe and owners have no say ....
ALOOTius MaSTEALli.. · 7 months ago
Ini ndinotenga mombe ndichizotengesa kumarket . I'll tell Yu the real issue iripo apa. Zanu pee efu never does a thing FOR the people . they have their pple who are also buying cattle either for their farms or for their butcheries/ abattoirs. They are the ones who buy intimidating the rural owners using chiZanu Zanu pese pese, they'll be moving around with local youth leaders, secretaries etc- An old man i know was told kuti "manje mukadhurisira isusu tirisu tinokupai mapfunde vakomana vanogona kuzokushaisayi ka ava"
Corruptmore Looto · 7 months ago
This government is sneaking upon the poor rural folk. Next thing they will say we are now charging tax
. · 7 months ago
mondiudza where when and how to sell my cattle manje
Chibaba · 7 months ago
Cattle tax, huku tax, kitsi tax, imbwa tax, dhadha tax, chi hurumende ichi chakadhakwa.
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 · 7 months ago
Saka zvazvema cattle sales zvataigaro ona muma newspaper ikozvino ne social media iyi zvave pane imwe stage
Bvumie · 7 months ago
zvobuda here now farmer is being choked to the marrow
Bvumie · 7 months ago
shuwa hurumende kutogara pasi kuronga kuda kubira vanhu varimuzhara bhoo herr
Chanda · 7 months ago
Another scheme to squeeze money from the poor communal farmer. I agree with Mutundo we are tracking back to the colonial error. Sale of personal assets/property including livestock is not a crime as long as it is done on a willing buyer willing seller basis. Hurumennde ino pinda papi apa. If they sympathise with the communal pple so much they shud simply provide enuf drought relief interventions. The nxt thing those sales are going to be taxed.
patz · 7 months ago
There are better things which the gvt should protect people from than not allowing them to sell their cattle. Why cant gvt protect the public by arresting those who are looting public funds which result in lack of medication in public hospitals, lack of BEAM funds at public schools, lack of NSSA funds to pay meaningful pensions. Cattle are private property of which the owner decides how to sell them.
Chanda · 7 months ago
Mutundo · 7 months ago
The gvrnment is taracking back on Ian Smith's footprints ! Obvious a certain percentage of the amount sold will be branded towards gvrnment ! My poor farmers !!
Antman · 7 months ago
True Mutondo. We are just re-introducing selame laws that Smith was using to opress us. Imagine paying HUT VAT
Babalao · 7 months ago
Hut tax iriko kare iyo, it's US$12-00 per year per family . Kuno vanoiti mutero we musoro/churunzi.

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