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War Veterans, Collaborators To Get Medals, Certificates - Govt

7 months agoWed, 24 Jul 2024 06:27:37 GMT
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War Veterans, Collaborators To Get Medals, Certificates - Govt

The government has announced plans to honour the country’s war veterans and civilian collaborators for their role during the liberation struggle against white-minority rule.

According to Lovemore Matuke, the Minister of State for Presidential Affairs in the Office of the President and Cabinet, the government intends to award medals and certificates to these veterans and collaborators.

Addressing members of the Senate last week, Matuke said the government is committed to prioritising the welfare of former combatants and war collaborators as part of this recognition initiative. Said Matuke (via NewsDay):

This year we expect that indeed we will have a very huge figure and from next year, we expect the war collaborators to also be awarded medals…

All the ministers of State in the 10 provinces will be issuing certificates of appreciation for the role played by the war collaborators as well as other comrades who were not rewarded when the process was done.

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Matuke said the first step will be to register all former combatants. This comprehensive registration process is intended to provide the necessary data to then develop targeted assistance packages for the war veterans.

However, Matuke acknowledged that the provision of this support will be contingent on the “availability of resources” at the government’s disposal.

This caveat suggests the initiative may be constrained by the country’s ongoing economic challenges and budgetary limitations. 

Matuke also said the government will prioritise the maintenance and upkeep of the shrines and memorial sites established to honour the heroes of the liberation struggle. He said:

The President started with earlier battles such as Phuphu where he visited and showed appreciation for people who fought in that war and ensured that they were given the necessary appreciation.

If you also look at Kangoma in Gutu, Masvingo, the President also went to that area and paid homage to those people who lost their lives as they fought in the liberation struggle.

After the country’s independence in 1980, the former guerrilla fighters became an influential political force and lobbied the government for greater recognition and benefits.

They continue to wield political and economic clout, often using their liberation war credentials to demand preferential treatment and access to resources.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 7 months ago
Another looting tunnel/avenue being explored....
kamukono ketsambarafuta 🤸 · 7 months ago
haa team zanu munotsvinya henyu kkk ipai madhara nemagogo Ayo Mari kwete mamedals asina dhiri Ayo nxaaaa vakafira nyika ino mhani vanhu avo nyangwe havo varivapenyu asi vakafira nyika ino ...anofunga anzwisisa zvandataura...kamukono kataura
Lioz · 7 months ago
you get what you deserve ndizvo zvamakarwira thank you Govt if Zim
the gunz · 7 months ago
what's this medals for ,ivo pavakapiwa ma ID cards echi war vet aishanda chii kusvika izvezvi now vakuti today kuvapa mamedals idzodzangova hari dzofanzira .... vanakule avo vanoda cash to sustain their lives.
laugh emoji1
Mdara Odza · 7 months ago
Imagine you were part of those that fought for liberation, and a few of your got the fat of the land and you got nothing for that now the few want to give you worthless medals and certificates.
Anonymous · 7 months ago
More wasted money on distractions, they have done nothing since independence, but drain the nations money. Do we not have other pressing matters for this money to be used for. When it comes to taxpayers money, they can really pis.s into the wind.
Chibaba · 7 months ago
ZANU PF inotsvinya
HiLLBiLLIES VOLkSWAGEN 0774857233 · 7 months ago
Yu · 7 months ago
MaWar Veterans are just like rugs kicked around by the regime when everything is fine but as soon as they need to unleash violence on the masses they ask them for help. Sadly the gullible war veterans always fall for it yet they are wallowing in poverty and the Chivayo's are getting fatter everyday. Maybe that is their terrible fate as the true heroes of Zimbabwe who died are cursing them on the otherside angry as to why their comrades are supporting things that they died fighting against. The level of the regime's cruelty knows no bounds at least the Rhodesian authorities didn't oppress their own unlike this one
Cde hondo · 7 months ago
Medals and certificates zvinodyiwa here. Yes it was voluntary service kuenda kuhondo but after demob gvt should have availed ****s for income generating projects for warvets who where not absorbed into civil and uniformed services
patz · 7 months ago
@Cde Hondo Ko ma $50000 amakapihwa makaregerei kutanga ma income generating projects. Akange akuudzai kuti ndeyekutengera mombe ma cabbage ndiani
dj TECH 🇿🇼 · 7 months ago
vakatambira imbqa dzevanhu ,it will xplain plainly y athaz of their genre r in parliament 👀💀
Anonymous · 7 months ago
Medal and certificate zvozoita sei for 89year old, just like Mugabe celebrating soapstone sculptured bird from Germany. Chivayo Ari Nani kupa Mai Welly Mota zunza zunza mazangwatira
Captain Jack Sparrow · 7 months ago
That was voluntary service they have already been compensated kudhara these war veterans are a plague to this nation... We are tired of these so called liberators , some of us will be happy if slave trade returns ndibude hangu this forsaken country
mai rwizi · 7 months ago
ko Hinda mukushaya mabasa here kuva papindula mukutadza kutenga data zvikuita vana vevamwe
Patz · 7 months ago
@ Mai Rwizi Asi vanhu vanoshanda havaverengi news kani. Plus kuwa papindula hazvirewi kuti hauna data coz tirikwese Facebook, X,etc. Ko iwe urikutamburira urikupiko
😅 · 7 months ago
uyu anorwara uyu
Sinh · 7 months ago
kuratidza kuti ma war vets and collaborators havadi mari vanonzwisisa tikavapa ma bhera iwaya
that guy · 7 months ago
zvine basa here izvi
Tsemulaz · 7 months ago
They now need to understand that they fought for a much bigger cause than just their own pockets & compensations, let the benefits encompass everyone even the young generation.
TK · 7 months ago
Medal yokuratidza kuti makadzungayira, madzenga evanhu. Vamwe varikutora mazimari imi murikupihwa zvimenduru.
waa · 7 months ago
How many times do war vets get medals or will it be the first time now since independence? Pliz can someone help me on this.
CIO · 7 months ago
first time ende havasati vatopihwa zvogona svika nxt election tichingofambira nyaya dzacho dzekuti vamawane so that pamisangano u identify ma comrade toapa gorosi vamwe tovaudza kuti muchazopiwa
Tsemulaz · 7 months ago
@cio usanyebe vakambopihwa Mari vanhu ava. iti wausati wazvarwa chete
nherera · 7 months ago
Kkkk ukudo kunondzi kuderera vana venyu Mari vevamwe ma medals
CIO · 7 months ago
medal 🥇 for the why medal yobatsirei i hv a card but I don't remember using it so ava ma medal ekungono turika mudzimba here ... even ipapo kunyepa hanzi ndokuti musashupika kuwana zvekudya....gvt yashaya zvekuita to the last

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