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Govt Warns Schools Barring Learners From Exams Due To Unpaid Fees

7 months agoTue, 23 Jul 2024 06:18:34 GMT
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Govt Warns Schools Barring Learners From Exams Due To Unpaid Fees

The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education has issued a stern warning to schools against barring learners from sitting for end-of-term examinations due to unpaid school fees.

This follows reports that some schools have been denying students the opportunity to take their end-of-term exams if they have outstanding fee balances. 

Reports suggest that only those who have settled their fees in full are currently being permitted to sit for the examinations.

In an interview with The Herald on Monday, Primary and Secondary Education Ministry spokesperson Taungana Ndoro condemned this practice, adding that denying learners the chance to take their exams is a clear violation of their rights.

Said Ndoro:

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It is a fundamental right for every child to access education and no student should be denied the opportunity to sit for examinations due to unpaid fees.

This policy is in alignment with the Government’s commitment to ensuring inclusive and equitable education for all students.

The Government upholds the principle that education is a right for every child. Denying students the opportunity to write examinations because of unpaid fees contravenes this principle.

Schools are encouraged to find alternative ways to address financial issues without compromising the students’ right to education.

According to The Herald, two schools in Harare, Glen View High School 1 and Glen View High School 2, have been denying students the opportunity to write their end-of-term examinations if they have outstanding school fees.

Glen View 1 High School Development Committee chairperson, Tarirai Samambgwa, allegedly informed parents in a WhatsApp group chat that students with unpaid fees would not be permitted to sit for the examinations, which commenced on July 10.

The message directed to parents reads in part:

Facilitating these examinations requires a significant amount of money, as various materials are needed for science and practical subjects.

However, the school is currently facing a challenge due to outstanding payments from some parents.

This mid-year examination stage is crucial for a child’s education and to ensure its success, all school fees must be paid in full.

Therefore, only students who have paid their school fees in full will be provided with the necessary requirements to sit for these exams.

Unlike past practices where school authorities would simply lock out learners with outstanding fees, preventing them from accessing the examination rooms, schools have allegedly adopted a different approach this time.

Instead of barring these students from the school premises entirely, the school authorities are instead directing them to spend their time playing on the school grounds while their peers are writing the examinations.

Ndoro said the Ministry was aware of reports concerning Glen View High School 1 and 2 and was investigating the reports. He said:

We are aware of reports concerning Glen View High School 1 and 2 and are taking immediate steps to address the situation.

The Ministry will be investigating these claims and ensuring that the schools comply with the national policy.

Any school found in violation of this policy will be required to take corrective action promptly.

More: Pindula News



𝐧𝐡𝐮𝐛𝐮 · 7 months ago
𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐢 𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐛𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐰𝐨 𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐯𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤𝐢
44yrs · 7 months ago
Chikoro chakurema isu takadzidza nemari yekuumba hari zvichiendeka asi ukazvibvunza kuti zvese izvi zvakaenda kupi apana kana mhinduro zvinorwadza mufunge
· 7 months ago
Vabhadhaririei fees dzacho imimi
W · 7 months ago
How can the ministry of education blame school heads yet there's no bond papers to print the exam paper no printer at schoo? Supply all adequate materials for the school run, why to have such political authority where it is not necessary to? Give the tender of supplying educational material to kingchuvhayo and see how he squanders that zig? Let school run smoothly its operations. Teammbavha majaira kuwanda mari pese pese getaway berengwena
Bambo · 7 months ago
Government irikuisa confusion muzvikoro kuti chikoro chi runner chinoda mari vabereki havana mari government inoda ma results e development pa school saka government should do school development since iriiyo inotora fees.
mudazvunhu · 7 months ago
ahunyepi dhipisa tizive kwazvirikunyoreswa zvemaSolar izvo
Aluta · 7 months ago
Maybe schools must allow scholars to write their exams and keep the results, coz ko kana azobhadhara and then u want to assess the student how do u do it, ndopakuzonyora corrupted assessment ipapo. Ehe admin dzodiwa but let's not forget kuti this year most rural folks Havana chavakakohwa chinounza some kind of income. KUNENZARA, at least mwana atowanirwa chekuti aende adya kuChikoro, ignore racho drought plus economy hardships. CHIMBOVASIYAYI vadzidze.
Dz · 7 months ago
How then can u expect quality education to come from.Where do the schools get the funds to fund for the costs of running the exams.BEAM has failed to pay for school fees since 2022 and u expect quality education.
Fumhai · 7 months ago
Masekayi secondary school here in Bikita is also doing the same thing
patz · 7 months ago
Saka how does the gvt want the schools to be run.The gvt is not sponsoring free education and schools rely on fees to run the schools. As long as these public schools are being run as private schools the gvt should leave the schools to enforce whats make them remain afloat.
Aluta · 7 months ago
Kana kwaChiendambuya zviri kuitika particularly Rongwe High School irikutorambodzawo vana kunyora maExams awo coz of unpaid fees.
...,. · 7 months ago
why only Glen View? why has it suddenly become alive? I heard some houses in the area will be having solar panels installed on rooftops by the presidential scheme so that they feed to zesa while the house owners get a token of appreciation.

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