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Mwonzora Claims CCC MPs Support Mnangagwa's Third Term Agenda

8 months agoTue, 09 Jul 2024 14:40:21 GMT
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Mwonzora Claims CCC MPs Support Mnangagwa's Third Term Agenda

MDC president Douglas Mwonzora has accused the Citizen Coalition for Change (CCC) and its Members of Parliament of assenting to President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s alleged plans to run for a third presidential term or seek an extension of his current one.

Addressing reporters in Bulawayo, Mwonzora dismissed Mnangagwa’s recent assertion that he will not seek a third term and will retire at the end of his second and final term in 2028.

Mwonzora alleged that the CCC lawmakers have tacitly approved Mnangagwa’s purported plans to remain in power beyond the constitutionally mandated two-term limit. Said Mwonzora (via CITE):

The president’s party ZANU PF is talking about his presidential term ending in 2030. We know they want to extend the term of office by another term but their ZANU PF lawyers are aware that extending a term may be difficult so they want to extend the presidential term to say it is not five years but now seven years.

Most of their leaders are in agreement. This is selling out Zimbabwe’s constitution, and the people and is selfish because these MPs want to stay in Parliament for as long as possible.

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Others have left their political parties to form another party, abandon it, form another one and the people who are running this project are former officers from the Border Gezi masquerading as the opposition. They are busy taking the opposition for the ride.

Mwonzora substantiated his claims that CCC is heavily compromised by citing circumstantial evidence.He said:

There is a legal phrase res ipsa loquitur meaning facts speak for themselves. Don’t you see they are compromised? Don’t you see they have a given Emmerson Mnangagwa two-thirds majority?

Don’t you see the leader of the CCC was quiet when the recalls were done? Right now CCC in Parliament have not spoken against the third term, I dare them to speak against the third term.

Mwonzora acknowledged that during his tenure as the leader of the opposition in Parliament, he would occasionally meet with Mnangagwa and “never made a secret of it”, in contrast to the CCC leaders who have reportedly been hosted at lavish banquets at State House. He said:

I would go to meet him as leader of the opposition but never, never did President Mnangagwa or his wife throw a party for me.

President Mnangagwa’s wife threw a party for the CCC MPs in the State House. What more evidence do we require?

Our brothers and sisters have been compromised and are supporting the third term, supporting the extension of the term of President Mnangagwa.

They have not spoken against a third term, they have actually agreed that Mnangagwa must extend his term. Let them come out and deny it. They have not denounced it.

However, Mwonzora’s allegations against the CCC appear to be a case of the pot calling the kettle black, as he himself previously supported a constitutional amendment while he was the leader of the opposition in Parliament.

In 2021, Mwonzora defended MDC lawmakers for joining ZANU PF MPs in supporting a constitutional amendment that removed the requirement for a presidential running mate, extended the women’s quota, and removed the 70-year retirement age cap for judges.

More: Pindula News



theLastAntKing · 8 months ago
kkk Mwonzora wants a lavish party thrown his way...vanhu ki zim vane nxara akomana
Legend O · 8 months ago
you can't talk of zim politics without mentioning Chamisa,Its now clear that Chamisa is the real deal in Zim opposition politics @ mwonzora chawakasara nacho mabhotoro ari kumeso apa wakuda kutsvaka relevance
That guy · 8 months ago
Welshman and Douglas are an opposition to the opposition good for nothing money hungry sloths
WiFi · 8 months ago
You nailed it bro
Magaka · 8 months ago
VaMwonzora taurai kt Tshabangu mps not real CCC batemgesi avo
mu70 · 8 months ago
It's interesting to note that Doug is busy talking about ACC instead of his MDC while Welshman is busy talking about Chamisa instead of his CCC. No one has something to talk about his own party kkkkkk
mu70 · 8 months ago
Doug is busy talking about CCC
WiFi · 8 months ago
godo · 8 months ago
France yatamba sei
. · 8 months ago
so says the serious bootlicker
Tshabangu The Original · 8 months ago
France yafa kuti fiiiii
Bongo · 8 months ago
Dougie kana kmusha kwako kujokochera havakude
. · 8 months ago
Crumbling Coalition for Crumbs
Anonymous · 8 months ago
For Crumbs? For cars and money. Like this POLAD leader.
iGwee · 8 months ago
wrong topic
😭😭 · 8 months ago
I cry for my Zim, **** politicians, who wants to feed their stomachs alone, sad
· 8 months ago
That's rich coming from Togarasei, the master puppet! Weren't you the one Douglas, who wanted to extend the life of the last parliament by postponing elections citing Covid'19? Ars€hole
mbocho · 8 months ago
Dougie my friend hausiwe politician anenjere even ana khan nana chimombe vanadzo
Anonymous · 8 months ago
Dougie akangwara
mbocho · 8 months ago
anodya zvemarema kkk akapusungwarira mari zvaanoreketa idrama chete pane gap remari riri kuda cover up ne lime light pa soshari midhiya
Malume Jafta · 8 months ago
Politics dzemuZimbabwe madhambudhanana chaiwo, hayiii🙌
Tambaoga · 8 months ago
haihwawo Mwonzora tibvirepo
👀👀 · 8 months ago
if you cant beat them join them
Big Dude · 8 months ago
Spot on Dougie, but we don't want to hear it from you. You speak because Mnangagwa dumped you for a new project.
laugh emoji1
Antman · 8 months ago
A thing or person or object called politician respect it, they all sing for their stomachs there are unlike breadwinners who out other's first. Actually all leaders be it church or company or ministers they all sing for bread and accumulating riches at yhe expense of Citizens or followers
comments reader👨‍💻 · 8 months ago
being replaced hurts a lot… Douglas was given a purazi and benz now he has been replaced na tshabangu he's hurt..
kamukono ketsambarafuta 🤸 · 8 months ago
mwonzora busy kuona chitanda chiri muziso revamwe tsvee kuona muti wadzika midzi muziso rake
Chibaba · 8 months ago
Only Tshabangu and Welshmen Ncube supports ED Mnangagwa third term bid because they were paid to destroy CCC.
WiFi · 8 months ago
Chibaba pane bag rinenge richibuda. The government is a liability because mari dziri kuchinjanwa dzakawanda.
...,. · 8 months ago
which ccc? the one with which was hijacked with mdc structures or the authentic one?
· 8 months ago
A case of the pot calling the kettle "black"

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