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Education Minister Says Schools Can Have Non-payment Of Fees Criminalised

8 months agoMon, 08 Jul 2024 12:38:15 GMT
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Education Minister Says Schools Can Have Non-payment Of Fees Criminalised

Primary and Secondary Education Minister Torerai Moyo has suggested that schools should collectively petition Parliament to make the non-payment of fees and levies by parents and guardians a criminal offence.

Minister Moyo made these remarks while addressing the 2024 National Association of Secondary Heads (NASH) annual conference in Victoria Falls on Thursday.

The minister’s proposal stems from concerns that some parents are deliberately exploiting the government’s education policy, which is intended to protect the rights of children, by deliberately refusing to pay school fees and levies.

Parents are aware that schools are not permitted to send learners home or withhold their public examination results for non-payment of fees.

As a result, many are no longer motivated to fulfill their financial obligations to the schools.

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In some cases, children have accumulated unpaid fees and levies over several terms or years, and their parents invoke the government’s policy when school authorities raise the issue of outstanding payments.

Minister Moyo said that the failure to pay fees has a detrimental impact on the overall operations of schools.

Responding to issues raised by school heads through their president, Arthur Maphosa, especially over non-payment of school fees, which is crippling schools’ operations, Moyo said:

Fees and levies should be paid in full before schools open. Parents should show their responsibility and pay fees.

As headmasters you have no right to turn away pupils for not paying and doing so will be violating their rights.

Minister Moyo expressed concern that some parents were exploiting the government’s education policy by deliberately refusing to pay school fees.

He urged those facing genuine financial difficulties to engage directly with school authorities to negotiate reasonable payment plans instead of using the policy as a pretext to avoid their financial obligations. He added:

Don’t withhold results. Why don’t you find a way of recovering your money? I told representatives of NAPH and NASH to consider petitioning Parliament to criminalise non-payment of school fees and levies.

The National Association of Primary Heads (NAPH) and the National Association of Secondary Heads (NASH) are the respective unions representing primary and secondary school heads in Zimbabwe.

More: Pindula News



ClD Admire kuyeri · 7 months ago
Free Education
Dydmus · 8 months ago
kkkkkkk zvakaoma izvi Minister vanotozivawo here kuti Zim haisi yekumba kwavo, as it is right now with this economic hardship who can afford to pay school fees for to children at once and buy them all the requirements needed at school.Moreover salary yemushandi wepasi imbori marii apa ukuda kuvhengeta amai nababa vakura une mhuri yakowo.Pakaipa vakomana so mubereki akasungwa vana vatonherera vakutosara dzave mbavha nema**** pamba bcz hapana achaita care navo zvakaoma
kwachu · 8 months ago
wakubhaiza iwe muchinda iwe urinani uripabasa wobhadharirwa futi nehurumende nrmari dzedu iyo school fees yacho vana vacho vasingadziidze muno futi wagarika wakukanganwa kuti takakuvhotera ndisu wakuti tisungwe asi paya nablaz vako maimboti mukandivhotera tokupayi free education haaa iwe tsvdegu ita mushe unotaura uronyo shamwari
Do4 · 8 months ago
what happened to free basic education for all.....kkkkkk pamberi neZANU.
Pasi Pamera Ziso · 8 months ago
Who advises this minister??? Imi itai basa kwazvo kwete to expose the minister kusvika pakadai. The president promised free basic education, GVT is in arrears for BEAM, now the minister wants the parents to be prosecuted for nonpayment of school fees? Saka tiri kuti chii apooo.....? We might be having the wrong people at the ministry of education. After all it is THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION.
jeredzwa · 8 months ago
vana vawo vanodzidzepi varongi varonga izvi¿maaa****ii
Pasi Pamera Ziso · 8 months ago
The United Nations Charter on children's RIGHTS says that,; Children have a right to STATE SPONSORED education. I think the honorable minister should revisit this very important fundamental which is a pillar in his ministry. Rather the school heads should petition the government to increase the budget for primary and secondary education.
Anonymous · 8 months ago
How is the minister going to pay for his next car if he is paying children's school fees? Nothing is free.
vvvv · 8 months ago
tsvaga chikonzzero chaita musoro uteme ugogadzirisa chikonzzero chaita musana ubande
Munhumutema · 8 months ago
This guy is not Minister of education arikuda kuti vana vemuno munyika vasadzidze iye oba Mari yacho nekufadza hurumende vana vake voendeswa kunze kwenyika kodzidziswa ne hurumende vana vedu vogara kudzimba.Ane utsinye this minister.saka vabereki vakasungwa osara achitungamirira vana vasina vabereki hr ataura asina kufunga matambudziko Ari muno munyika.
wenjanja general · 8 months ago
I think it's confusion you said children should not be sent home for not paying fees it's their right so it means the parents will force drop their children in the event of failure to get the money
dhima · 8 months ago
minister uyu akutorwara
WV · 8 months ago
Minister ava vakadzidza mahara nguva yaVaMugabe, nhasi voti vabereki vasungirwe kusabhadhara fees, vane dzakakwana here? Mari dzacho dzemafees dziri kungodyiwa futi kuzvikoro kwacho , hakuna development. Vabereki vachiona izvozvo vanopera mweya wokubhadhara fees dzacho. The education system as a whole needs overhaul. The govt should be people-centred and allow free education for all. The govt has such capacity basing on the country's mineral resource base. So everyone should benefit from that.
Local Elders · 8 months ago
So home schooling is now a way to go
Teacher · 8 months ago
Remember teachers are some the parents you are talking abt.The meagre salaries we are getting won't sustain us.Paying school fees isn't an easy task.We are struggling to make ends meet.Zig is no longer that powerful.A $1 500 zig won't buy enough groceries for small families.What abt the extended families we all have? Government is not serious at all.They shd do something,if not, civil servants shall remain servants with nothing to leave for their families.Having a decent accomodation either in town or rural areas remains nightmares.Those who happen to be policy makers,they draft policies that are difficult to achieve.The issue of better working conditions and salaries is something else.After all we recruited them thru the ballot to represent us.Life is too short guys.Aren't u tired of lining up your pockets?Most of them are filthy rich, but not generous enough to negotiate for better remuneration for their fellow workers.
skun · 8 months ago
I think this guy lives in his own Zimbabwe..munhu kana apinda office haachatozive's sad..Kuda kunzi wataura..zvakaoma shuwa.. education must be free in government schools..vanoda zvema private ngavaite..
social · 8 months ago
ngapatange paiswa mutemo unoti ukavhoterwa kuita president or MP it's not automatic kuti kuti 5 year term. munhu arikuita basa rinooneka ndiye anoramba aripo. poitwa zvekuti hakuna mari ichapiwa munhu awana tender zvisina kutanga zvaiswa mu newspaper nyika yose yoziva and yoita follow up kuti basa ririkuitwa here
Tate g · 8 months ago
unoti zvoitika kupi koko funga usati wanyora.
Bob · 8 months ago
Makati education ichava free mapapi nhai varume vanhu vakakuvhoterai mavavimbisa free education
just stop it · 8 months ago
stop f@kking so much, then you wont have so many kids to worry about school fees
jo · 8 months ago
uyu achamiswa basa na President Gonakudzingwa
madhunamutuna · 8 months ago
What can we say they have got the right to say not to act
rebelyus · 8 months ago
Where's the free basic education they have been promising since 2018??? Now they suggest criminalization of nonpayment of tuition.When they should be subsidizing basic education instead of looting public funds through command agriculture, presidential agricultural schemes and other scandalgate
Tambaoga · 8 months ago
Tuition yakatowedzerwa
patz · 8 months ago
Ma school fees haad**** varume kuma gvt schools uku. Ukaona munhu asingabhandare school fees kukanzuru ma rates haabhadhare, kubhawa anenge ane chikwereti chedoro, kushop anenge aine chikwereti che grocery, ku church akatomira kuenda akunyara kuti agarisa asina kumbokanda chipo, kukombi anongoti ndeipi boyz ndokumbirawo kumbopindawo tonaz. Kusabhadhara inenge itori hobby kwete kushaya.
zi · 8 months ago
sizabhadala economy ingaba right minister njengakhonokho lisithi sizahola economy i ngaba right
Bony · 8 months ago
HEY MINISTER. Remember Free Education Policy.
Cabs · 8 months ago
Kana ndasungwa yozobhadaharwa Nani school fees yacho
patz · 8 months ago
Unopihwa sentence yekuti to pay so much school fees by such a date in default of payment 6 mnths imprisonment. Kana vatadza wpenda kujeri. Uchibva kujeri wozitwa civil.imprisonment kana usina kubhadhara . Handiti civily unpihwa time yekubhadhara ukasabhadhara wodzokera futi . Or uno attachirwa property
Tambaoga · 8 months ago
zvino bhurukwa randakapfeka ndoproperty yandingorinayo.Ngavango attacha mudhoni wacho
patz · 8 months ago
Ko iye moyo arikutadzirei ku introducer a bill to criminalise non payment of fees as the minister
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 8 months ago
Bhadharirai vana venyu ma fees. Makazvarirwa nani
Hombre · 8 months ago
The law must target government for non-payment of BEAM. One cannot blame parents for non-payment in a dead economy where one impoverished overnight. Pay BEAM and sort out the economy first.
dj TECH · 8 months ago
DZETSE rinofunga cei? gvt take yezanuPF ikutadza kucover chikweret cheBEAM yenherera nemaless fortunate Kidz,,nxaa
CDE · 8 months ago
Mari irikubiwa muno inotopfura zvikwereti zvewabereki so chimbomirai izvozvo kusvika madzidzisa mbavha dzenyu kunyarara kana dzaba nxaaa
patz · 8 months ago
If education is not taxpayer sponsored( free education) it means those parents who do not pay fees should be arrested and the law should pe specific that anyone who fail to pay fees withing 14 days of commencent of a new term should be prosecuted.
January · 8 months ago
varume vanongoitsa mwana votiza tomubhasharira nei
Captain Jack Sparrow · 8 months ago
Then you hear Zimbabweans pride themselves on how educated they are kkkkkk The remarks by this pathetic and obviously f o o l i s h minister is nauseating! Public schooling should be free.. Wasnt it their election slogan " Free Education"
Anonymous · 8 months ago
Those days have passed. The world talks about how educated Zimbabweans used to be. An uneducated population is easy to manipulate.
🧐 · 8 months ago
Hakuna parent isingade ku bhadhara fees ye Vana zvino pa chiremerera /status mucommunity if you are adequately paid up kumshando kwauri, no one wants to be beggar BUT ungaite sei uri pa drip ye pay mu ICU ye economy
blaze · 8 months ago
This will be a good response to those parents who do not want to pay school fees
Tambaoga · 8 months ago
Free education
comments reader👨‍💻 · 8 months ago
𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐳𝐯𝐢𝐤𝐨𝐫𝐨 𝐳𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐳𝐯𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐤𝐮𝐬𝐚𝐛𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐰𝐚 𝐤𝐰𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐬 ..𝐩𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐢 𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐢𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐳𝐢 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐳𝐯𝐢𝐯𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐳𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐨 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 2017.
Zelensky · 8 months ago
The government should also pay workers a living wage , people are not well paid hence an increase in the number of defaulting parents.
Illegal Gold Mining · 8 months ago
Ndoita bhaga murwizi, bhaga yacho inokava, apa ndiri kutotsvaga 1 point yekutenga 10kg yeupfu, ndoita 6 days kuti point yacho ikwane so basically i'm food insecure, mwana haana book haana fees minister vanoti mubereki ngaainde kujere mwana achasara otongohurazve

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