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Chin'ono, Shadaya Condemn Boxer Temba Gorimbo's Unprovoked Criticism Of Winky D

8 months agoFri, 05 Jul 2024 10:48:07 GMT
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Chin'ono, Shadaya Condemn Boxer Temba Gorimbo's Unprovoked Criticism Of Winky D

Award-winning journalist Hopewell Chin’ono and social media personality Shadaya Knight Tawona have condemned boxer Temba Gorimbo for his unwarranted criticism of Zimdancehall star Winky D.

Taking to X (formerly Twitter), Gorimbo claimed that Winky D lacks recognition beyond Zimbabwe’s borders and is only famous within the local music scene. He said:

Winky D ndewe local guys chete. Numbers don’t lie handiti but at least I respect kuti haana kuzotenga ma followers. Maona here vana local, Winky D anozihwa nemi chete maZimbo.

In a seemingly veiled response to Gorimbo’s comments, Chin’ono said that artists and sportspeople should maintain humility, even as their stature and success grow.

While Chin’ono did not directly name Gorimbo, his message appeared to be a rebuke of the boxer’s disparaging remarks about Winky D’s popularity. Said Chin’ono:

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When you get public support for things like sports, music, or being at the top of your field, remember where you came from and the people who supported you!

It is foolish to insult the very same people who cheered for you and sometimes fought your public battles for you.

If you are not smart enough to distinguish between common sense and being ungrateful and insulting, do what real stars do, let professional people manage your social media accounts!

Why risk alienating your fanbase when you can have someone with a cool head manage your online presence?

You will one day need the people you are antagonising, especially those who have stood by you through thick and thin.

The temptation for public figures to start believing their own hype and lashing out at their supporters is a real danger.

It is easy to forget that fame is a fickle thing and that public opinion can turn on you.

There are bigger and real stars who have understood this and have lived their lives with respect and dignity.

As a well-known journalist who has had public support when fighting my battles, the last thing I would do is diss other public figures who are minding their own business and have not said anything bad about me.

Unless you are talking about politicians whose actions affect our daily lives, or you are talking about the actions of people in a society, leave people who are doing their own thing alone, as they have also left you alone!

I applaud big names who are insulted but choose to keep quiet, that is the essence of being a real GOAT!

It appears Gorimbo interpreted Chin’ono’s advice about humility as a direct criticism of his own comments about Winky D. Gorimbo did not take kindly to this perceived rebuke, and responded by lashing out at Chin’ono.

In retaliation, Gorimbo lambasted Chin’ono, labelling him a “man with no brain” and accused him of “bashing” the country through his social media posts exposing corruption. Said Gorimbo:

You my brother, you don’t have any sense or brains to give life advice to anyone. You don’t know what is behind my jokes.

You are a disgrace to Zimbabwe. You always bashing the country. We love Zimbabwe and take action instead of complaining on Twitter.

Shadaya, who has made waves on social media with his controversial views on masculinity and gender roles, said Gorimbo should have a professional managing his social media accounts. He said:

Themba Gorimbo is proof of why most celebrities actually need management, especially to handle their social media accounts

Because let’s be realistic a majority of them are plain idiots, they live in their own imaginary world, out of touch with reality.

For example, Gorimbo is now so out of touch with reality ever since he was adopted by The Rock. The fame has gotten to his head, to a point he feels he can denigrate every other Zimbabwean celebrity, just for the sake of it

At the same time insulting fans, the very people who cheered for him in his grass-to-grace story. At the click of a button, he has lost all the respect the people had for him. Over what?

Social media attention is indeed a drug.

Gorimbo’s remarks have sparked a debate on social media. Some people voiced support for Gorimbo’s claim that Winky D lacks significant international recognition, beyond his popularity within Zimbabwe.

However, others criticized Gorimbo, arguing that he was wrong to publicly disparage the musician, who has generally maintained a low-profile and avoided saying anything negative about others.

More: Pindula News



skye · 8 months ago
akabvunza The Rock nezva Winky vakati havazive nezvake so imhosva yake here
zimbo · 8 months ago
Windy D Gaffer for lyf taura muchaneta
character · 8 months ago
Wakuahaya manje Gorimbo
ESAIAH · 8 months ago
temba · 8 months ago
akufarisa boyzee nekuti akumwa tea nana Rocky.
Wisher · 8 months ago
y you pipo attack winky sei sei makamuvengerei
African · 8 months ago
Gorimbo shouldn't be taken serious at all, come to think of it, from the blows he always receive from the fights he usually have. What do think his brain will be suffering from, obvious brain damage. Think of the affected brain damage he has. So those who argue with him should at list think of his after fight condition to his brain. Brain inenge ya zvimba saka pakupora kwayi mafungiro anenge azvimba futi
🥸 · 8 months ago
ex · 8 months ago
dear Zimbabweans we are a family and will should uplifting quotes each other than what you have done to your big brother winky d.....yes you are getting a better life but doesn't mean you're on top of everything thinks change my brother...ask your self this what have winky did to you..... nothing let's us respect each other and support each other again.... remember it's life
@Man to Man · 8 months ago
plus gorimbo has lost many matches So he is a losser
𝕞𝕦𝕛𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕠 · 8 months ago
ibwaaa yemunhu
. · 8 months ago
hubharanzi will be your downfall gorimbo
44yrs · 8 months ago
Zvave zvecompetion here remember you are 2 worlds apart
MUKANYAPAZVESE · 8 months ago
You just don't diss Walace it's a thumb rule, he's got multitudes under his armpit and that enough testimony to his success
dj TECH. · 8 months ago
👀👩‍🦽👩‍🦯kutobvisao hembe pane mamonya ese ayo, haunyare here nhai gorimbo unotinyadzisireiko zvinongonz honai ndewe kuzimbabwe iya one team yebhora yakabhurwa pama world cup qualifiers paya
My opinion · 8 months ago
That Gorimbo guy likes to run his mouth. Anotaurisa muface uya. Even kana pese paanohwina ma matches ake anongotaura zvisinina basa
chairman mao · 8 months ago
zvimwe hazvidi kufumura hapwa nedzavamwe.kuenda diaspora hazvirevi unjere asi hazvirambidzwi.mikana tisaona setakaita zvitsva.takarumbidza gorimbo apa mvura kumusha.kozvobvepizve izvi.
chairman mao · 8 months ago
some of us have myopic minds is going abroad an achievement.what you do is or cannot be.
Vladimir · 8 months ago
Gorimbo, ziva kuti akaita kuti uve zvawava ndi the Rock otherwise ungadai uchivata mu GYM
Harurwa · 8 months ago
As a man from Bkt, I'm very proud of the achievement of Temba Gorimbo. He has a bright future in his sporting career. This means that he has not yet arrived. I once pointed out to Temba here on Pindula not to disrespect Kirsty Coventry, because Kirsty has achieved so much in sport nationally and internationally, but she has remained a people's humble darling. She has only lost a few fans because of her flirting with Zanu Pf. Temba, instead, has gone further now to attack more Zim celebrities. Some of them are his fans. My further advice to my brother Gorimbo is that he stitches his mouth and works hard on his hand and leg muscles. He is not yet a celebrity. We know you in our village, but I don't think that twenty people know about you at Nyika, our nearest growth point, or in Mucheke Township. Some people only got to know about you because of The Rock. It's very easy for you to fall because you're hardly off the ground but you're already behaving like you're passing planet Jupiter. Gara pasi udye mangai homeboy. Rwendo rurefu. Wait for what happens when you lose your next fight.
👂 · 8 months ago
Very good advice
Black Mbazo · 8 months ago
Vawink dee ndibaba dancehall
👽👽 · 8 months ago
Iye Winky wacho ngaambopota achiendawo kunoita ma shows kunedzimwe nyika kuti azivikanwewo ikoko kwete kuita 1 international show after 5 years , Temba arikutaurawo chokwadi ,
chixpro · 8 months ago
winky dee akaita maInternational shows akawanda
Ciroc 🍸 · 8 months ago
chero ma Russian and Chinese musicians ngaitewo a chiuyawo kuno
methinks · 8 months ago
a sportsman is not made great by the number of supporters cheering him on, but his tenacity, zeal and prowess. whether Gorimbo insults whoever if he has the above qualities he will continue to excel. Gorimbo like anyone else has the right to his personal opinion. problem yedu ma Zimbabweans comes kana pakataurwa anything bad about mwari wedu winky dee. that's right , idolising a person is making them a god in your life.
ini · 8 months ago
well said
Ediots · 8 months ago
It appears his brain has been bashed into a pulp. i know mental health issues aren't spoken openly amongst men, Gorimbo appears to be experiencing such. He needs help. Remember his last fight was mediocre...he is spending more time typing than hirting that punching bag
Account Holder · 8 months ago
the Demise has just started....watchout
KG · 8 months ago
instead of criticizing BIGGIE enda musango uno renewer mangoromera
goat · 8 months ago
🥸 · 8 months ago
Shadows · 8 months ago
themba tanga wagona kugeza then jokes
Account Holder · 8 months ago
Muurzei kuti atorasikirwa ne 1 fan.... I've unfollowed him on Facebook and TikTok
Account Holder · 8 months ago
Kubva nhasi Gorimbo haapachina fight yaachahwinha...akunyanya kudziirwa mumba ma The Rock.....Gaffa hariteerere zvisina basa
ini · 8 months ago
A sportsman is not made great by the number of supporters cheering him on, but his tenacity, zeal and prowess. whether Gorimbo insults whoever if he has the above qualities he will continue to excel. Gorimbo like anyone else has the right to his personal opinion. problem yedu ma Zimbabweans comes kana pakataurwa anything bad about mwari wedu winky dee. that's right , idolising a person is making them a god in your life.
· 8 months ago
@ini, Gorimbo is now in the public domain. His every word and move are now subject to public scrutiny. He cannot be a loose canon anymore.
cde · 8 months ago
zvake izvooo zvekurwa muchiteedzera murairoo ndezvake ndatshabangu ngaauye timumaise kwete kuti timumamise asi ndimumamise ndiri1
#white hat hacker · 8 months ago
Winky D is great tikati muendesei kucourt zvakaitwa Jesus.. mapoliticians ese anogesa maoko saPirato vachishaya mhosva yake.. You can't hide the truth
pm · 8 months ago
ok thax tanzwa.
tshaka de zulu · 8 months ago
Gorimbo na Winky D vanozivana . Moti Gorimbo pane paanga diss Winky here kkkkk. Team local ndiro ririkutosimbiswa kuti put more effort saWinky . kkkkkkk
Dr Pepper 🌶️ · 8 months ago
Themba did a good thing! Winky D is unpatriotic to the cause, he hurts the Second republic, a mere infiltration by the the dirty opposition. Well done Themba! Jah Prayzer ndiye munhu chete!
Anonymous · 8 months ago
Themba is arrogant. He meets the Rock and all of sudden everyone else is dirt under his shoe. He would make a good politician in Zimbabwe. Birds of a feather and all that.
#white hat hacker · 8 months ago
Go and learn elder coz yu know nothing
comments reader👨‍💻 · 8 months ago
munhu akasaita support zanu hazvirevi kuti haasi patriotic.. dai vezanu vacho vari patriotic vangadai vasingabe mari dzenyika vachipanana matender at inflated prices. kuve corrupt , plundering a nation's resources and ignoring sustanainability ndokuve unpatriotic.
patz · 8 months ago
Inyaya yekugara akabamurwa musoro ku boxing kwawo uko. Pamwe njere dzaane blood cloating. Ekaka Winky should be popular here than anywhere else because he is a Zimbabwean. Gorimbo ngaataure vaimbi vekuRussia kana China waanoziwa. I think he cant because they are popular in their own countries.
Golra · 8 months ago
Kkkkk well said 👏👏
🐰 · 8 months ago
VanaGorimbo 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
ncii · 8 months ago
apo pa pic ko twumbambvu uto kunge kamtswiri kabva kumontswa. Arimu drought uyu....
Mdryk · 8 months ago
kana twaGworimbo twakadaro 😂uchituti (tu) kotwako tozotii😂
woof · 8 months ago
The adopted son of the The Rock akudzirwa kunge naye anepapiro akanamwa ne WAX .Akudziirwa saChivayo......
ABB · 8 months ago
gorimbo uri gorimbo zveshuwa kudaro kuita kunge wakatanga wakadaro waive tsuro nezuro pasina the rock uyo
laugh emoji1
Anonymous · 8 months ago
Gorimbo minus one fan. I didn't know you are that low. It was Coventry first now Winky D
gorimbo · 8 months ago
Gorimbo ukugara mumba ya The Rock kuAmerica unei
Themba Gorimbo · 8 months ago
You want to jump on every topic that comes by and act like you wiser than all of us. The common sense of yours think i was really insulting Winky Everyone is today talking about Winky because i created the post that gave people feelings. Somethings are not for you to be jumping on always without inside information sir . My advice is you stay in your lane of politics ( or journalism)and let us in entertainment be in entertainment. Zvema advice ipai vana venyu. You take everything personal even when it’s not about you ( WHY ) Me and Winky we are ok. I love Zimbabwe and i take action in my country instead of always on tweeter criticising my country like you . ( before you even try say it to start saying that i might be from this political party or so. ( handiite politics because hadzibhadhare ) Once again. Me and Winky are fine so Madimikira enyu garai nawo mudundundu renyu.
Anonymous · 8 months ago
If you raised the subject on social media. People are not allowed to comment on something you put in the global domain? Arrogance at it's highest. If you don't want a reaction or throwback. Keep it to yourself.
Abongwe · 8 months ago
Dang,you not being fair coz u now live with The Rock n you start talking nonsense about every celebrity...l wonder who's next on your list.Bro you gonna lose everything that you have worked hard for just stop what you are doing and focus on your success and your life coz now you being a jerk🙄💔💔I'm really disappointed in you because for the first time l heard of you and what you did for your village it was heart touching but l now see that you are just a wolf in a sheep's clothing

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