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ZESA Seeks US$450 Million To Repower Hwange Units 1 To 6

8 months agoMon, 24 Jun 2024 10:38:29 GMT
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ZESA Seeks US$450 Million To Repower Hwange Units 1 To 6

The Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC), a ZESA Holdings subsidiary, requires US$500 million for the repowering of Hwange Power Station Units 1 to 6, an official at the power utility has said.

The repowering programme is expected to take four to five years to complete.

Addressing members of the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Energy who were on a fact-finding mission recently, ZPC general manager Shepherd Mukundu said they have borrowed US$50 million to kick-start the project. He said (via The Sunday News):

We are still talking to Exim Bank of India who are going to be the financier for that repowering initiative, it’s going to come in two tranches, one of them is US$310 million and another one US$110 million which was originally meant for Bulawayo Power Station.

So, we have taken it upon ourselves to borrow money from Stanbic, a US$50 million facility to kick-start the repowering process such that when we eventually get funding from Exim Bank of India it will find us somewhere.

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But what we would have wanted is to get all the money that we want so that we can then increase traction.

In addition to about 600 MW being generated by two new units (7 and 8), Units 1 to 6 are producing 420MW at most, according to Mukundu. He said:

In terms of power generation, our low-hanging fruit currently is the repowering of Units 1 to 6, we are producing 420MW which is not easy to sustain given the conditions of the plant but we thank God that we are doing that capacity currently.

One of the deliverables that we expect to see coming from repowering is increased capacity, increased reliability and also extension of life from 15 to 20 years that is what we seek to achieve in terms of repowering.

Mukundu also said ZPC has started using its own resources to finance the repowering. He said:

Our revenues remain subdued compared to critical obligations such as financing operations that include offsetting loans, spare parts purchase as well as the import bill. ZPC requires US$5 million for spare parts that are imported.

In the first quarter of 2024, Hwange Power Station generated 1 696.4 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of electricity, accounting for 75.4 per cent of the total electricity generated during that period.

This comes as generation from Kariba Hydro-Power Station has continued to decline due to falling water levels in Kariba Dam, attributed to severe drought during the 2023/24 rainy season.

Kariba contributed 19.6 per cent (440.5 GWh), and Independent Power Producers (IPPs) provided the remaining 5.1 per cent.

On 21 June, Hwange was generating 929 MW, Kariba a paltry 292 MW, and IPPs were producing 23 MW.

More: Pindula News



gokoko · 8 months ago
Chivayo ngaaite plan pane zvimota zvaanopa vanhu
theLastAntKing · 8 months ago
in comment section we say this n that but those in power don't give a s.h.i.t cause they have solar stations dzavakayengerana paya on top of that kwavo magetsi haaendi. Veku ghetto munenya chete. Pambili ne nhamo
Anonymous · 8 months ago
Fastest growing economy. Ko mambonzwa minister of finance here musati maenda Ku India or our all weather friends.
Zeus mfana · 8 months ago
Why can't u invest in renewable fuels solar, wind etc all tht money u re asking 4 is loot nd share amongst your self's hyenas, chivayo, chigumba, your wborez
· 8 months ago
pihwai na Chivhayo.zvima getsi zvenyu hatinei nazvo tavakuita edu ama solar
Anonymous · 8 months ago
The Finance Ministry must source and avail the funds without delay so this Project sails smoothly.
elder · 8 months ago
40 years of independence and still failing to maintain what Smith established maRoads akungonzi hee rehabilitation ndeaSmith and they have outlived their design life span without even mentioning that their holding capacity was overstretched with the exjap cars flooding the streets. All they can do is rename infrastructure left behind nedzavanoti mhandu. just across limpopo mhandu dzabatana neANC. kuZambia mhandu dzikuvaka nyika big time. isu takarasimba nevaya vemapere
elder · 8 months ago
3 years ago tainyaudzwa needs dzekuti hee Unit chakati and unit chakati have been refurbished at a cost of hundreds of million of dollars. the scarfed one even went on a tour of the hwange plant with almost the full cabinet on his entourage. heya dzaive nhema chete
Anonymous · 8 months ago
why aare we borrowing money to rebuild power units using fossil fuels when these fossil fuels are been phased out - we should use that moeny to build renewable power sources , why are we borrowing money from the indians when hwange has some of the biggest coal reserves on earth we should be selling the coal and getthing the cash , and why do people talk of chivayo so much as if he is a god - so when u. give away money and cars you become a sensation people are petty nowadays you will even worship the devil due to love of money and social media
🏋️🕺⛹️ · 8 months ago
chivayo akapihwa mari yemasolar
Freedom · 8 months ago
I remember a short while ago Zesa spending hundreds of millions US$ at the same power station.What was the money spent on??? Corruption is our number one enemy.Number two incompetence three lack of care for the development of this country
XXX · 8 months ago
Pihwai yamakapa Chivhayo neChimombe
ah ok · 8 months ago
your revenues remain subdued because you cant sell something that you cant produce .. hold on, actually you do sell it for prepaid meters but then you cant/dont supply ... zan oid dim wit !!!
Zeus mfana · 8 months ago
Why cant u borrow from chivayo,scott
**** · 8 months ago
is zesa a non profit making organisation?if yes,why do we pay electricity bills?if no,where have the profits gone,after years of making profit.
Zim-Sketch · 8 months ago
you borrow and donate to Chivharo, and the govt will take over the debt and the tax payers will then pay. It's like the citizens donate to Chivharo who in return come back to us and tell us that he will be a billionaire before the age of 40
Hhh · 8 months ago
Mwene anoziva kune mari. Handiti anoti Zimbabwe is the fastest growing economy. Mapere hobho ari kutengeswa kuRussia.
tshaka de zulu · 8 months ago
mazimari anozotaurw acho akawandisa .Zesa yane 40 yrs iri mugemu ,so mari iripo .or pakutoda ZACC
ndungezh · 8 months ago
ko boys taurai nachivhayo nascott vatikwerete cash shoma titange project panekubaya india

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