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ANC Slams "Outrageous" DA Demands For 11 Key Ministries In Government Of National Unity

8 months agoMon, 24 Jun 2024 16:55:48 GMT
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ANC Slams "Outrageous" DA Demands For 11 Key Ministries In Government Of National Unity

South Africa’s former ruling party, the African National Congress (ANC), has reacted with anger to the Democratic Alliance’s (DA) demand to be granted 11 cabinet positions, including the role of Deputy President, in the proposed Government of National Unity (GNU).

On Sunday, the DA’s federal chair, Helen Zille, sent a letter to ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula, stating that her party was seeking 11 ministerial and deputy ministerial posts within the GNU.

According to the letter which has since surfaced on social media, the DA wants the following ministries:

  • Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy
  • Ministry of Transport (with Transnet reallocated to this portfolio)
  • Ministry of Trade, Industry and Competition
  • Ministry of Public Works and Infrastructure (provided the infrastructure function now sitting in the Presidency is relocated to this portfolio.)
  • Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation
  • Ministry of Public Service and Administration
  • Ministry of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
  • Ministry of Justice
  • Ministry of Home Affairs
  • Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation
  • Ministry of Communication and Digital Technologies

The ANC, which had been in power for the past 30 years, resorted to proposing the formation of a Government of National Unity (GNU) after failing to secure a majority of over 50% in parliament, managing only 40% of the national vote in the May 29, 2024 elections.

So far, ten parties including the ANC, DA, IFP, PA, FF+, UDM, RISE Mzansi, Al Jamah, PAC, and GOOD have assented to the GNU deal.

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In a statement issued this Monday, the ANC responded angrily to the DA’s demands, describing them as “outlandish and outrageous”, and asserting that no single party should be allowed to hold the proposed GNU “to ransom”. The ANC said:

The ANC notes with concern that some parties have been making outlandish and outrageous demands for specific Cabinet positions in the media.

Negotiating through leaking demands to the media is an act of bad faith and this practice will not help the cause of any party. It is only the President who has the final say on the appointment of his Cabinet.

The GNU cannot be held to ransom by any single party. The people need a government to be established sooner, rather than later.

The white-dominated party wants a Deputy President who is also designated as the Leader of Government Business and participates fully in the policy development and monitoring responsibilities of the Presidency.

The DA also said it can only agree to give up the Deputy President position if it is replaced with both a Minister in the Presidency and a Deputy Minister of Finance.

The Deputy Minister of Finance should be allowed to participate fully in the development of the budget.

More: Pindula News



chimukela · 8 months ago
Why is it that these white people talk about sharing here in Africa but busy deporting black people from Europe at times we need to be frank enough EFF AND MKP were Best partners in this GNU
Anonymous · 8 months ago
So the people that were there, are being deported for being there legally?
jaa · 8 months ago
The truth is that the ANC lost the election. it's just that it was a better loser, but the fact is it lost.Their intelligence failed to focus on their failure, otherwise they could have put better strategies in place.
Ndevuzoqethu · 8 months ago
It's not about power retention but service delivery. The DA demanded portfolios where ANC failed to deliver.
Presidium · 8 months ago
Ceremonial President and Executive Deputy President 🤣🤣🤣 zvegore rino paMzansi for sho
. · 8 months ago
Typical ZANU exaggeration spiced with obsolete and disgusting propaganda
,,,,,dott · 8 months ago
Takazvitaura kuti partner with DA i wrong move tarisai proposal yavo ndonyika yacho zvee
kwachu · 8 months ago
DA South Africa impeach the bastard...the fool...
The Sultanate Of Bhurunai · 8 months ago
Saka mahwan yaenda nevarungu nyika iyi they're going back to APETHA ED
cde · 8 months ago
ANC ngaiparare nechiZANU ngachiparare uone Africainotinhira nemufaro kwavakuchiteverera vana vacho vese kutwukwapaidza nekutora zvinhu zvavaiba
AAA · 8 months ago
dhot'i. iwe ndiwe uchafa kuti fii, sezvakaita Nero wenyu neccc
Antman · 8 months ago
Cde said ZANU PF not Nero kkkkk. ZANU PF people are so afraid of Nero to an extend of mentioning him in in their comments current CCC president is Prof Ncube boss, and Tshabangu is the one running the party of who is in control. Nero is just like any other citizen he doesn't have a party.
💙💙Blue 🔵cyclone 🌀🌀 · 8 months ago
aaa dho. t ndiwe chizanu ndo handbrake yeZimbabwe irikutadzisa nyika kuenda mberi
💙💙Blue 🔵cyclone 🌀🌀 · 8 months ago
do..ti.. ndiwe AAA ,haufunge ,, chizanu ndo handbrake yeZimbabwe irikutadzisa nyika kuenda mberi
Miss Jessica · 8 months ago
ANC fumbled apa, they should've sacked Ramaphosa and present itself as "still strong" not bowing down like this. Yes Ramaphosa is being democratic in his moves, but this will cost the ANC big time! Malema was right!!!
Gamaz · 8 months ago
Nyaya ye kublocker comment rangu pindula zvechizanuzanu no
😡 · 8 months ago
That rusty tag of having liberated the country which the ANC carries no longer weighs in this GNU as it has proven to be a non event ,and also that Apartheid era mentality which was in the Boers of yesteryears has since been diluted and no longer a threat to the black majority in SA ,so it's now time to find each other and agree in principal what you expect to achieve and your performance should also be monitored if given positions and key ministries , after all the 30 years the ANC was in power what are it's achievement
collins zw · 8 months ago
water in a black bottle, white bottle, yellow, red or brown or pink or green bottle is just water; the vessel is just a container, the soul is what matters. ok who knows the colour of his or her brain? we humans are just souls in a container, the moment you talk about colour, you are way backward and your case is void ab initio. zero racism, we are all human under the almighty
AAA · 8 months ago
all humans yes but umwe neumwe ane kumba kwake. boers will remain boers. they don't lyk the blacks . ngavadzokere vanotonga kunematateguru avo. Kno ndekwashaka
Antman · 8 months ago
Its Tshaka please lets not spoil names. Tshaka, Tshabangu etc
Mutunhu Unamago · 8 months ago
iwewe you can accept the whites but they'll never like you as a black person, they're just tolerating you
chimukela · 8 months ago
you are 💯 % CORRECT
collins zw · 8 months ago
all those who are still talking about colour, you are a joke, a nuisance to our society, you cry of racism but you are portraying the same colours, so how are you different, shut up and lets be united as humans; different colours one people
abcd · 8 months ago
but y pindula blocking all my comments. asi chi app chemusangano here. zve zanu ndozvemahara
E.D Mnangagwa · 8 months ago
ahhh these leaders they don't know to play it simple
WV · 8 months ago
Imperialism, apartheid and white minority rule trying to resurface. What a joke! South Africans cannot afford to suffer again under the white man. The ANC must reject those ridiculous demands in order to preserve the independence and freedom of all black South Africans because those rights are now under threat. Let's pray for South Africa.
Vesto · 8 months ago
Aren't you weeping louder than the bereaved?
· 8 months ago
Urikuda kunamatira vanhu vari muuchi nemukaka uchisiya hama dzako dzaugere nadzo dzri kudya nhoko dzezvironda. Mukawana nguva mukwane Bamunini
🏃Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 8 months ago
yes DA should be given those ministries anc was inpower what have they done instead degrading the economy we need new leaders who knows what they do to keep the nation moving
WV · 8 months ago
Your identity is fake!
Vesto · 8 months ago
@WV, would I be wrong to say that you are a fake VW?
Anonymous · 8 months ago
Zanu tigoitasei manje we need anc to endorse us. Nextime yadzidza tirikutrainer kuti zvinoitwa sei, Mk will get less 5% totorera Mallema 10% toita majority.
· 8 months ago
Fikile Mbalula ane dzungu anodhomoka ane chimweya Chechi zanu zanu ipapa atori against gnu Ramaposa ngaachenjere vamwe vake vane mweya wekusada budiriro. GNU ichaunza budiriro yenyika zvekufa kwe ANC Hazvina kana basa , kuno zanu yakasimba asi Tiri kukanga waya
Vesto · 8 months ago
Fikile is the one who leaked the letter yo the media. Remember he was against the deal with the DA. He is trying to torpedo both Ramaphosa and the DA.
nherera · 8 months ago
imi makundipa hasha manje ndati pasi nema bhunu maboer vanu vasina mabvi nguruve pasi navo these people make me sick
shadows · 8 months ago
these whites are devils . Satan chine muswe..ANC made a big blunder, kudya nemhandu hazviitwe. Pasi Pasi nemlungu wese zvake. go back to your origins
Antman · 8 months ago
Are you aware SA is run by those so called boers, President is just a post but in reality the economy and all economic factors are moved by few individuals mostly Boers
Vesto · 8 months ago
@shadows, you are an unrehabilitated pigmentaphobia. a racist. What's wrong with a white pigmentation? It is the very same whites you hate who brought the civilisation you enjoy, the phone you use, the language you boast I'm, the clothes you'll wear. Dununu remunhu. Wishing luti dai uchifamba wakapfeka shashiko, kamporo kanchiridza chiwepu. The world is a much better place without your ilk
Kkk · 8 months ago
KaS h o n d o kachiridza chiwepu, wandikuvadza @vesto😂😂
Supa · 8 months ago
Get away mbava dzevanhu enda unogeza mbudzi dziripi mupurwa
. · 8 months ago
Panonzi pano. Panotukwa munhu. Hezvoka nherera yep yepfungwa! 😂😂😂
Muyungu · 8 months ago
DA haina kuvhoterwa nevarungu asi nevatema meaning vatema preferred vautongo hwevarungu than blacks
Mudhibhisi · 8 months ago
ANC is a just and revolutionary party which continuously evolve inorder to suite the prevailing circumstances.This enables it to serve its citizen in the best possible way.This unlike ZANU PF which has remained stagnant since the day it was formed more than 50 years ago.This stagnation hv given rise to entitlement,repression,corruption and many other vices.
dj TECH. · 8 months ago
kuita kutamba nemapunuu ! ayo ka ayo arikutoda nyika year ,maministry ese anePOWER 😁
Bhuru · 8 months ago
They thought DA was the easiest to join hands with but niw they are showing their true colors, they know ANC has failed under Ramaphosa so the want key Ministries so that if the economy improves they take credit & prepare their way to win next elections, it's not all about the GNU but it's about the future, ANC is going down & DA wants to take chances to be the next ruling party
Vesto · 8 months ago
KG · 8 months ago
Anonymous · 8 months ago
So the ANC were doing a good job and they couldn't get enough votes because they were doing so well. You're fake outrage for failures of your revolutionaries is plain for all to see. Revolutionaries are for themselves, not their countries.
chimukela · 8 months ago
correct you are right
chimukela · 8 months ago
well said KG
Vesto · 8 months ago
If the DA gets the Ministry of International Affairs and Cooperation ZANU yapinda paChimbetu. That Ministry controls foreign policy. That has always been my wish and hope. For starters ZANU cannot be guaranteed the support at SADC that the ANC has traditionally given them. Like I postulated earlier, the SADC Summit in Harare in August is going to be fireworks.
True · 8 months ago
Kwete Zanu yoga, BRICS havaidi varungu vanovenga China neRussia saka vakatora ministry iyoyo zvidhinha (BRICS) zvinenge zvatotsemuka 🤣🤣🤣
nherera · 8 months ago
shuwa shuwa ungasunga donkey ne mombe
shadows · 8 months ago
be careful SA. muchatengesa nyika. ndakazvitaura izvi kuti those white ppl are there to destroy . 11 main ministries, aaaah ska ndovakutotonga nyika yachoka.
Zuze · 8 months ago
Zvaiwana ngwarati kudya ivete. ANC iya yaakubowa manje. ANC has to swallow its pride and negotiate "with humbleese" as Geoffrey Chaucer would have said. If the DA pulls out of the GNU, eith the MK, EFF, PA, and BOSA which are not part of the GNU the opposition garners 203 seats in Parliament, not counting the plethora of small parties with between 1 and 3 seats each. Those 4 can AND WILL trigger a vote of no confidence in Cyril Ramaphosa. All the ANC and its other allies in the GNU can do fokol other than piss in the rain and cannot save Ramaphosa's skin. To the ANC I say swallow the bitter pill and get to the negotiating table with the DA. They have you well and truly by the short hairs. or more appropriately, they have you by the balls. I can't wait for the ANC to squeal. Havasati vatanga kuzhamba. Vachati vabatwa mab****si. Hehehehehehede...
African Observer · 8 months ago
yaaa ma1 atanga hanty makazviti hamuite here VaRamaphosa? going to bed with these white species? mamboona the said ministries? ana home affairs public works minerals kudini dini woye eheeedeeeee. hongu VaMugabe wasn't perfect of course because he was human but pavakati Blair keep your England paya aiwa ndiko kugona zve. Remember Gaddafi pa Libya apo?ikozvino Libya yave territory of Libya not the state of Libya navo varungu vamunodisa chaizvo ava. I have nothing against the white men it's only that we should respect each other
apes · 8 months ago
hamuzive zvamunoda kutonga hamungoni Mongouya nematheories Asian dhiri
...,. · 8 months ago
those are not demands, but requests, if they ever came from the DA. south Africans are politically mature and they will sit down and talk and get going. those issues should be coming from people who feel left out, and they want the whole gnu to faiso they can be accommodated. journalists, anc members and foreign countries not happy with the respect of the will of south african voters seem to have created the so-called demands. Ramaphosa will do what is suitable for the gnu and south africa
Igwee · 8 months ago
🧘 · 8 months ago
rega malema na zuma refused to be part and parcel of this Gnu ...
nherera · 8 months ago
To hell ne DA who do they think they are shoot them all and come back alone. Iwe Ramaposa
ndini · 8 months ago
pasi nevarungu pasi ne Afrikaans
Mkomana · 8 months ago
Pakaipa ,rwendo runo ,hameno!Zanu Pf is confused when things go this way because their most loot has something to do with South Africa.Kkkk🙆
Zeus mfana · 8 months ago
What if da pulls out of this gnu
. · 8 months ago
GNU yafa kuti fiiiii
Tkt · 8 months ago
@. GNU ikungoda kuti pawanikwe tuma pato tuno gona kuunganidza 11% dzaka shaikwa nea ANC I think ANC should have just partnered with EFF badzi
Vesto · 8 months ago
@Tkt, it's not just about percentages. it's about seats in Parliament. ANC has 159 seats. EFF 39. That gives an EFF +ANC alliance 196seats which is 4 seats short of 200 needed to rule - minimum. EFF doesn't see eye to eye with Zuma's MK, So that's it. Furthermore in the past administration, ANC and EFF had coalition governments in Gauteng and Nelson Mandela Bay metro, but there were numerous about turns with a change of mayor's almost on a monthly basis. in short EFF is an unreliable partner. They chop and change daily.
Zeus mfana · 8 months ago
Anc wants to act like zanu pf, still remember our own gnu zim, opposition went sleep instead of implementing structural reforms they got bribed by late tyranny bob
African Observer · 8 months ago
unofanira uri born free chete
[ 👀 ] (👃 /👂 ( 👄 ) 🚬: /X\ · 8 months ago
There's nothing wrong with these demands, Tipindewo mabasa joni uko
👀 · 8 months ago
Vakangotora Home Affairs kuchanetsa kuen**** bro. ne Min. of Transport remember these are some of their demands pakaipa apa Ma foreigners kutopazha chete worse usina bepa
pm · 8 months ago
Sakamuchaita sei

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