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Valerio Condemns "Unjust" Arrest Of CCC Members

8 months agoSat, 22 Jun 2024 12:54:06 GMT
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Valerio Condemns "Unjust" Arrest Of CCC Members

The opposition United Zimbabwe Alliance (UZA) party has condemned the arrest of scores of CCC activists on Sunday on allegations of participating in a gathering with the intent to promote violence, breaches of peace or bigotry as well as disorderly conduct.

The CCC activists were arrested at the house of the party’s former senator Jameson Timba in Strathaven in Harare.

In a statement, UZA, which is led by Elisabeth Valerio, condemned the arrests, saying the police were heavy-handed in targeting a peaceful meeting. The party said:

The authorities described the gathering as unsanctioned, an accusation frequently used to suppress political dissent in Zimbabwe.

Police intervention reportedly turned violent and it was claimed the youths were provoked, leading to clashes.
Such incidents clearly reveal the oppressive tactics employed to stifle opposition voices and the blatant disregard for constitutional rights.

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Sections 58 and 59 of the Zimbabwean Constitution explicitly protect freedom of assembly and association, as well as the right to demonstrate and petition, but these rights were flagrantly violated during the arrests.

This event is not an isolated incident, but part of a broader pattern of intimidation and political repression plaguing Zimbabwe.

The systematic targeting of opposition gatherings underscores the urgent need for reform and the protection of fundamental human rights.

Of the 79 individuals apprehended in the police operation at former CCC senator Jameson Timba’s residence, 76 remain in remand custody, with the Harare Magistrates’ Court scheduled to issue its ruling on their bail application on Tuesday, June 25.

Timba’s son, Ndapuwa Shaun Timba, was granted US$100 bail while the other accused person was a 17-year-old minor, who the court remanded into the custody of their guardian.

The third accused person showed signs of potential mental health challenges. In accordance with Section 26 of the Mental Health Act, the court ordered this person to remain in custody pending an examination by two doctors to assess their mental capacity.

The state is opposed to bail in respect of the remaining 76, who were all remanded in custody to Tuesday next week.

More: Pindula News



Tapera · 8 months ago
incoming SADC chairmanship to a country with total disregard to fundamental human rights what a pity of a Banana Republic.Being in opposition should not make citizens enemies of the State
Anonymous · 8 months ago
Thats why this Valerio has no support . She supports unlawfulness . Follow the law and all will go well . Those who are caught breaking the law will be arrested.
Gogo Chi**** vegokwe · 8 months ago
Okay theman wekwaOnnie
because of us · 8 months ago
people do not care, people will continue to support these people.We are politically illiterate as a society.People have been brain washed.
Nero · 8 months ago
time for change is with us now. brace for change not revenge. total shake up
ngwere yemulonyeni · 8 months ago
nganjile bake mkomana
Yoyoyo · 8 months ago
😁😁They should have been shot on site majeri angazarise mahara
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 8 months ago
She (too) must be arrested for harbouring terrorist tendencies. The constitution is very clear on unsanctioned political gatherings.
Miss Jessica · 8 months ago
You're very annoying my friend!!!
nherera · 8 months ago
The guilty are always afraid hakuna munu we CCC hakuna MUnu we Roma kana Anglican Methodist munu munu gathering is no offense maybe vainamata this has gotten out of range
Magaka mambishi · 8 months ago
If people are not. Allowed to cellebrate, does that mean we are independant . Zim hainaa kusununguka
Zuze · 8 months ago
Thanks very much Valerio. The only opposition leader to stand up against tyranny.
Tapera · 8 months ago
It is ridiculous to accuse people gathered quietly at a private residence of "... intent to promote violence, breaches of peace or bigotry as well as disorderly conduct...." How did the police know the INTENTION? To me it sounds like George Orwell's Big Brother in his book '1984', where the state actually employed "Thought Police" who were supposed to know what you were thinking. But seriously speaking, this is the same case like the people arrested and eventually released as non- prosecurable who were arrested for intending to publish election results before ZEC announced. ZANU ngaitiitirewo ma serious
Anonymous · 8 months ago
Ko kana atumwa ne Zanu kuti taura kuti tinzwe kuti vanotii
💙💙Blue 🔵cyclone 🌀🌀 · 8 months ago
UZA President anebrain ehe
Ndo · 8 months ago
Ndafarira maonero ako cde unepfungwa dzakanaka chose. Ndiwe wanoda uzoite president ndoita vp wako nyika ibudirire hazvisi zvemapato asi nyika ngaikure tibve muruoko rwebere. Hurombo huserere tiwe ne magariro ari nani. Hazvifumi zvangonaka chete asi muitiro unoratidzawo kwatoenda. Kwete izvi zvamutiro wafanza zvisina tarisiro kutofa kuuraiwa nemakaro kusaziva kwamambo kuraswa ne hupenyu uku. Musatye cde akundikana ngaabve nguva ichiripo
c.k brothers · 8 months ago
Time may tell
Cde · 8 months ago
Thank you cde for seeing good and bad thank you so much
Xx · 8 months ago
Ngavasungwe kana vachiita zvisiri pamutemo.

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