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South African President Cyril Ramaphosa Sworn In

8 months agoWed, 19 Jun 2024 15:09:41 GMT
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South African President Cyril Ramaphosa Sworn In

South African President Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa began his second term on Wednesday, 19 June, after he took the oath of office at the Union Buildings in Pretoria.

Ramaphosa’s African National Congress (ANC) share of the vote fell to 40% in the 29 May 2024 general election, from 57% in 2019, the party’s worst election result since apartheid ended in South Africa in 1994.

Despite the humiliation, Ramaphosa made it clear that he accepted and respected the results as he officially began his second term at the helm of a government of national unity (GNU) incorporating the white-dominated party, the Democratic Alliance (DA) and other smaller parties. Said Ramaphosa (via IOL):

The voters of South Africa did not give any single party the full mandate to govern our country alone. They have directed us to work together to address their plight and realise their aspirations.

They have expressed their appreciation for the progress in many areas of their lives over the past 30 years of democracy.

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They have also been unequivocal in expressing their disappointment and disapproval of our performance in some of the areas in which we have failed them.

Above all, the people of South Africa have stressed that they are impatient with political bickering and the endless blame game among politicians and political parties.

They want us to put their needs and aspirations first and they want us to work together for the sake of our country.

Ramaphosa noted that despite the progress and milestones achieved, South African society remains deeply unequal and highly polarised. He said:

There are toxic cleavages and an incipient social fragmentation that can easily turn into instability. The lines drawn by our history, between black and white, between man and woman, between suburbs and townships, between urban and rural, between the wealthy and the poor, remain etched in our landscape.

In some places, these lines may have faded, but they have not disappeared. We are citizens of one country and yet we occupy different worlds, separated by high walls and great distances.

Ramaphosa said anarchists and those seeking the collapse of the State will not succeed in their machinations. He said:

We must reject every attempt to divide or distract us, to sow doubt or cynicism, or to turn us against one another.

Those who seek to stand in our way, those who seek to inflame tensions, will not succeed, because South Africans are resolute.

Those who seek to undermine our institutions will fail because democracy lives in the hearts of our people and will never be dislodged.

Several heads of State from different parts of the world including Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa were at the Union Buildings to witness Ramaphosa’s inauguration.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 8 months ago
African Observer · 8 months ago
Zimbabwe is for Zimbabweans South Africa for South Africans. just because black South Africans are busy getting cosy with white Boers to protect the interests of a few white minority doesn't necessarily mean Zimbabwe should copy that.
Oncemore · 8 months ago
@Zuze DA is liberal in what tames, they pretend to be liberal just like our own mdcccccc who pretend to be patriotic. DA is in politics to protect their Land. If anyone tries to touch their land there will be fire. Ramaphosa is a dandahead. The boers will now use Ramaphosa to stop blacks from repossessing land. We shall witness land battles very soon, because Zuma and malema will not sit down. Some will propose to divide south Africa into two, like what Mthwakazi is trying here in Zimbabwe. Time will tell
Zuze · 8 months ago
ndiMbuya Nehanda vari kushopera zvichaitika kuMzansi here ava?
Salted · 8 months ago
typical zanu hypocritical sentiments e.g, land, whites,divide....etc, SA ain't Zim their political maturity speaks for itself
Me · 8 months ago
Wataura pachiZanu mkuru
patz · 8 months ago
Anyone still thinking that there are no white South Africans and white Zimbabweans has over-lived his expiry date. US had an Afrucan as President and UK is having that Sunak as President. This Africa for blacks thing sounds primitive. We have thousands of Zimbabwean who a British, American citizens, running and owning businesses in those countries and sustaing the very Zimbabwe we are saying is for blacks only. Im happy Zim neighbours are not in that fold. Zim busy isolating itself by cheap politicking, corruption and unconstutionalism
Zuze · 8 months ago
@patz, even post-independence Zambia had a white President, David Frost
boy · 8 months ago
blacks in american are called african-american. what can you say abojt that
Salted · 8 months ago
that Zim for blacks bulsh#t is propaganda fed to the illiterate masses, hell it even boils down to tribalism, karanga, zezuru, ndebele....etc this country's the darkest part of the dark continent
maboss · 8 months ago
keep up the spirit south Africans together as one united we stand decided we fall
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 8 months ago
@Anonymous, your sister is your sister regardless that you are poor, ANC and Zimbabwe they are just like bums same nothing will separate them ,,,,,,pamberi ne zanu pf ,Pasi ne mhamduu
Zuze · 8 months ago
Your analogy is as preposterous as your assumed name. ANC is a political party and Zimbabwe is a country. How can a political animal can be equated to a country? ludicrous. But I guess coming from someone who idolises a racist like Putin who calls Africans monkeys, it's not surprising.
Anonymous · 8 months ago
Take home is: ANC is not in any way similar to the ruling party across Limpopo, calling it a sister party is something south africans should refuse.Their level of civilization is something our comrades and sons can never acquire.Infact the only reason why South African peetend to be friends is because Zimbabweis just a customer helping grow the south African economy
Tkt · 8 months ago
And yet in some other country, some a busy advocating for the illegal extension of the Presidential Term in Office to suit the needs of a few elite Cry Africa Cry, democracy is to be formally buried by those of selfish interests 😭😭😭
Patriot · 8 months ago
The issue of land is what sons and daughters of the liberation struggle fought for.Europians shd exploit resources in their mother countries. Did we go to Europe to ask for an inch of land? President RG Mugabe was a man to reckon with. The British were told openly to keep their Britain, not someone else's country.
Salted · 8 months ago
this is cheap recycled propaganda, oh speaking of RG did he die a happy man in his so called zimbabwe?
Cde hondo · 8 months ago
A good lesson to a corruption god father. Yu know him ngaadzidze kuti democracy chii, kushanda pamwe kuti nyika ibudirire zvinoitwa sei. Land reform is a failed program muno. Agriculture yakafa zvachose hapana nyika ine vanepfungwa dzakakwana vanotora land sezvakaitwa muno. Zimbabwe is now a case study on land and how corruption destroy an economy. Whites are better than those Asians.. Chinese.
@Man to Man · 8 months ago
muzimbabwe more akitiwa mapono here guys
ncii · 8 months ago
Ramaphosa you are a true STATESMAN. So humble and so open. You are HUMAN.....
African Observer · 8 months ago
🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔GUPTA family 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 anyway you're a very successful businessman Mr Rama and a politician all in one. You know that your interests and those of your business partners family and friends come first before povo. Africa is for Africans not those with white skin we want the poor South Africans to own the means of production and experience a rise in living standards not those classes and exploitation of other classes currently ongoing over there. Zimbabwe is better because at least no one in his right frame of mind will ever vote for vasina mabvi to lead the country. That only happens when people feel neglected used and abused by those who claim to represent their interests in government.
...,. · 8 months ago
I wish people are given the opportunity to see and hear Ramaphosa's speech, all from his head without reading anything! he is in touch with what is happening and he knows and respects the choice made by south africans of the government of national unity. he is very optimistic that the gnu will work for the good of his people, country and continent.
🇿🇦🇿🇦 · 8 months ago
who think opposition parties are machinations of the Western countries, as per the election results the voters voted for a party of their choice without any influence from the west , because of policy failures within the ANC voters moved their votes to another party thereby living the ruling ANC with lesser votes , if it was one of our neighbors, he wouldn't accept this scenario and would find ways to undo the p
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 8 months ago
Congratulations President Ramaphosa
🇿🇦🇿🇦 · 8 months ago
Well done to all South Africans who showed unity of purpose in today's inauguration of President C. Ramaphosa, this should be a beginning of a new Era and a lesson to some of our neighbors who think opp
Oncemore · 8 months ago
The Boers have made history, the question remains, how will they solve the land issue. I think in the coming elections EFF and MK will work together, and also some of the people in NAC are not happy with the unity government
Zuze · 8 months ago
Parochial thinking, dogma and stereotyping are the hallmark of ZANOIDs. Why do you have to make reference to Boers when the National Party collapsed ignominiously in 1999? If you were a student of current affairs or if you bothered to read Soith African history, you would have been aware that the DA was and has always been a Liberal party before and after independence. Prior to 1994 it was in opposition to the Boer dominated National Party. At majority rule in 1994 it garnered only 1.5% of the vote. But ever since it has grown to be the largest opposition party in South Africa with 23% of the vote, over 3.5million voters, of all shapes and colours. At one time they even has a Black Leader. the charismatic Mmusi Maimane. Your preoccupation with land is misguided and isn't even topical in South Africa. To quote Ramaphosa the issues of concern yo South Africans are " fragmentation that can easily turn into instability. The lines drawn by our history, between black and white, between man and woman, between suburbs and townships, between urban and rural, between the wealthy and the poor...." Nowhere in his speech did mention land as an issue. For you. an armchair critic to want to make a mountain out of a molehill is despicable to say the least. South Africans have their own priorities. Please don't try to create priorities for them. ANC tried to ramrod compulsory land acquisition last year but they lost the vote in Parliament. why? Because South Africans so the mess that that made in Zimbabwe and they don't want a repeat in their beautiful country.
African Observer · 8 months ago
iwewe zuze iwewe usade kunyepa unofunga kut mazwi akarehwa na Jacob Zuma na Julius Malema hatina kuanzwa kani????????????????????????
Salted · 8 months ago
what is this obsession with zanoids and land? you've repossessed it for 20+ years bt there's nothing to show but idle land
Anonymous · 8 months ago
@Oncemore Its been 44 years and you have failed to sought out the land issue, despite the violence and destruction. Nobody owns land in Zimbabwe, except those in ZANU and in power. Even those in ZANU, their "ownership" of their farms is always in doubt in case the annoy the faction that is in power. You are so ****. Leave South Africans to solve their challenges in their own way. Nobody will ever copy the Zimbabwe chaos. Nobody!
national · 8 months ago
no deputy only big head and unity government below
RTGS · 8 months ago
So who is Deputy President or how many Deputies are there?
fugu pfeee · 8 months ago
be patient zvichaburitswa

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