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Mnangagwa In South Africa To Attend Cyril Ramaphosa’s Presidential Inauguration

8 months agoWed, 19 Jun 2024 08:46:39 GMT
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Mnangagwa In South Africa To Attend Cyril Ramaphosa’s Presidential Inauguration

President Emmerson Mnangagwa travelled to South Africa on Tuesday, 18 June, to attend the inauguration of President Cyril Ramaphosa, leader of the African National Congress (ANC).

The inauguration will take place at the Union Buildings in Pretoria today.

Posting on his X page yesterday, Mnangagwa said Zimbabwe and South Africa will continue pushing for a prosperous and united Africa. He wrote:

Today, I arrived at Waterkloof Airforce Base in South Africa and will have the honour of attending President @CyrilRamaphosa’s inauguration. President Ramaphosa’s re-election underscores the enduring bond and shared aspirations between our two nations. Together, we continue to strive for a prosperous and united Africa.

In a statement, the South African Presidency said at least 18 Heads of State and Government, three former Heads of State and Government and nine heads of delegation are expected to attend.

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Ramaphosa garnered 283 votes ahead of Julius Malema of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) who received 44 votes during the Presidential election at Parliament in Cape Town on Friday last week.

The ANC was forced into a coalition government (Government of National Unity) that includes the white-dominated Democratic Alliance (DA), the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), GOOD, and the Patriotic Alliance (PA), after it failed to obtain the 50-plus per cent threshold in the general election that was held on May 29.

The ANC won the lion’s share of the votes and has 159 seats, the DA has 87 seats, the IFP has 17 seats, the PA has 9 seats, and the GOOD Party has 1 seat.

Unlike in Zimbabwe, where the President and MPs are elected directly by voters, in South Africa, MPs are elected from party lists.

The percentage of votes each party wins results in the same percentage of MPs in Parliament and Parliament then elects a president.

Ramaphosa was elected by MPs from the ANC, the DA and their coalition partners.

More: Pindula News



The Dude · 8 months ago
That must have been a very uncomfortable experience for Mnangagwa. He acts contrary to every value and principle upheld in Ramaphosa's speech. It means that Ramaphosa/ANC has gone against all of Mnangagwa's advice.
🏃 Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 8 months ago
when the devil is congratulating satan
· 8 months ago
Tongombeya goes again. Trying to beat Bhobho's World gallivanting record. Round the World in Eight Days
Oncemore · 8 months ago
Reminds me of General chiwenga, he pronounces big words the way that suits him kkkkk
· 8 months ago
Dheripitating... dhepiritating .... dhebhitiriting... God bresss Orodhi Pumura
Oncemore · 8 months ago
@....,. I have seen Monica mutsvangwa giving a national report on TV. She not have any paper, I only learnt that she was reading from somewhere when l checked the movement of her eyes, she was also struggling to read some of the big words, so it became obvious to me that she was reading a prepared speech
Big · 8 months ago
And what's wrong with that?
BoyZone · 8 months ago
Aenda kosangana na Chivhayo ku SA
.. · 8 months ago
Chibaba · 8 months ago
illegitimate garweeeee
Bob · 8 months ago
Ndimi ma zanu munomboti kubatana nevarungu kutengesa manje murikudei kumunhu abatana kutonga nevarungu ve DA.... Hooo munoda varungu varikwenyu chete ana joshua sacco, vangeris haritatos
Anonymous · 8 months ago
Yesterdays news pindula
Mike · 8 months ago
The bond between Zimbabwe and South Africa has long been rooted in shared values and principles as the ruling parties in respective countries are both liberation movements.Now that ANC has lost its influence to convince South Africans that their problems can be solved by the party's ideological principles , its bilateral relations with Zimbabwe is likely to slide a bit.This is because South Africa's national agendas or interests are no longer independently dictated by the ANC but collectively with other parties carrying slightly different ideologies. However, diplomatic relations between these two countries will remain but South Africa is no longer driven by struggle aligned policies instead collectivism is taking centre stage here!. Your presence at the inauguration Your Excellence signifies the existence of mutual relationships between these progressive Southern African countries.Hats Off
...,. · 8 months ago
it will no longer be business as usual for Rama. being more of a business person than a politician I expect him to perform with excellence with the business and development oriented DA. I am sure the reduced ANC presence in parliament will mean less political squabbles, a positive for Rama. Congratulations to South Africa for honouring and upholding the wish of the South African people without being disturbed by powerful individuals.
Anonymous · 8 months ago
Congratulations Honorable MC RAMAPHOSA 👏
BLUE AND WHITE PARTY · 8 months ago
Cde hondo · 8 months ago
Corruption god father
· 8 months ago
Akadaidzwa here mupurwa kana kuti angoitawo gate crusher?
Anonymous · 8 months ago
Kkkkkkk gakanje rinongo pembera nenyika

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