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Crisis In Zimbabwe Coalition Calls For A Commission Of Inquiry On State Capture

9 months agoTue, 18 Jun 2024 15:11:40 GMT
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Crisis In Zimbabwe Coalition Calls For A Commission Of Inquiry On State Capture

The Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition (CiZC), a group made up of over 90 non-governmental organisations (NGOs), has urged law enforcement agencies to take action against anyone who steals from the state, regardless of their position in society.

In a statement, CiZC spokesperson Marvellous Kumalo said the capture of the State by criminals has reached”alarming” levels. Said Kumalo:

The current events in our nation are alarming… We urge all Zimbabweans to stand up against the Chivayo mafia and all syndicates capturing the state. Our country is at risk, and soon we may be left with no country.

Kumalo’s statement comes after Wicknell Chivayo and his business partners Moses Mpofu and Mike Chimombe turned against him and exposed a murky US$40 million Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) deal.

The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) on Sunday said it was investigating the contract.

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However, Kumalo claimed that the undue control over various branches of the government and the Executive by criminals was concerning. He said:

What Zimbabwe is currently facing under President Mnangagwa can be described as a form of criminal state capture by his associates who are involved in corrupt business with the president.

We urge law enforcement agencies to impartially hold accountable anyone who steals from the state, even if they claim to have the backing of the President.

Scandals such as the ZEC and the Ministry of Local Government’s mishandling of fire-tender contracts cannot be overlooked.

Better Brands company, owned by ZANU PF Member of Parliament, Scott Sakupwanya, was reportedly involved in the contract to supply election-related material to ZEC in the run-up to the 23 August 2023 general elections.

Kumalo said this jeopardises ZEC’s independence and its ability to oversee fair elections. He said:

The disarray witnessed with the delayed arrival of ballot papers and other election materials is evidence of the flawed tendering process and its inefficiencies.

It’s been confirmed that some suppliers provided materials to ZEC without going through a competitive tender process.

The August 2023 election had a budget of US$188 million. It did not have proper costing and worse, no transparent procurement process.

Kumalo said evidence has emerged that a server, which typically costs US$4 700 was purchased for US$1.2 million. He said:

This raises questions about the philosophy of ‘gutsa ruzhinji’ when a select few are looting state resources to buy cars.

The US$188 million misspent could have been used to secure grain for citizens affected by drought or purchase much-needed hospital equipment for public hospitals.

It’s deeply concerning when taxpayers are forced to travel to South Africa for cancer treatments and other complex surgeries due to the lack of proper facilities at home…

It is disheartening to see the links between the illicit ZEC funds and the turmoil in parliament. It’s especially troubling that a recipient of this money was able to enter Parliament as the uncontested representative of the Mabvuku-Tafara constituency.

This undermining of Parliament is damaging to our democracy, particularly if, as mentioned earlier, the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary all seem to be influenced by this aggressive criminal mafia.

Kumalo demanded the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry to thoroughly investigate state capture and the “ZEC-gate” scandal, adding that those found guilty should be punished.

More: Pindula News



Abero · 8 months ago
Zvekuti pane achasungwa lets forget about it, pakuda kuti musiki apindire vashaye anotambidza water kana vakufenda, musaise mvura padhuze next time, zvima seconds izvozvo nyika inosunungurwa, ndatenda hangu
Anonymous · 8 months ago
Inquiry into State capture in Zimbabwe under zanupf, that's a joke of the millennium...
view from the barracks · 8 months ago
fellow Zimbabweans, get it straight from some of us who are genuine soldiers of the people. we are there in the military and we are suffering as well just like yu are doing in this country. we are witnessing a few of our bosses in the military who are part of this mafia cartel corruptly looting and stealing national resources. we want to assure the whole nation that a plan and program spearheaded by genuine military personnel in conjunction with all stakeholders is underway to rescue Zimbabwe from the shackles of misrule and state capture. soon, you will all know that we in the military were also suffering the consequences of state capture and lack of proper governance in this country. we have taken note of the deteriorating state of the nation in this country and come to the conclusion that this madness and blatant disregard of our country's laws from another set of criminals must be stopped. the nation meanwhile is encouraged to remain focused as we pursue our own freedom and national course. i thank you all compatriots.
cde · 8 months ago
imbosiyai chamisa atonge muone zaac chaiyo ne zec hamuzonzwi munhuwi wemboko idzi chivhayo mukati nevamwe vako ed, malaba, chigumba, mutsvangwa vese mukati ipapo munoona kuti 10c chaiyo unobva wakagukuchira nebhara $10 unopedza gore uchiidyaa kwete zvana kamba ava ****a dzevanhu mapfupa anehanda achamuka ndokuudzai shaya dzichabovera idzoo nenda muma jere zvikasadaro rufu rwuchakumedzai nyikaikaswera yakufurwa nemhepo
secret · 8 months ago
vane stong rural background
shut up · 9 months ago
A total of 90 NGOs to hell
Nmg · 9 months ago
Zvobva kumusoro kuuya kutsika kkkkk. Munoshura mose kutizwa nembava murimbavha mose
tani · 9 months ago
hapana chisingaperi
Mudhibhisi · 9 months ago
We have a whole President supervising the looting of our resources.Its just that some people don't realise the sacredness of the offices they occupy.Some Offices shld be free of any allegations both imaginary and real.
Cde hondo · 9 months ago
All this points to ED.... He is an incompetent leader... Hapana hapana. He must step-down in shame hanzi 3rd term yekuita matakanana iwaya
· 9 months ago
He's the Godfather of Corruption
xxc · 9 months ago
ko Mnangagwa wacho munomutyirei ndo tglhe route of all evil
Rhabos · 9 months ago
ED aenda aenda paS.a asiya nyika iri paAuto "I nid water ...water.....water".....
· 9 months ago
The country has been on autopilot since 2017 November 17
African Observer · 9 months ago
ko kana ndanyura amaiweee ko kana ndanyura?
Bambo · 9 months ago
zvinoitika here izvi nhai
@Man to Man · 9 months ago
asi chigumba ibabe boe wan....i
...,. · 9 months ago
they now OWN the country and those of us who cannot leave for the diaspora stay in it, powerless.
bvepfe · 9 months ago
hazvishande manyepo hanty judeciary makaisa mafrie ds enyu Ani anosunga chivjayo ?
Sultanate of Bhurunai · 9 months ago
Tomorrow demonstration mutown zvatanga
monthlante comission · 9 months ago
please call me back.....I love Zimbabwe
Nkosana · 9 months ago
ZEC soo, nxaaa useless na Mai Chigumba wayo
👽👽 · 9 months ago
Courts are captured, police captured, army captured, etc all systems dance to the music of one man ,who can defend any wrongdoers because he is also benefiting from these shoddy deals ,and no one wil darel ask him
patz · 9 months ago
Vamwe wese captured yes kwete Army. Muchatoona mumwe munhu akepichiwa ne army manje manje
pfeerorist thief in charge · 9 months ago
'Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition'???....😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 what a name
donated aqua · 9 months ago
start with tshabangu
· 9 months ago
NO. It starts with Numero Uno , Number 1 Nxale phezulu ⬆️⬆️⬆️ Kimusoro Sorov ikoko ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️
Oncemore · 9 months ago
Genuine grievances, hope the authorities will that this seriously and get to the bottom of the matter without any fear or favor
Xxx · 8 months ago
Xxx · 8 months ago
Authorities are compromised

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