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War Veterans Mull Forming Political Party

9 months agoMon, 17 Jun 2024 09:28:22 GMT
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War Veterans Mull Forming Political Party

A faction of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA) is concerned that some of their colleagues are planning to turn the organisation into a political party to challenge ZANU PF in future elections.

There are fears that the war veterans were inspired by events in South Africa where former president Jacob Zuma formed the uMkhonto weSizwe (MK Party) which contested the 29 May general elections and denied the ruling African National Congress (ANC) a governing majority.

As reported by The Standard, a faction of the ZNLWA has been secretly plotting to form a new political party after President Emmerson Mnangagwa allegedly revealed his intentions to extend his mandate beyond the two-term constitutional limit.

The faction, led by Moffat Marashwa, last week walked out of a meeting held in Harare on Monday to discuss various issues affecting ex-combatants, saying the meeting was being used to prepare for the formation of an opposition party.

The meeting was co-chaired by War Veterans Minister Monica Mavhunga and acting Public Service Minister Lovemore Matuke.

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National executive members of another faction of the ZNLWVA such as Andrease Mathibela, Dadirai Gijimana and Edward Dube, also attended the meeting, as well as Douglas Mahiya, who is the ZANU PF War Veterans League national secretary in the politburo.

In a communique dated June 11, 2024, to update members of his faction, which was seen by The Standard, Marashwa wrote:

The meeting was intended to inform us of a roadmap (sic) they had planned to hold an illegal national congress of the ZNLWVA on an unknown date.

Cde Marashwa’s deligates (sic) walked out of the meeting after realising that the meeting was intended to convert the ZNLWVA into a political party like what happened in South Africa where MK challenged ANC in the recent elections…

As your national executive committee, we are going to resist any actions intended to divert the ZNLWVA founding objectives of improving the welfare of our members.

Mathibela, who leads a ZNLWVA camp that is not a ZANU PF affiliate, confirmed the meeting but denied claims that they were plotting to form a new political party. He told The Standard:

There is no element of truth in that. We are just talking about the state of the nation where we pray things could change for the better for all Zimbabweans as currently, Zimbabwe is not functional.

More: Pindula News



Kg · 8 months ago
While we sympathize with these gallant sons who selflessly fought for our liberation, that won't lead us to support any move they might think to launch a political party to fight against zanupf, NO!! We have war collaborators who up now have not received even a farthing. our mother's who cooked for the guerrillas have since perished without being rewarded for the noble cause they fought for. All participants of the war deserve renunciation but people wait patiently for that day to come. Given the prevailing economic climate.. the war vets must exercise utmost patriotism like in the beginning. we didn't fight the war to be RICH, NO. We fought to regain our land that was stolen. we were and still NOT MERCENARIES!!! so therefore let's go into reasonable dialog with the relevant authorities and iron our problems amicably.
Anonymous · 9 months ago
The issue at hand for critical thinkers is that the current crop of war veteran leadership through the PVO Act wants to exercise its indepence and autonomy. War veterans do not seek any favour besides what the Constitution entitles them. They remain mindful that the Nation is experiencing challenges but currently are seized with the mandate of the war veteran community. The other agendas remain in the purview of Political parties who are tje legislature.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
Ukabuda mu Zanu pf life yako inosvava
Gunvosta · 9 months ago
45yrs on you are stil crying for freebies the youths want jobs and food hondo kudhara kuye izvi zvekuswero kuti war vet bla bla hazvipe vanhu pundutso izvi
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Thats the new Txhabangu loading
secret · 9 months ago
nothing connection betwin war vets nd leaderd
Cde hondo · 9 months ago
Abiyangu takambokuudzai kuti murikushandiswa nevarume ava kubva nguva ya mugabe mukati vamwe venyu takutengesa.... Nhamo yakusvinudzai manje zvino zvamangove hari dzofanzirofa... We fought for democracy one man one vote and not for zanu pf.. Anyone asarudzwa nevanhu ngaatonge hazvinei nebato..... Im sorry to say warvets makadzosera chirongwa cherusununguko kumas**** by siding with zanu pf
madzibaba · 9 months ago
pane chir wrong chinoda kugadziriswa ukaona zvavakudai munyika
Ndini · 9 months ago
Munhu uyo anozviti chibaby cheZanu i****oo
Zim-Sketch · 9 months ago
vana vembwa havasvinure musi umwechete, mbijna mbijana tosvinura tose mamanje
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
Terrorists shall not be condoned.
⛹️🕺🏋️ · 9 months ago
🖕 no1 terrorist
👀👀 · 9 months ago
Vakanganwa ma water canons egore riya , rega vaite futi
Where · 9 months ago
Where were you ****ed dortts of foolish river, wake up you are ready late in such activity. MUKA MUKA IWE NDAPFUNYA VHUKA VHUKA UGIJIME LAPA. LET ME TELL YOU:you are late but proceed formation of a party its welcome and it's not an opposition one, it's still zanupf the second. Me too I was promised in 1980 to get a grinding mill until to-date nil in my 🖐️ hand. Unofa nenhamo uchiti achanzwa chichemo chako. Chichemo chako ndechako wega unotozvichemera kusvika wanyarara kana kutozo nyaradzwa ne Nyaradzo Funeral Policy kana unayo /mwana wako ainayo. Ungapiwe muguri we chibage neGudo kupi kwazvakaitika. Munofa makadaro makarindirira mafufu kusina kurikugaiwa mbesa. GARA NDICHAUYA ZVAKO IWE WARVET haa zvichaita, zvino zvino, kana tapedza kuvhota, kana gold diamond... rate gwa, Lithium, chrome... yatengwa mapere aenda ku Russia zvinoita chivhayo anouya nema billions soon, sean akaendesa muurungwa wake Ndokupai zvino zvino, chipatara chachiwengua chaita mari Ndokupai, prisca akaunza 90million mese munowana soon, o mpofu ane 15billion Wana wenyu wanoenda kuschool free ngano makore akupfuura 50 kuchembera ka uko. Agricultural inputs Ndokupai mobva mandivhotera akashaya next election time munopiwa. Umwe a kuti water water kuguta mari uko haaziwi kuti nhamo kutambura chiiiiii agere booo. MUKA iwe MUKA kwakaedza kare bere rakura Gira kupinda murussia iwe musuwo we ndege haubvumidzwi kuona kana kubata uripanze. Passport unayo kobere zvaro zvaraenda out of africa iwe mu harare haumuziwi chako ku tsigira iwe uchisara zvakadaro. Nguva yapera varume zvakafanana warume kwese kufa edzai zvose nekuti hapana chaunacho iwee. Musade kumiririrwa zvimirirei mega open 🔓⛹️‍♂️⛹️‍♂️ foot let's go......... Soro bangu arikuda natshabangu, chamisa, chivhayo, prisca, mutsvangwa cris namoni, grace Joyce jameson putin muswere iwe wakangoti bbiiiiii kufuzura maziso ane nzara
rms · 9 months ago
which near future are they talking about how many war veterans do we still have
dee~tales · 9 months ago
All said and done, these guys lost the war. This mantra of saying we won bla bla its utter rubbish.
patz · 9 months ago
Why a u saying so. Didnt Independence come as a result of winning the war. May u can explain better
Tina · 9 months ago
Not all warvets received 50000, some did not get it because they were opposed to Mugabe, especially the zipra guys, so they now like, but unfortunately many died
Tina · 9 months ago
Zvaida Chenjerai Hunzvi, not the current crop of war vets
patz · 9 months ago
MaWar vets akapusa haatoziwi kuti anorohwa divide and rule. Vaya vakati ngwarei vanoda kusumudza musoro vanongodyiswa bag votopodza rudhende rwese zvotopera. Iwo mawar vet acho anongoramba akangovanda chete 40 yrs after hondo kunofanirwa kunge kwangosara 50 chete🤣🤣🤣🤣
Tina · 9 months ago
@Patz, I agree with you. The freedom fighters did not fight on empty stomachs, our parents fought too
· 9 months ago
Haiwawo, ma'O' Vet acho asara manganiko? Inga Zuma akatiparira
Chibaba · 9 months ago
Masoja ngaafome party yawo by gindee by force Mnangagwa achida asingade.
patz · 9 months ago
The power of a President is within the army Bob paakapandukirwa nemasoja akasara yangowe huku pasina kanaPolice or CIO which came to his rescue. Vaizviti ndiwo vari close kwaari vakarowa chamurambamhuru kutiza- Ndabva ndafunga Mandi Chimene, Jonso, Muzembi, Kasukuwere, Patrick Dhliwayo
Povo Yaramba · 9 months ago
The Zimbabwe war veterans must realise one thing. They are very unpopular with the people after orchestrating political violence on the people for 44yrs in favour of Zanu Pf.
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Dont paint the bad brush on all War veterans. If your family member tirns out to be a thug, does it mean the whole family are thugs?
Tina · 9 months ago
Gorvenment is paying too much attention to the war vets at the expense of povo or ordinary citizens, that could be another reason why zanu pf is losing important votes. The war was fought with many people including povo, but the government did nothing for the people since independence. The povo want money too, and special treatment as well
Sultanate of Bhurunai · 9 months ago
That is lame

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